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(A Classroom Action Research at Tenth Grade of Vocational School
PGRI 2 Jakarta in Academic Year 2018/2019)


Submitted to Fulfill One of Requirements for Education Degree of English

Department of STKIP Panca Sakti

NIM: 8820315150060



Name : Abdullah Syafi’ih, 2019. NIM: 8820315150060

Research Paper Title : Improving Students’ Achievement in Writing Procedure
Text by Using Mind Mapping (A Classroom Action
Research at Tenth Grade of Vocational School PGRI 2
Jakarta in Academic Year 2018/2019).

This research focuses on the use of mind mapping to improve students’

ability in writing procedure text. The purpose of this research was to know the
improvement of students’ writing skill in writing procedure text.
In order to reach the goals of this research, I designed an action
research which consists of four meetings, and it was done through sequence of
cycles. The students were given some treatments and writing tests in order to
obtain a description about students’ ability in writing procedure text. This
research was held in SMK PGRI 2 Jakarta on March 5th, 2019 until April 16th,
2019. Class X AK 1 in the academic year of 2018/2019 was chosen because of
recommendation from English teacher about unsatisfying result of the students’
writing aspect. Based on the English teacher’s statement, the students still
needed a new method or teaching learning strategy to maximize their
achievement in writing procedure text. There were thirty students in this class
and there are three kinds of writing test in this research. They were pre-test,
writing test in cycle 2, and post-test which were given in the last meeting.
Besides, observation checklist and questionnaire were given to support the
primary data.
The mean of the pre-test was 51.60, the mean of the writing test in
second cycle was 63.33, and the mean of the post test was 75.47. By
comparing the result of the three tests, I concluded that mind mapping method
could give better achievement for the students in writing procedure text. The
analysis of the questionnaire and observation also supported the fact that mind
mapping method was appropriate to be implemented in teaching learning
writing procedure text. Besides, Mind mapping method could be applied not
only in writing procedure text, but also other texts which were taught both in
senior and junior high school.
Teacher as a facilitator in teaching learning activity should be able to
deliver leaning materials using appropriate media or teaching strategy so that
the students weren’t bored with conventional method. I suggested that English
teacher must understand the students’ characteristic before teaching learning
activity conducted. Moreover, they should be creative and innovative to create
enjoyable teaching and learning process to make students motivated in writing

Keywords: improving, writing, procedure text, mind mapping.


Nama : Abdullah Syafi’ih, 2019. NIM: 8820315150060

Judul Skripsi : Improving Students’ Achievement in Writing Procedure Text
by Using Mind Mapping (A Classroom Action Research at
Tenth Grade of Vocational School PGRI 2 Jakarta in
Academic Year 2018/2019).

Penelitian ini fokus pada penggunaan mind mapping untuk memperbaiki

kemampuan menulis siswa dalam menulis teks prosedur. Tujuan penelitian ini
adalah untuk mengetahui perbaikan kemampuan menulis siswa dalam menulis
teks prosedur.
Dalam rangka untuk meraih tujuan-tujuan penilitian ini, saya merancang
sebuah penilitian tindakan yang terdiri dari 4 pertemuan, dan itu telah selesai
melalui serangkaian siklus. Para siswa diberikan beberapa perlakuan dan tes tulis
dalam rangka untuk memperoleh sebuah deskripsi tentang kemampuan siswa
dalam menulis teks prosedur. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMK PGRI 2 Jakarta
pada tanggal 5 Maret 2019 sampai dengan 16 April 2019. Kelas X AK 1 pada
tahun pelajaran 2018/2019 dipilih karena rekomendasi dari guru Bahasa Inggris
tentang hasil menulis siswa yang tidak memuaskan. Berdasarkan pernyataan guru
Bahasa Inggris, para siswa masih butuh sebuah metode atau strategi belajar
mengajar untuk memaksimalkan pencapaian mereka dalam menulis teks prosedur.
Ada 30 siswa di kelas ini dan ada 3 jenis tes tulis dalam penelitian ini. Yaitu pra-
tes, tes tulis di siklus 2, dan pos-tes yang diberikan pada pertemuan terakhir. Di
samping itu, lembar observasi dan kuesioner diberikan untuk mendukung data
Rata-rata nilai pra-tes adalah 51,60, rata-rata nilai tes tulis di siklus 2
adalah 63,33, dan rata-rata nilai pos-tes adalah 75,47. Dengan membandingkan
hasil ketiga tes tersebut, saya menyimpulkan bahwa metode mind mapping bisa
memberi pencapaian lebih baik untuk para siswa dalam menulis teks prosedur.
Analisa kuesioner dan observasi juga mendukung fakta bahwa metode mind
mapping tepat untuk diimpelementasikan dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar
menulis teks prosedur. Di samping itu, metode mind mapping bisa diterapkan
tidak hanya untuk menulis teks prosedur, tetapi juga untuk teks lainnya yang
diajarkan di SMP atau SMA/SMK.
Guru sebagai fasilitator dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar harus mampu
untuk menyampaikan materi pembelajaran menggunakan media atau strategi
pengajaran yang tepat sehingga para siswa tidak merasa bosan dengan metode
konvensional. Saya menyarankan bahwa guru bahasa Inggris harus memahami
karakteristik para siswa sebelum kegiatan belajar mengajar dilakukan. Selain itu,
mereka juga harus kreatif dan inovatif untuk menciptakan proses belajar mengajar
yang menyenangkan untuk membuat siswa termotivasi dalam kegiatan menulis.

Kata kunci: meningkatkan, menulis, teks prosedur, mind mapping.



(A Classroom Action Research at Tenth Grade of Vocational School PGRI 2
Jakarta in Academic Year 2018/2019)



NIM: 8820315150060

Approved to be submitted and defended in the examination of research


Research Paper Advisor Signature Date

1. Yon A.E., M.Pd. ............................... .......................

2. Ary Fadjar Isdiati, S.Pd., M.Hum. ............................... ........................

Head of English Education Department
STKIP Panca Sakti

Yon A.E, M.Pd.





