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Technique and Safety Aspects of Resistance Exercises:

A Systematic Review of the Literature
Juan C. Colado, PhD; Xavier García-Massó

Abstract: A systematic review of the scientific literature was conducted to identify the optimal ranges of motion for preventing injury
in the main joints of the body during resistance exercise performance. These ranges of motion are independent of the type in which
the resistance exercises could be applied (ie, adults, elderly, athletes, recreational exercisers), and the regions examined include the
shoulder, spine, and knee, which are injured most often. It can be concluded that during the performance of any resistance exercise, it
is possible to put anatomical structures at risk with certain body positions; therefore, it is necessary to understand these movements
so injury can be avoided.
Keywords: weight training; injuries; prevention; shoulder; spine; knee

Juan C. Colado, PhD 1

Xavier García-Massó 1
Adaptations from a resistance training program depend on both the prescription of optimal
University of Valencia,
Valencia, Spain
volume and intensity combination and the selection and execution of optimal exercises.1 Correct
exercise technique is a basic principle in all exercise programs and is not limited to the level of
physical conditioning of the exerciser or the type of program employed. Applying correct exercise
technique involves understanding the limits of the range of motion of every joint and avoiding
the joint positions that put the anatomical structures of the joint at risk. The primary problem
with many of the contraindicated exercises or joint positions in an exercise is that the injuries
are often not acute, but chronic injuries, which manifest over time. Therefore, the direct cause
of the injury is not obvious immediately.
It must be emphasized that resistance training is safe,2 but the level of safety is maximized
when resistance exercises are performed under the supervision of a professional with knowledge
of the proper exercise technique. Without knowledgeable professionals, the probability of soft
tissue and joint injury is higher, despite the fact that the risk of injury with this type of train-
ing is low when compared with other sport activities.2 Therefore, it is not recommended that
exercises carrying a higher level of risk be avoided altogether; rather, they should be performed
with the optimal range of motion to avoid the riskier joint positions. There are general variables
that can influence the magnitude of the potential for injury of some of the joint actions involved
in an exercise. 3
One variable is the capacity of the anatomic structures to withstand and adapt to the ten-
sion as a result of the tensile, compression, shear, and rotational forces that they are exposed
to during resistance training. Knudson 4 indicates that to minimize structural damage, the joint
range of motion of a movement should be limited to the range necessary to make improvements
Correspondence: in the movement. Ergonomic research has resulted in conclusions that the proximal and distal
Juan C. Colado, PhD,
Department of Physical extremes of the range of motion represent an increased risk of damage. 5 The second variable is
Education and Sports, the injury history of the tissues, and research supports the use of limited range of motion with
University of Valencia,
Valencia, 46010,
previously injured tissues.6 The final variables that can affect predisposition of tissues to injury
Spain. are the environmental conditions, such as ambient temperature or time of day. 7 This article aims
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to identify the optimal ranges of motion for preventing injury on the main joints of the body
E-mail: during the performance of resistance exercises.

104 © THE PHYSICIAN AND SPORTSMEDICINE • ISSN – 0091-3847, June 2009, No. 2, Volume 37