Abdullah Syafiih

Defended Against the Commissioner of Research Paper Examiner

The High School of Teacher Training and Education Panca Sakti
The date of August 24, 2019

Research Paper Examiner Signature Date of Exam

Dr. Rita Aryani, M.M.
………………… …………………
Yon A.E., M.Pd.
………………… …………………
Leroy Holman S., M.Pd.
(Examiner 1)
………………… …………………
Ircham Asrori D., M.Pd.
(Examiner 2)
………………… …………………
Yon, A.E., M.Pd.
(Advisor 1)
………………… …………………
Ary Fadjar I., S.Pd., M.Hum.
(Advisor II) ………………… …………………

Bekasi, August 24, 2019

The Chairman of
High School of Teacher Training and Education Panca Sakti

Dr. Rita Aryani, M.M.


I declare that this research paper is an original report of my research, has been
written by me and has not been submitted for any previous degree. The
experimental work is almost entirely mu own work; the collaborative
constributions have been indicated clearly and acknowledged. Due references
have been provided on all supporting literatures and resources.
I declare that this research paper was composed by myself, that the work
contained here is my own work expect where explicitly stated otherwise in the
text, and that this work has not been submitted for any other degree or
professional qualification.

Bekasi, August 13th, 2019

Advisor I Made the Statement

Yon A.E., M.Pd. Abdullah Syafiih

Head of English Education Department Advisor II

Yon A.E, M.Pd. Ary Fadjar Isdiati, S.Pd., M.Hum.


First of all, I would like to thank to Allah SWT who never stop blessing,

guilding and helping me during my study and in completing this research paper.

The prayers and greetings always be given upon the prophet of Muhammad SAW,

may we always follow his way until my last breath.

I am also grateful to many people who contributed their ideas and time to

me in completing my research paper. I would also like to express my sincere

gratitude to Yon A.E., M.Pd. as my first advisor for giving me guidance and help

to finish the final project. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to Ary Fadjar

Isdiati, S.Pd., M.Hum. as my second advisor for her patience in improving my

final project for its finalization.

The great appreciation to Suparman, S.Pd, the Headmaster of SMK PGRI

2 Jakarta, all of the staff, the teachers and especially for the Tenth year students of

SMK PGRI 2 Jakarta who contributed a good deal to collect the data for this


However, the success would not be achievemed without those support

guidance, advice, and encouragement from individual and institution, and

researcher how realize that an appropriate moment for me to deepest gratitude to:

1. Dr. Rita Aryani, M.M., The Chairman of STKIP Panca Sakti;

2. Dr. Supriyadi, S.T.P., M.Pd., Assistant 1 of The Chairman of STKIP

Panca Sakti;

3. Roma Iskandar, S.E., M.M., Assistant 2 of The Chairman of STKIP

Panca Sakti;

4. Yon A.E., M.Pd., The Head of English Education Departement of STKIP

Panca Sakti;

5. Leroy Holman S., M.Pd., The Secretary of English Education

Departement of STKIP Panca Sakti;

6. Yon A.E, M.Pd. and Ary Fadjar Isdiati, S.Pd., M.Hum., The Advisor I

and The Advisor II;

7. All of lectures and staff of STKIP Panca Sakti who have helped provide

knowledge to researcher and helped proccesing administration to


8. Suparman, S.Pd., The Headmaster of SMK PGRI 2 Jakarta;

9. Taryono, S.Pd., The English Teacher of SMK PGRI 2 Jakarta, and All

staffs and teachers of SMK PGRI 2 Jakarta;

10. KH. Mahfuz Ma’mun, KH. Mursyahid, Dr. Ahmad Fudhaili, M.Ag.,

Ahmad Fulaih, M.Ag., my religion teachers for their praying and


11. My beloved parents, Dumyati and Hanifah, and my lovely brothers and

sister for their living, praying and supporting and always become my

motivation for finishing their research paper; and

12. For The Headmaster, all staffs and teachers of SMP Mitra Reformasi and

my friends who cannot be mentioned individually here. Thank you very

much. God bless you all.

This research paper is very far from being perfect. Therefore, comments

and creative criticism are always welcome. Finally, it is hoped that this research

paper may give some benefits for all us.

Bekasi, August 13th, 2019

The Researcher

Abdullah Syafiih
NIM: 8820315150060


1. Live for learn

2. Do and Give your best then pray. Allah SWT will take care of the rest

This Research Paper is dedicated to:

1. Allah SWT. Thank for the life and your blessing that is given for me.

2. My beloved parents, Mr. Dumyati and Mrs. Hanifah. They are my everything.

3. My brothers and sister. Thanks for pray and support to me.

4. My colleagues in SMP Mitra Reformasi and SMK PGRI 2 Jakarta. Thanks a

lot for your great support.

5. My College, STKIP Panca Sakti.

6. My Big Family and my friends. Thanks to give me prayer and cares.


ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................... i
APPROVAL ...................................................................................................... iii
LEGALIZATION PAGE ................................................................................. iv
STATEMENT LETTER ................................................................................. v
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................... vii
MOTTO AND DEDICATION ........................................................................ x
TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................. xi
LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................ xiii
LIST OF PICTURES ....................................................................................... xiv
LIST OF APPENDICES .................................................................................. xv

A. Background of the Problem .................................................... 1
B. Focus of the Research ............................................................ 4
C. Formulation of the Problem .................................................... 4
D. Benefit of the Research .......................................................... 4


A. Theoretical Review ................................................................. 5
1. Writing Skill .................................................................... 5
a. The Nature of Writing .............................................. 5
b. Micro-Skill of English Writing ................................ 6
c. The Nature of Teaching Writing .............................. 8
d. How to Teach Writing .............................................. 12
e. Writing Assessment .................................................. 15
2. Procedure Text ................................................................ 17
a. The Definition of Text ............................................. 17
b. The Definition of Procedure Text ............................ 18
c. Language Feature of Procedure Text ....................... 19
d. Structure of Procedure Text ..................................... 20
e. The Example of Procedure Text .............................. 21
3. Mind Mapping ................................................................ 23
a. The Nature of Mind Mapping .................................. 23
b. How to Make the Mind Map .................................... 24
c. The Benefit of the Mind Mapping in Writing .......... 26
d. Teaching Writing Using the Mind Mapping ............ 28
e. The Example of Mind Mapping ............................... 29
B. Action Model ......................................................................... 30


A. Purposes of the Research ........................................................ 35
B. Place and Time of the Research ............................................. 35
C. Method of the Research .......................................................... 35

D. Action Research Design ......................................................... 37
1. Planning .......................................................................... 37
2. Acting ............................................................................. 37
3. Observing ........................................................................ 38
4. Reflecting ........................................................................ 38
E. Design and Procedure of Action Research ............................. 38
1. Design of Action Research ............................................. 38
2. Procedure of Action Research ......................................... 39
F. Criteria of Successful Treatment ............................................ 40
G. Technique of Collecting Data ................................................. 41
1. Conceptual Definition ..................................................... 41
2. Operational Definition ..................................................... 41
3. Grid Instrument ............................................................... 41
4. Research Instrument ........................................................ 43
5. Validity of Instrument ..................................................... 48
H. Validity of The Data ............................................................... 48
1. Democratic validity ......................................................... 48
2. Outcome validity ............................................................. 48
3. Catalytic validity ............................................................. 49
4. Process validity ............................................................... 49
5. Dialogoic validity ........................................................... 49


A. Description of Research Findings ........................................... 50
1. Identification of the Field Problem .................................. 51
2. Determining the Actions to Solve the Field Problems .... 54
3. Pre-Test ............................................................................ 55
4. First Cycle........................................................................ 58
5. Second Cycle ................................................................... 67
6. Post-Test .......................................................................... 73
7. Analysis of Questionnaires .......................................... 76
8. Analysis of the Observation.......................................... 80
B. Discussion of the Research ..................................................... 84


A. Conclusion ........................................................................... 86
B. Implication ........................................................................... 87
C. Suggestion ........................................................................... 88



1. The Indicators to Measure the Writing of Procedure Text .......................... 41

2. The Scoring Rubric of Writing .................................................................... 41
3. The Measurement of the Students’ Achievement .................................. 43
4. Guideline of the Questionnaire .................................................................... 45
5. The field problems in tenth grade of SMK PGRI 2 Jakarta ........................ 51
6. Problems related to the process of writing teaching learning ...................... 53
7. Result of Pre-Test ....................................................................................... 56
8. Result Student’s Writing Test ..................................................................... 70
9. Result of Post-Test ..................................................................................... 74
10. The Scoring Range of Questionnaire ....................................................... 77
11. Classification of Graded Sources of Questionnaire ................................. 78
12. The Mean Criterion of Questionnaire ....................................................... 79


1. The Picture of Fried Rice ............................................................................. 22

2. How to create mind mapping ...................................................................... 29

3. Kurt Lewin’s Action Research Model ......................................................... 30

4. John Elliot’s Action Research Model .......................................................... 31

5. McKernan’s Action Research Model ........................................................... 32

6. Kemmis and McTaggart’s Action Research Model .................................... 33

7. Dave Ebbut’s Action Research Model ........................................................ 34


1. Appendix 1 Action Model ....................................................................... 91

2. Appendix 2 Instrument of Collecting Data ............................................. 92

3. Appendix 3 Field Note ............................................................................ 97

4. Appendix 4 Interview Transcripts ........................................................... 104

5. Appendix 5 List of Attendance ............................................................... 109

6. Appendix 6 Result of Action ................................................................... 110

7. Appendix 7 Photography ......................................................................... 123

8. Appendix 8 Lesson Plan .......................................................................... 125

9. Appendix 9 SPSS Result for Pre-Test and Post-Test .............................. 141



A. Background of the Problem

Language plays an important role in improving students’ knowledge

and helps the students gain success in every subject at school. In the

globalization era, English is not only as universal language but also as a tool

to communicate in oral and written form to understand and figure out the

information, mind, feeling, science, technology and culture. Therefore,

language can be a subject to be studied at school in Indonesia. In the English

teaching-learning process, there are four skills that should be mastered. They

are listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

Recently, English is a part of communication and it is also an

important language to be mastered. That is why English is taught at all

schools in Indonesia. One of them is at SMK PGRI 2 Jakarta. SMK PGRI 2

Jakarta is a school that drives the students to master more than one language.

The purpose of the English study at SMK PGRI 2 Jakarta is to make the

students able to learn and apply the language in their daily life. As stated in

the Curriculum, the objective of English subject in vocational high schools

covers the ability to understand and produce speech or written texts which are

realized in four skills. They are listening, speaking, reading, and writing

which are integrated to achieve the informational level. Writing is one of the


important skills that should be mastered by students because if they have a

good skill in writing they will be able to express their ideas in the written


Based on the reality, learning to write is difficult especially for writing

in a second or foreign language in an academic context. Writing is one of the

most difficult productive skills that require specialized skills. Therefore, it

can be understood that errors usually occur in writing. Errors in writing can

be in the forms of grammar, vocabulary, spelling, punctuation, organization,

and cohesion.

Based on the observation at SMK PGRI 2 Jakarta, there were many

problems that were found in the writing class.

1. The students lacked vocabulary.

It was because the teaching-learning process only depended on

the strength of memory. When the researcher conducted an observation

in the classroom, the teacher instructed the students to memorize all the

unfamiliar words on the screen of projector and in the next meeting the

teacher tested some of students to say the words and mention their


2. The students found difficulties to start writing.

It was because the students were often confused to express their

ideas in writing.