Safety During Resistance Exercises

Materials and Methods lateral pulldown and press behind the neck and the pullover in
Literature Search Strategy the supine position, performed with a greater range of motion.
A review of the literature was performed to identify what Thus, it is recommended to perform the exercises in front of
ranges of motion and joint actions must be avoided during the face for the lateral pulldown and vertical press and with
resistance exercises to reduce the risk of injury. A literature the arms in a position of a 30° angle forward with respect to
search was performed using the following databases: PubMed, the scapular plane.8,12
ScienceDirect, SPORTDiscusTM, SpringerLink, and Web of The glenohumeral movements of extreme horizontal
Science®. Several combinations of keywords were used. Some abduction with a load can generate instability in the ante-
works that authors already knew were also included in the rior region of the shoulder and degenerative changes in the
review. There were no time limitations, and the languages of acromioclavicular joint.8,11,14,15 This action can be common
the search were English and Spanish. in exercises such as a barbell bench press with a narrow grip
and in flies and bench presses with dumbbells (when they are
Inclusion Criteria performed with a large range of motion). The correct range
All studies had to meet one inclusion criterion to be included in this of motion should consist of a maximum amplitude of a 30°
review. This criterion was that one aim of each study was to identify angle of horizontal abduction.16 One recommendation for
what joint actions or ranges of motion must be avoided during the limiting the joint range of motion is to perform the eccentric
performance of resistance exercises to reduce the risk of injury. After phase of the exercise until the depth of 4-cm width over the
the complete review of all selected works, an additional search was sternum,8 and/or perform the exercises of bench press or
performed to find articles mentioned in these works that apparently push-ups with intermediate grip width or hand placement
passed the inclusion criterion. Authors then read the abstracts of to avoid the extreme horizontal abduction with load.8 In this
these newly selected articles, and finally, if they passed the inclusion case, according to the recommendation of Colado,17 it can be
criterion, they were included in the review. useful to perform a grip or hand placement that permits the
wrist to stay aligned with the forearm during the major part
Summary of the range of the exercise. This recommendation generally
Injury Risk Analysis and Correct Technique avoids adduction of the wrist, which could cause scaphoid
Shoulder overload. Also, it is necessary to consider that the usual wrist
Durall et al8 noted that shoulder injuries are common in hyperextension in pressing exercises with a narrow grip or
individuals who train with resistance exercise, and poor hand placement can cause carpal tunnel syndrome.13,17,18 In
exercise technique can result in hyperlaxity (and with this, these pressing movements (eg, the push-up exercise with a
glenohumeral instability). In addition, the hyperlaxity results very wide hand placement or with the hands rotated outward
in a greater contribution of the rotator cuff; this compensatory such as in a 1-hand push-up), a potentially dangerous position
work may generate fatigue, tendonitis, and pain. Although for the structural health of the elbow can be produced.19 The
this particular research focuses primarily on individuals with same occurs in the 2-handed push-up, in which the hands are
existing shoulder problems, these same considerations could placed in an internally rotated position,20 and it is more advised
be used to avoid the development of injury in healthy subjects. to perform push-up exercises with 2 hands as opposed to 1.21
Many authors indicate that anterior glenohumeral Fees et al10 and Durall et al8 indicate that the posterior
hyperlaxity is more common and is caused by movements of glenohumeral hyperlaxicity can be caused during pulling
abduction, extreme external rotation, and some horizontal movements of a 90° angle of flexion of the shoulder (eg,
abduction.8–12 This maximizes the stress over the anterior during the eccentric phase of rowing exercise). Other kinds
capsule of the glenohumeral joint and, more precisely, over of movements that result in a similar joint position, such as
the anterior-inferior glenohumeral ligament. It is necessary extreme internal rotation at a 90° angle of flexion, can cause
to point out that the repetitive movement of abduction and compression syndrome.17,22 In this syndrome, pain and inflam-
external rotation in the extreme range may result in neural mation are produced by the entrapment and compression
alterations such as suprascapular neuropathy.13 Examples of of the soft tissues between the head of the humerus and the
exercises that reproduce these contraindicated actions are the scapular acromion process and the coracoacromial ligament.

© THE PHYSICIAN AND SPORTSMEDICINE • ISSN – 0091-3847, June 2009, No. 2, Volume 37 105

Juan C. Colado and Xavier García-Massó

This contraindicated action is common when shoulder flexion girdle because of the high loads that are commonly used in
is performed with extreme internal rotation when the arm these exercises.
reaches a 90° angle of shoulder flexion and in the push-up or Finally, the forced movements of flexion, adduction,
dumbbell bench press, in which extreme internal rotation is and internal rotation of the glenohumeral region can cause
performed at the end of the concentric phase. In addition to other manifestations of the impingement syndrome or
performing the exercises with a correct technique, nutrition denominated such as in subacromiocoracoidae syndrome in
supplement intake such as omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty the anterior-internal type.28–31 This consists of inflammation of
acids pinitol and glucosamine could be efficient to reduce the subcoracoid bursa for the friction with the lesser tubercle
inflammation.23–25 of the humerus, and this inflammation can cause a reduction
Overuse of the repetitive movements of abduction over of the area subsequent to compression of the surrounding soft
an 80° angle of more extreme internal rotation of the gle- tissues. A typical exercise in which this contraindicated action
nohumeral joint can cause the greater tubercle to pinch the can be performed is the cable crossover, in which the arms
subdeltoid bursa and tendons of the rotator cuff against the cross at the end of the range of motion, and on that point a
acromion.8,12,17 This results in the subacromiocoracoidae forced rotation movement is carried out.17
syndrome of the anterior-superior type or also denominated as
in impingement syndrome. This process can result in tendonitis Vertebral Column
of the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, and/or the long portion of Lumbar pain is a significant problem in public health in
the biceps brachii. Examples of exercises that reproduce this industrialized countries,32 and it is one of the main causes of
contraindicated action could be the lateral raise with extreme functional limitations in adults. There are approximately 10
internal rotation and upright rowing with glenohumeral million people who suffer lumbar pain daily.33 The lumbar
abduction of ⬎ an 80° angle with the bar in the dropped posi- region is usually the most affected in all segments of the popu-
tion.8 Peterson and Renström26 also stated that repetitive lation;33,34 within the lumbar region, the most affected vertebral
shoulder movements with the shoulder abducted between aa areas are those between L4 and L5 and between L5 and the first
80° and 120° angle, even without extreme internal rotation, can sacrum.35 Fortunately, this common problem can be avoided
cause subacromial bursitis and a decrease in blood flow, and or at least reduced if the potential weaknesses of the spine are
with this can increase the risk of other types of local injuries. known. Lumbar pain related to resistance training is often the
From these indications, it can be deduced that shoulder abduc- result of chronic repetitive performance of contraindicated
tion must not be ⬎ 80° in these exercises that are performed actions, such as performing exercises in poor postural posi-
in constant horizontal abduction or adduction. These authors tions.2,17 The most common injuries are in muscles that can be
also indicate that the prolonged use of the shoulder muscles easily rehabilitated. Fortunately, the percentage of injuries that
with an arm level equal or higher than the shoulder height can can affect the passive structures is not high, and this is more
cause tendonitis of the supraspinatus; thus, it is necessary to important because it can cause serious functional incapacity.8
reduce the volume of work in these actions.26 A fundamental guideline during resistance exercises
Another contraindicated action related to exercise per- is that the spine must be in a neutral position, which is an
formance for the upper extremities is permitting that the intermediate position between maximum flexion and exten-
bar bounces or hits the body over the sternum in the bench sion in which the physiological curvatures are respected.36 The
press exercise because this action can cause a sternal fracture, posterior vertebral structures can be damaged when the spine
sternoclavicular sprain, or dislocation and separation of is in maximum extension, whereas the interarticular structures
the costochondrals.27 Shankman27 stated that the risk of and ligaments can be damaged when the spine is in flexion
acromioclavicular sprains in the eccentric phase of the and with vertical load.8,32 The degrees of amplitude of joint
exercise (eg, in a shrug or an upright row) is not performed movement of the spine for the following regions are: a) lumbar
in a controlled manner. Shankman27 also stated that there is region: flexion of 40°,16 extension of 25°37 or 30°,16 rotation of
the possibility of causing an acromioclavicular ligament injury, 5°,16 and lateral flexion of 20° to 30°;16 b) dorsal region: rotation
such as standing calf raise or even the hack squat, if muscular of 37°16 and lateral flexion of 20°;16 c) dorsolumbar region:
tension is not maintained to prevent depression of the shoulder flexion of 105°,16 extension of 60°,16 and rotation of 45°;16,37

106 © THE PHYSICIAN AND SPORTSMEDICINE • ISSN – 0091-3847, June 2009, No. 2, Volume 37