3. Another problem was that they have low understanding of grammar.


To solve the problems above, the students need a technique to help

them to understanding the new words easily. The technique is a tool to

achieve a goal. The technique that is needed to improve their writing skill is a

technique that can make the students easy in expressing their ideas and to

arrange the words to be a good sentence. One of the techniques that can make

the students find it easy to express and organize their ideas is the mind

mapping. Mind mapping is a method to make the students find it easy to

absorb information into their brain and take it out from their brain. Mind

mapping is a way to note effectively and creatively and it will map the ideas

literally. This technique can improve students’ creativity and make them

happy in learning, because it consists of colors, pictures, and some key words

that can also make them find it easy to learn English especially in writing

skill. That is why the researcher used the mind mapping technique to improve

students’ writing skill. It is because there are some benefits that are offered by

the mind mapping technique in the English teaching-learning process,

especially in writing skill.

Finally, based on the writer’s observation, the writer chooses SMK

PGRI 2 Jakarta to conduct the research. I would like to take this school

because most of learners at SMK PGRI 2 Jakarta are lazy to learn English

especially writing. To solve the problem, the writer chooses the title






B. Focus of the Research

This research focuses on the mind mapping technique assumed to be

the way to improve the students’ writing skill in procedure text and it is

expected to bring a good progress in developing students writing skill at tenth

grade of SMK PGRI 2 Jakarta in academic year 2018/2019.

C. Formulation of the Problem

This is can be formulated into how to improve the students’ writing

skill in English teaching-learning process at tenth grade of SMK PGRI 2

Jakarta in academic year 2018/2019 by using mind mapping technique?

D. Benefit of the Research

1. For the students of class X AK 1 of SMK PGRI 2 Jakarta, it will be an

effort to improve their writing skill.

2. For English teachers of SMK PGRI 2 Jakarta, the result of this study can

be used as a reference to increase English teachers’ writing competence

in English teaching-learning.

3. For other researchers, the research can give general knowledge of how to

improve students’ writing skill. The research also can be used as the

foundation for the next research.



A. Theoretical Review

1. Writing Skill

a. The Nature of Writing

Writing is activity or process to express ideas or opinions.

According to Rivers (1981: 294), writing is conveying information

or expression of original ideas in a constructive way in the new

language. Ramelan (1992) states that writing is an important tool for

communicating ideas in written or printed symbol, as found in

books, newspaper, magazines, and letters. Nunan (2003: 88) said that

writing is one of the language skills which is used to communicate

indirectly, without having face with other people.

Harmer (2004: 31) states that writing is a way to produce

language and express ideas, feelings, and opinions. Hyland (2002: 1)

states that writing is central to our personal experiences and social

identities, and we are often evaluated by our control of it. Oshima

and Hogue (2007: 15) state that writing is the action that needs some

process such as thinking, writing, reading, correcting, and revising.

In relation to writing, Brown (2001: 335) states that writing

makes the product through thinking, drafting, and revising. It means


that in producing written language, the writer should follow those

steps to produce a final product.

According to Richards and Renandya (2002: 309), written

language is complex at the level of the clause. Writing consists of

many constituent parts: content, organization, originality, style,

fluency, accuracy, or using appropriate rhetorical forms of discourse.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher concludes

writing is an activity of exploring feelings, opinions, and ideas and

expressing them into words. It includes the organization of words,

phrases, clauses, and sentences into coherent and cohesive

paragraphs and texts.

b. Micro-Skill of English Writing

To increase the writing skill of the students, the teacher must

be able to guide the students in upgrading the competence of their

writings. The subdivisions of writing skills into macro and micro-

skills have been proposed by several experts. Spratt et al. (2005),

state writing involves several sub- skills. Some of these are related to

accuracy. Accurate writing involves spelling correctly, forming

letters correctly, writing legibly, punctuating correctly, using correct

layouts, choosing the right vocabulary, using grammar correctly,

joining sentences correctly and using paragraph correctly. In

composing the writing product, Brown (2001) states the


compositions that should be included; they are meeting certain

standards of prescribed English rhetorical style, reflecting accurate

grammar, and being organized in conformity with what the audience

would consider to be conventional.

According to Brown (2001: 333), there are twelve skills that

must be mastered by the students to increase the writing skills. The

micro skills for writing production are: (1) producing and using

graphemes and orthographic patterns of English correctly including

the script, and spelling and punctuation conventions; (2) producing

writing in a good management rate of speed to suit the purpose; (3)

producing an acceptable core of words and using appropriate word

order patterns; (4) using acceptable grammar systems (e.g., tense and

agreement), pattern and rules; (5) expressing a particular meaning in

many types of grammatical forms; (6) using cohesive devices in

written discourse and making the text coherent, so that other people

can follow the development of the ideas; (7) using the rhetorical

forms and conventions of written discourse; (8) appropriately

accomplishing the communicative functions of written texts

according to form and purposes; (9) conveying links and connection

between events and communicate such relations as main idea,

supporting idea, new information, given information, generalization,

and exemplification; (10) distinguishing or differentiating between

literal and implied meanings when writing; (11) correctly delivering


cultural in specific reference; (12) developing and using a battery of

writing strategies, it also applies the stages of writing, such as

accurately assessing the audience’s interpretation, using prewriting

devices, writing with fluency in the first draft, using paraphrases and

synonym, soliciting peer and instructor feedback, and using feedback

for revising and editing.

The process of writing emphasizes on the balance between

process and product. The students need a process to make a good

writing. According to Richards and Renandya (2002: 316), the

process of writing has four basic writing stages those are planning,

drafting, revising and editing. The final product should be done

through the process.