Safety During Resistance Exercises

d) cervical region: flexion of 40°16 or 35° to 45°,37 extension The cervical region can be damaged during resistance
of 30°,37 rotation of 80°,16 and lateral flexion of 35° to 45°.16 exercises. It has been demonstrated that flexion of the cervical
The spine can support greater axial loads by maintaining region during the lateral pulldown behind the neck and the
the correct position of the physical curvatures,38 where the vertical behind neck press is very damaging,9,10 and it has been
reduction of these curvatures increases the risks of sustaining shown that cervical flexion during the lateral pulldown behind
disk degeneration. 39,40 For example, if the physiological the neck can produce a transitory neural injury of the brachial
curvature of the lumbar region is reduced during a plexus.10 Shankman27 indicated that placing the bar over the
maintained seated position, it could increase the injury risk spinous processes of the seventh cervical vertebrae during
of the posterior structures.41 Thus, the myth of maintaining the squat exercise can cause an avulsion of these processes.
a flat position of the spine (inverting the curvatures) dur- It is also possible to cause damage to inferior cervical disks
ing resistance exercises is rejected and is more important if when combining a movement of protraction of the chin with
loads are used in a vertical position, with the weight placed the elevation of the shoulders by the energetic action of the
longitudinally over the spine.35 Thus, it is better to perform an superior fibers of the trapezius muscle. This can occur when
exercise that moves weight vertically in a standing position as the cervical neutral position is lost during the shrug, behind
opposed to performing the exercise in a vertical seated posi- the neck press, or extension of the ankle in a machine.50 How-
tion in which there is an inversion of the spine curvatures. ever, it is possible in other exercises in which the trapezius is
An added benefit of standing exercises is the level of physical working as a synergist (eg, the lateral raise in a standing posi-
conditioning of the trunk musculature; for maintaining the tion, inclined bench press, or lateral pulldown in front of and
correct spinal position in a seated position, it is not neces- behind the neck).50
sary to have greater muscle activation,42 and it is possible With respect to the movements that are performed over
to easily obtain this in a standing position.43 Nonetheless, the head, it must be noted that whatever movement of the
for maintaining a neutral position of the spine curvatures shoulder joint in which there is flexion between a 120° and
during a standing exercise, one must have knowledge of 180° angle, it is necessary to perform a lumbar hyperlordosis.
the correct performance technique and a well-conditioned If there is abduction between a 150° and 180° angle, it depends
muscular system of the area.36,44,45 This aspect is not common on whether the movement is performed with 1 or 2 hands.
in the beginning of a neuromuscular conditioning program, If the movement is performed with 1 hand, there must be
so it is recommended that one progress from exercises with lateral flexion; if it is performed with 2 hands, there must be a
external stabilization to others that demand greater active change of the abduction over to shoulder flexion with added
stabilization of the trunk.46 For example, if a seated exercise hyperlordosis.16
is necessary, it should be performed with a reclined seat The time of day and the previous activities performed can
(between a 105°–110° angle), with the seat bottom raised to influence the way in which the intervertebral disks support
an angle of 90° with respect to the seat back, and with the the load. For example, it is known that lifting weights early in
placement of a device on the floor so the lower extremities the morning is less than optimal and is worse when using a
are in a good position (unless the seat is close to the floor) maximum range of motion.51 Also, there is difficulty absorbing
so pelvic tilting and hyperlordosis is avoided.17,47 the compressive loads after spending a lot of time in a seated
According to Durall and Manske, 48 there are several position or when a poor postural position is maintained for a
exercises that may potentially damage the lumbar spine if long period of time.52
they are not performed correctly because, when performed The use of weight belts during resistance exercises is a
incorrectly, it is possible to have spine flexion that is further debated topic. The primary problem with weight belt use is that
aggravated by being combined with weight manipulation. it can reduce the muscular activation of the stabilizer muscles
These exercises include good morning, deadlift, bent-over of the body53 that can cause local muscular weakness and lack
row, bent-over raise, squats, and leg press (Figure 1). Also, of motor coordination, which is problematic when weight has
there could be a greater risk of injury at the lumbar level if to be supported without a belt.35 Nonetheless, occasional use
some actions are combined with the manipulation of weights is not harmful because it can limit the maximum degrees of
(eg, rotation with flexion or hyperextension).49 flexion, extension, lateral flexion, and rotation, and if correct