From the definition above, it can be inferred that because the

writing skill consists of some stages, learners should master the

stages of writing text to makes a good writing text. So, those stages

have to teach by teacher in every meeting to make the learners

master in the writing text.

c. The Nature of Teaching Writing

Writing (as one of the four skills of listening, speaking,

reading, and listening) has always formed part of the syllabus in the

teaching of English (Harmer, 2004: 31). The writing skill is very

important for students in the future because it will give a chance and

challenge for them. To get a good writing, students need schemata to

be expressed effectively through writing media. A good writing

cannot be done in one time, but it must be done in some steps. It

starts from making outline, drafting, until it can be a good writing.

During the process, revision must be done continually. In fact, many

students cannot produce a good writing through the writing process

above. It is no doubt that writing is the most difficult skill for second

language learners to master. The difficulty lies not only in generating

and organizing ideas, but also in translating these ideas into readable

text. The skills involved in writing are highly complex. The second

language writers have to pay attention to higher level skills of

planning and organizing as well as lower levels kills of spelling,

punctuation, word choice, and so on. The difficulty becomes even

more pronounced if their language proficiency is weak.

Teaching can be defined as helping someone to learn

something. This is supported by Brown (1994) who defines teaching

as showing or helping someone to learn how to do something, giving

instruction, guiding in the study of something, providing with

knowledge, and causing to know or understand. This means that

teaching is guiding someone in studying something which results in

the improvement of his or her knowledge. Brown (2001: 331) states

that many years ago, the writing was taught by the teacher only

focusing on the final product of writing. It can be in the forms of


essay, report, and story. For composition of the writing, Brown also

adds his opinion that the writing should meet certain standards of

prescribe English rhetorical style, use accurate grammar, and be

organized properly based on the audiences’ environment.

According to Shih (Brown, 2001: 335-336) there are some

processes of approaches of the writing. Those processes are

considered as the modern way of writing that has been discussed

earlier in this chapter. They are as follows. 1) Focusing the activity

on the process of writing that leads to the final writing product.

Stages of writing are important to be applied. 2) Helping the students

to understand on their own composing process. 3) Helping the

students to build repertoires of strategies for prewriting, drafting, and

rewriting. 4) Giving students a chance or time to write and rewrite

their ideas. 5) Placing central importance aspect of writing on the

process of revision. 6) Giving students a chance to discover what

they want to say as they write. 7) Giving students feedback through

the process of writing (not just on the final product) as they attempt

to bring their expression closer and closer to intension. 8)

Encouraging feedback from the instructor and peers. 9) Including

individual discussion between the teacher and the students during the

process of composition.

The nature of teaching technique is a way that can be used to

guide the students to achieve the goal. That is why art writing

teaching technique can improve students’ motivation in writing,

creates ideas, and it can help the students find it easy to arrange their

ideas be a meaningful sentence so the goal of writing can be

achieved maximally.

Students need to perform their skills after they were shown

the techniques of writing and the components of writing itself. In

performing the product, there are some types that can be used.

Brown (2001: 343-346) explains some performances in writing

learning. The types of classroom writing performance are as follows.

1) Imitative or writing down

In this type, students learn how to form the letters, words

and simple sentences. They will write down English letters,

words or sentences to learn the conventional of the orthographic


2) Intensive or controlled

The function of this performance is to improve the

grammar ability of the students. This type will be like a written

grammar exercise. A common form of controlled writing is to

present a paragraph to students in which they have to alter a

given structure throughout.

3) Self-writing

This type will only use the students as the audience, so

they write for themselves.


4) Display writing

The shapes of this performance are short answer exercise,

essay examination, and research report.

5) Real writing

There are three types of real writing: academic, vocational,

and personal. Academic gives the opportunity for the students to

covey genuine information to each other. Vocational is used for

advancement in the students’ occupation. Personal involves the

writing of diaries, letter, post card, notes, and personal message.

The concept of the research focused on the implementation of

the mind mapping to improve the students’ writing skill. In this case,

the teacher is as an instructor and also as a supervisor for students’


d. How to Teach Writing

In teaching learning process of writing the teacher must know

some the principal of designing writing. Brown (2001: 346-356)

develops some principles for designing interactive writing

techniques. They are as follows.

1) Incorporating practices of “good” writers.

To be a good writer should fulfill some criteria. They are (1)

Focusing on goals or main ideas in writing, (2) Gauging their

audience perceptively, (3) Spending some time (but not too


much) planning to write, (4) Letting their first ideas flow onto

the paper easily, (5) Following the general organizational plan

as they write, (6) soliciting and utilizing feedback on their

writing, (7) Are not wedded to certain surface structure, (8)

Revising their work willingly and efficiently, and (9) Making as

many revisions as needed patiently.

2) Balancing process of product

Because writing is a composing process and usually requires

multiple drafts before an effective product is created, a teacher

has to make sure that students are carefully led through

appropriate stages in the process of composing. At the same

time, do not get so caught up in the stages leading up to the final

product that you lose sight of the ultimate attainment: a clear,

articulate, well-organized, effective piece of writing. Make sure

students see that everything leading up to this final creation was

worth the effort.

3) Accounting for cultural/literary backgrounds

Make sure that the techniques do not assume that our students

know English rhetorical conventions. If there are some apparent

contrasts between students’ native traditions and those that we

are trying to teach, trying to help students to understand what it

is, exactly, that they are accustomed to and then by degrees,

bring them to the use of acceptable English rhetoric.


4) Connecting reading and writing

Clearly, students learn to write in part by carefully observing

what is already written. They learn by observing, or reading the

written word. By reading and studying a variety of relevant

types of text, students can gain important insights both about

how they should write and about the subject matter that may

become the topic of their writing.

5) Providing as much authentic writing as possible

Whether writing is real writing or for display, it can still be

authentic in that the purposes of writing are clear to the students,

the audience is specified overtly, and there is at least some intent

to convey meaning. Sharing writing with other students in the

class is one way to add authenticity. Publishing a class

newsletter, writing letters to people outside of class, writing a

script for a skit or dramatic presentation, writing a resume,

writing advertisements-all these can be seen as authentic


6) Framing the techniques in terms of prewriting, drafting, and

revising stages

Process writing approaches tend to be framed in three stages of

writing. The prewriting stage encourages the generation of

ideas, which can happen in numerous ways. The drafting and

revising stages are the core of process writing. In traditional


approaches to writing instruction, students are given time in-

class to finish their work, or they are given a homework writing

assignment. The first option gives no opportunity systematic

drafting, and the second assumes that if students did any drafting

at all, they would simply have to learn the tricks of the trade of

their own. In a process approach, drafting is viewed as an

important and complex set of strategies, the mastery of which

takes time, patience, and trained instruction.

From the explanation above, the teaching and learning

process of writing needs some principles to makes students more

easily to make a writing text. Besides that, learners more easily to

find a topic related to their writing text. So those principles are

helpful to learners to master in writing text.

e. Writing Assessment

Writing is the mental work of inventing ideas, thinking about

how to express ideas and organize them into statements and

paragraphs that will be clear for the reader as stated by Nunan (1991:

88). Writing assessment is often conducted as part of district or state

wide accountability assessment programs for all students. On the

other hand, writing assessment can be used to monitor student

progress and determine if changes in instruction are required to meet

student needs.

Writing assessment is intended to measure the students`

ability to express their ideas and thought through written texts. The

basic competencies that must be achieved by high school students

are the following: 1. Students can express meaning through written

short functional texts. 2. Students can express meaning through

written monolog of long functional texts.

To obtain valid score that defines students’ writing skill, clear

criteria to assess their work is needed. Student’s writing is assessed

by the researcher and the English teacher. There are five aspects to

be assessed in students’ writing, namely, organization, contain,

grammar, mechanic, and style.

1) Organization

It contains reasonable sentences that support the topic of the

writing. The ideas of the students are well organized and can

be understood by the reader.

2) Content

Content refers to the sentences that flow easily and not too

hard to understand although a simple writing. The reasonable

sentences that arranged into good story here that is meant by

the content.

3) Grammar

Grammar is connecting with how the words are arranged into

good sentences. Good means correct in the tenses and has


meaning. Some students got the problem with this. This is

because some of them still confuse what verbs that should be

used in the sentence.

4) Mechanic

When the students write they have to think about the

punctuation or spelling that is used in writing. It will make

their writing sounds reasonable to read. The pause is also

needed when they read a text. The capital letter is also

important when they write the first word in a sentence. This

ability needs careful practice.

5) Style

Style deals with the precise vocabulary usage and the use of

parallel structure. Vocabulary takes important role in English.

Vocabulary is the basic thing that should be owned by

students. Without that, they cannot do many kind of English

task. The lack of vocabulary means failure in

communication. So in writing students must have enough

vocabulary to make it succeed.

2. Procedure Text

a. The Definition of Text

Before going to the definition of procedure text, it is better to

know definition of the text itself. Hornby (2000: 1397) defined text

is the main written or printed part of a book or page, contrasted with

notes. And Jack C. Richard (2010: 594) stated that text is a segment

of spoken or written language. It has some characteristics: it is

normally made up of several sentences, has distinctive structure and,

has a particular communicative function or purpose, and often can be

understood in relation to the context.

Moreover, Anderson and Anderson (1998: 28) argued that

texts are pieces of spoken or written language created for a particular

purpose. It means when we write or speak, we create texts. When we

listen, read, or view texts, we interpret them for meaning.

Thus from the definitions above, the researcher inferred that

text is everything we hear or say in spoken language, and what we

read or write in written language that has structure and function.

b. The Definition of Procedure Text

We usually find many kinds of texts in our daily life. One of

those text is procedure text which is an instructional text that

describes how to make something or how a series of sequenced steps

or phases. Anderson and Anderson (1998: 28) through their book

Text Types in English 3 defined a procedure text as a piece of text

that tells the readers or listeners how to do something. Its purpose is

to provide instructions for making something, doing something, or


getting somewhere. Some examples of procedure text are directions,

instruction manual, recipes, and itineraries.

As it can be seen above, procedure text is defined as a text

that explains, tells, or shows someone how to do something, to make

something and to get someplace, that have to be done in a series of

sequenced steps.

c. Language Feature of Procedure Text

According to Anderson, procedure text usually includes the

following language features:

1) Sentences begun with action verb (imperative sentences). e.g.,

pour hot water into the cup.

2) Sequence words or temporal conjunctions (e.g. firstly, next,

then) and numbers (e.g. 123) that show the order for carrying

out the procedure.

3) Adverbs of manner to describe how the actions should be

performed. e.g. quickly, firmly.

4) Precise terms and technical language. e.g. ml, grams, etc.

In addition, the other sources added some of language

features of procedure text which are not included in Anderson’s

book. They are:

1) Nouns or noun groups are used in the listed material or


2) The person following the instructions may not be referred to or

may be referred to in a general way as one or you. There is little

use of personal pronouns.

3) Words related to direction and specific locations are found. e.g.

left, north, Jam is on street.

4) Adjectives add details relating to size, shape, color, and amount.

5) Present tense is generally used.

To sum up, all of the points of language features of procedure

text above are usually used in writing procedure text.

d. Structure of Procedure Text

Generally, a procedure text is arranged of three main parts;

Aim or goal of the procedure, list of materials which needed to

complete the procedure, and sequence of steps in correct order that

need to be taken to accomplish the task.

1) An introductory statement giving the aim or goal

This part can be the little of the procedure text. It is also may

include an introductory paragraph.

2) List of materials needed for completing the procedure

This part usually takes form in kind of list, though sometimes it

also can be in form of paragraph. In certain procedure text, this

part sometime is omitted or left out.

3) A sequence of steps in the correct order


This is the last part of procedure text which shows a sequence of

steps that need to be taken by readers to complete the task. The

sequence usually is shown by numbers (1,2,3,...) or by using

words such as first, second, third, etc. Words such as now, next,

and after this sometimes are used as well. Commonly, the steps

usually begin with a command such as add, stir, or push.