© THE PHYSICIAN AND SPORTSMEDICINE • ISSN – 0091-3847, June 2009, No. 2, Volume 37 107

Juan C. Colado and Xavier García-Massó

Figure 1. Examples of correct and incorrect exercise performance health is maintained, it does not produce negative hemody-
technique during 4 typical resistance exercises.
namic effects.53 Finally, it is important to note that exercisers
and clients must be educated about correct techniques because
spine injuries are caused by incorrect movements during
physical conditioning activities,54,55 as well as incorrect pos-
tural positions during lifting tasks in daily activities at home
or at work.32,55,56

The knee is one of the more complex joints in the body. The
primary movements are flexion and extension in the sagittal
plane. It is composed of 3 joint areas: patellofemoral, medial
tibiofemoral, and lateral tibiofemoral. There are also different
passive structures that can provide both movement and
stabilization. In the patellofemoral joint region, the patella is
the primary structure of concern, and in the tibiofemoral joint
region, the menisci (internal and external), lateral ligaments
(internal and external), and cruciate ligaments (anterior and
posterior) are the primary structures of concern.
In programs of neuromuscular conditioning, the basic
movement for the lower extremities is flexion and extension
of the knee and hip, with a closed kinetic chain exercise, as this
action has similarities with daily activities (eg, walking, stair
climbing, and standing or rising from or lowering to a chair).
However, the maximal recommended amplitude of flexion for
these exercises is open to debate. Neitzel and Davies57 indicate
that the majority of daily activities are performed between a
0° and 40° angle range of motion in the knee. Thus, for func-
tional performance, it is recommended that the exercises be
performed to a maximum amplitude of flexion of a 50° angle.6
There are few situations in which this degree of flexion is not
sufficient, but there are some cases such as standing or sitting
in very low seats in which it is possible to obtain a 110° angle of
flexion58 or standing up from a seated position on the ground
with both legs.59 Nonetheless, in subjects without patellar pain,
it is possible to perform flexion (with a minimal risk of injury)
to a 115°60 or 120° angle.61,62 Increasing the degrees of knee
A: Upright rowing performed with a dangerous technique. The neck is flexion is only recommended in subjects in whose athletic
forward bent and the thoracic spine is not in a neutral position.
B: Upright rowing performed with a correct technique. The neck specialties there is a deep knee flexion.6,63 In this case, however,
is straight and the thoracic spine is in a neutral position. it is assumed that knee hyperflexion (defined as ⬎ 120° angle)
C: Lateral raise is performed with an excessive range of motion.
D: Lateral raise is performed in a safe range of motion. is associated with a greater stress within and around the joint,
E: Deadlift exercise performed with a harmful hiper-kiphosis. which increases the probability of damage.6,64–67 Previously, it
F: Deadlift exercise performed with a correct position of the spine.
G: A horizontal abduction of the shoulder bigger of a 30° angle was determined that performance of deep flexion during an
during horizontal abduction in the bench press exercise.
H: A horizontal abduction of the shoulder lesser of
exercise such as a full squat was responsible for increasing the
a 30° angle during bench press exercise. laxity of the medial, lateral, and anterior cruciate ligaments.68

108 © THE PHYSICIAN AND SPORTSMEDICINE • ISSN – 0091-3847, June 2009, No. 2, Volume 37