Thus from the explanation above, it can be concluded that

there are three points of generic structure of procedure text.

Nevertheless, the structure above is sometimes not found in certain

types of procedure texts. For example, in procedure text that tells the

readers direction of how to get to certain place or procedure text of

rules of behavior, there is no list of materials needed. In a procedure

text of how to operate something, sometimes list of materials needed

is not included.

e. The Example of Procedure Text

How to Make Simple Fried Rice

Picture 1 The Picture of fried rice


1. 1 plate of cooked rice
2. 2 eggs
3. 1 teaspoon of salt
4. 2 medium onions, chopped
5. 1 cloves of garlic, chopped
6. Chili powder (adjust based on your spicy level)
7. 1 tablespoon of tomato sauce
8. 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil

Utensils: frying pan, stove, spoon, spatula, plate

Steps of how to cook fried rice:

1. Heat a medium frying pan and pour the vegetable oil.
2. After it’s heated enough, add the garlic, onion, and chili.
3. Stir-fry the ingredients until it is tender.
4. Add the eggs and scramble it until half cooked.
5. Pour the cooked rice, then keep stir for a minute.
6. Next, add the seasoning such as the sauce, pepper, and salt, and
mix them all with the rice.
7. After it’s well cooked, take the fried rice and serve on the plate.

Thus, from example above, everybody knows how to write

procedure text. First, they must write a goal. Second, they write a list

of materials that will be needed for completing the procedure, such

as kind of ingredients and utensils. Last, they need steps to achieve

the goal with the purpose: to tell the process of making fried rice to

the reader.

3. Mind Mapping

a. The Nature of Mind Mapping

Nowadays, mind mapping is a common technique in the

English teaching-learning process. Mind mapping involves writing

down a central idea and thinking up new and related ideas which

radiate out from the center. It is a good technique that can help our

memory because it enables us to arrange the facts and ideas.

Mapping knowledge which will help us to understand and remember

new information by focusing on the key ideas that are written down,

and then looking for branches out and connections between the


Buzan (2010:4) states that mind mapping is an easy way to

place information to brain and take information out from brain. Mind

Mapping is creative and effective way to write and will map your

mind by a simple way. In this definition, five important concepts of

mind mapping are used. Firstly, the mind mapping is one of the

creative note taking techniques. It is a technique used by people to

represent ideas into visualization and graphic forms where one idea

is connected to another idea by using branches. Secondly, the mind

mapping helps people to enter the information into their brains. By

using mind mapping, it is easy for people to put information into

their memory. Thirdly, the mind mapping helps people to keep

information in the long term memory. By using mind mapping, the


information can be saved into their memories for a long time.

Fourthly, the mind mapping helps people to take information out

from their brain easily. By using mind mapping, it is easy to recall

information saved in their memories. Finally, the mind mapping

engages the use of imagination and association in its application.

This means that in presenting ideas into mind mapping diagrams,

people enclose imagination stimulators such as pictures, symbols,

and colors to present ideas clearly and use association techniques to

help them build their senses to the new concepts. These new

concepts are connected to the known concepts having a tight

relationship with the new concepts.

All mind maps are using color and the form is radiant

thinking. All mind maps have basic structure that spray from the

center. It can be by lines, symbol, words, and picture which related

in simply, basic, nature series with brain. By using mind map, long

list information could change into colorful diagram, well regulated,

and easy to memorize.

b. How to Make the Mind Map

Mind mapping is a system that uses brain management to

open all the hidden brain potency and capacity. Besides, mind

mapping is also a learning system that is often used to help students


to learn effectively, efficiently and happily. Buzan (2005: 15)

mentions seven stages to make a mind mapping as follows.

1) Putting the main idea in the center. The beginning idea in the

center is designed to give freedom to expand the ideas to any

direction which is a perfect example of radiant thinking in

action. Most students find it useful to turn their page on the side

and do mind map in “landscape” style. Placing the main idea or

topic in the middle of page will give maximum space for other

ideas to radiate out from the center.

2) Using a picture or photo for the central idea. Picture and photo

are important enough in making mind mapping. It is because

pictures have a strong impact on imagination and memory. It

also pleases sight and keeps attention focused.

3) Using colors. Color makes mind map more alive and adds the

energy on creative thinking. It can be used to capture eye’s

attention and interest.

4) Connecting main branches to the center picture and connect the

second and third branches to the first and second, and so on

trying to connect main branches to the center picture and

connect the second and third branches to the first and second,

and so on because the brain works according to the association.

Human brain likes to relate two or more things all at once. The

connections among branches make it easier to understand and


5) Making a curve line connector, not a straight line. A mind map

with straight lines is boring to the eyes and does not reflect its

creative intent, but the curve branches like a tree branches are

more interesting for eyes.

6) Using one key word for each line. It is because a single key

word gives more energy and flexibility for mind mapping.

7) Using pictures. Image and symbol are easy to remember, and

they stimulate new creative association.

So, mind mapping is a simple technique that can be used to

note creatively and effectively. Besides, it can help the students to

memorize information. By using mind mapping, people can emerge

and organize ideas to be a good sentence. Moreover, mind mapping

can make the students happy in studying because there are colorful

pictures. That is why mind mapping is a technique that can be used

to learn writing skills.

c. The Advantages and Disadvantages of the Mind Mapping in


Some people realize that a certain chart or diagram can help

them rearrange and visualize the ideas that bear on their mind. That

chart usually helps them to remember well by using symbol or


pictures that can represent words and ideas. Mind mapping has many

advantages in the daily life. According to Murley (2007: 176), there

are some advantages of mind mapping technique. One of them is that

the radiating design concept keeps the mind topic or central idea

with all its major sub-topics close to it. Similarity, sub-topics stay

close to their topic. This arrangement keeps the big picture in focus.

Beside, mind mapping makes relationships and connectors easier to

see, it is more flexible than outlining. In addition, it encourages

creativity and improves memory retention and it is also easier to

understand, saves time and increases productivity.