Safety During Resistance Exercises

This hyperflexion increases the instability of the knee joint, of the force must be closer to the knee than the ankle to avoid
which can affect joint health and integrity.69 excessive stress. This can result in injuries of the collateral liga-
If the influence that the level of flexion and extension ments because of the dangerous lateral inclinations of the tibia
has over some joint structures is examined, it can be stated with respect to the femur. With respect to the anterior cruci-
that hyperflexion movements of the knee could cause ate ligament, injuries can occur with movements of extreme
patellofemoral syndrome, as a large force moment is caused internal rotation of the femur or with external rotation of the
over the patella. Wretenberg et al70 compared force moments tibia. Also, the anterior cruciate ligament can be injured in
of the patella in weightlifters during the full squat and parallel movements in which there is a large anterior displacement
squat and found that there was greater tension in the full squat. of the tibia.73 Considering this last aspect, closed kinetic
This patellofemoral syndrome is one of the more common chain exercises can be recommended more often than open
disorders of the knee and is usually caused by overuse. The kinetic chain exercises because they produce less strain on
cause is not sufficiently understood, but it is characterized the knee and promote a greater coactivation of the extensor
by increments of stress over the patellar cartilage and the and flexor muscle groups, with a greater participation of the
subchondral bone of the femur. This is usually generated in gastrocnemius. All of these join in the compressive action of
a simple or combined manner by alteration in the patellar the movement over the joint to cause the best mechanically
movement, stiffness of the soft tissue, muscular weakness, or stable situation.79 Nonetheless, there exists a disparity of cri-
with a high volume of joint actions with poor technique.71,72 teria in the assessment of the damaging tension that the open
Additionally, it is known that patellofemoral syndrome can be chain kinetic exercises can generate over the anterior cruci-
present in situations in which internal rotation of the lower ate ligament in healthy knees,79 although there is unanimity
extremities is increased while flexion and extension of the regarding the greater tension that results in these movements
knee is performed.71,73 when the knee is near full extension,80 with flexion between
With respect to other internal joint structures, injury of a 40° and 10° angle with respect to full extension. Moreover,
the meniscus usually occurs with the combined movements this tension is greater during the eccentric phase of the move-
of deep flexion, rotation, and compression. This is more ment79 and when the resistance that is used is increased.81
pronounced with the degeneration that accompanies the aging The anterior cruciate ligament can also be damaged during a
process.73 The combined actions during the performance closed kinetic chain exercise when the knee goes too far past
of closed kinetic chain exercises are not recommended in the point of the foot because a sagittal translation of the femur
the squat, leg press, and hack squat. An example of poor tech- with respect to the tibia is produced.79 Specifically, Kvist and
nique is when the knees are not aligned in the same direction Gillquist79 indicate that the sagittal translation of the femur
as the feet. Moreover, it is known that from a 110° to 120° with respect to the tibia can be reduced with closed kinetic
angle of tibiofemoral flexion, the risk of posterior subluxation chain exercises that do not exceed a 70° angle of knee flexion.
is increased,64,74 and in this case, there is a backward displace- Moreover, the authors point out that translation movement
ment of the femoral condyles, which lose contact with the can appear easily with an increase of the resistance; however,
tibia and maintain the position over the meniscal bodies.74 this movement can be reduced if this exercise is performed
This aspect can cause pathologies of the meniscus.64,75 Thus, in a way in which the center of gravity stays behind the feet.
to avoid this situation, it is recommended that only a small Thus, a general guideline for preventing injury is, when pos-
external rotation of the tibia be performed, and the knee sible, some closed kinetic chain exercises can be performed
flexion be limited to a 90° angle.74,76 with placement of the feet a little more forward, such as in
With respect to other joint structures such as ligaments, the leg press machine (inclined and horizontal), hack squat
Signorile et al77 indicate that the performance of strong inter- machine, and Smith machine. Another crucial aspect related
nal rotation can cause problems of joint instability because to the postural alignment during the performance of lower
greater stress over the connective tissue is created primarily extremity exercises is that individuals must avoid hyperexten-
over the medial collateral ligament. Although Noble et al78 sion of the knee at the time of performance and when the leg is
noted that during exercise performance for strengthening the being used for support and is not the agonist of the movement.
hip abduction muscles with pulleys, the point of application Thirty percent of knee osteoarthritis problems can be avoided

© THE PHYSICIAN AND SPORTSMEDICINE • ISSN – 0091-3847, June 2009, No. 2, Volume 37 109

Juan C. Colado and Xavier García-Massó

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