The mind mapping is also considered as the technique that

enables the user to enlist the full power of the brain both the right

side, which is employed for spatial awareness, a sense of wholeness,

imagination, day dreaming and color, and the left side, which is the

more analytical, logical side. According to DePorter and Mike

(2008: 172), the mind mapping has four benefits. They are (1) it is

flexible. Flexible in case that missing idea can be added in every

place in mind mapping. (2) It focuses attention. In mind mapping,

we do not pay attention in every word. We only mention such words

which become ideas. Thus, we can concentrate more in ideas. (3) It

increases understanding. Mind mapping will improve the

comprehension and produce valuable frequent-note later. (4) It is

fun. The mind mapping does not limit the imagination and creativity.

That makes mind mapping become one of the amusing technique in


So mind mapping has many advantages in writing. The

researcher applies it in teaching writing for the tenth grade students

in vocational high school to increase students’ writing skill.

There are several disadvantages of using Mind maps revealed

by Spoorthi, Prashanti, & Pandurangappa (2013), namely: (1) it is

difficult to develop good mind maps on a particular topic or theme,

so students are expected to have prior knowledge/information before

making mind maps, so students tend to choose note writing strategies

over mind maps strategies, (2) this strategy requires creative

thoughts in determining mind maps patterns, and (3) if the mind

maps strategy is not well planned, the process will cause students to

get bored and disappointed because they are not can complete mind

maps well.

d. Teaching Writing Using the Mind Mapping

1) The teacher asks the students to make some groups, in each

group consists 5 persons.

2) The teacher gives brainstorming information about the main

topic classically.

3) The teacher writes the main idea as the topic was discussed and

developed into some sub-topics using graphic or table.


4) Think the words obtained from brainstorming into some


5) In each group, the students decide who is responsible for writing

the words, and they can help each other during the writing


6) When writing, the teacher oversees them to make sure all

members write.

7) The group leader is assisted by other members, collect words

from each category then rewriting them into a procedure text.

8) The group leader reads the text in front of the class.

9) The teacher gives each group an example of finished text as a

comparison to the text they made.

10) The teacher can give assignments in groups or individuals to

write procedure texts through the same process as before.

(Ratminingsih, 2017: 154-155)

e. The Example of Mind Mapping

Picture 2 How to create a mind map


B. Action Model

The action model in this research is an action research. There searcher

conducted an action research to know and learn the phenomenon which

occurred in teaching learning process and purposely tried to offer the solving

for the problem happened. In this research the researcher tried to explain

some theories related to definition of action research according to the expert.

1. Kurt Lewin (1946: 34-36) in his paper "Action Research and Minority

Problems" described action research as a comparative research on the

conditions and effects of various forms of social action and research

leading to social action that uses a spiral of steps, each of which is

composed of a circle of planning, action and fact-finding about the result

of the action.

Picture 3 Kurt Lewin’s Action Research Model


2. John Elliott (1991: 69) says that action research is the study of a social

situation with a view to improving the quality of action within it.

Picture 4 John Elliot’s Action Research Model

3. McKernan (1988 as cited in McKernan 1991) states that action research

as a method of inquiry has evolved over the last century and careful study

of the literature shows "clearly and convincingly that action research is a

root derivative of the scientific method' reaching back to the Science in

Education movement of the late nineteenth century." (McKernan,


Picture 5 McKernan’s Action Research Model

4. Bogdan & Biklen (1992: 223) explain that action research is the

systematic collection of information that is designed to bring about social


5. According to Kemmis and McTaggart (1990: 5), action research is a

form of collective self-reflective inquiry undertaken by participants in

social situations in order to improve the rationality and justice of their

own social or educational practices, as well as their understanding of

these practices and the situations in which these practices are carried out.

Picture 6 Kemmis and McTaggart’s Action Research Model

6. Dave Ebbutt (1985: 156) wrote that action research is about the

systematic study of attempts to change and improve educational practice

by groups of participants by means of their own practical actions and by

means of their own reflection upon the effects of those actions.


Picture 7 Dave Ebbut’s Action Research Model

Action Research is a process in which educators examine their own

practice systematically and carefully using the techniques of research.

Participants design a research question, collect data throughout the year,

analyze what they have learned, and write about their findings. Observations,

interviews, surveys and journals are typical data methods that participants use

to investigate their questions.

From the explanations above, the researcher chooses Kemmis and

McTaggart’ action model because it is relevant and easy to be impelented in

this research.


A. Purpose of the Research

According to the formulation of the research, the research is

conducted in order to know the improvement of students’ writing skill in

writing procedure text at tenth grade students of SMK PGRI 2 Jakarta in

academic year 2018/2019 by using the mind mapping technique.

B. Place and Time of the Research

The research took place at SMK PGRI 2 Jakarta, jl. Kembangan Utara

no. 1 Basmol, Kembangan Utara, Kembangan, Jakarta Barat. Actually it is in

the X Ak 1 Class of SMK PGRI 2 Jakarta in academic year 2018/2019. This

research was implemented on March and April 2019. I chose this school

because it is one of the oldest vocational high schools in DKI Jakarta and has

many graduates who are qualified in their fields but lacking in English.

C. Method of the Research

The method used in this research is classroom action research method,

which is derived from the root an action research. Because it occurs in the

classroom action research, it is called CAR. Classroom action research is an

action research done by the teacher who seeks for solution in teaching

learning process in order to improve the students’ achievement.


Kemmis and McTaggart (1990: 5) defined action research as


“Action research is a form of collective self-reflective inquiry

undertaken by participants in social situations in order to

improve the rationality and justice of their own social or

educational practices, as well as their understanding of these

practices and the situations in which these practices are carried


Bogdan & Biklen (1992: 223) explain that action research is the

systematic collection of information that is designed to bring about social

change. Dave Ebbutt (1985: 156) wrote that action research is about the

systematic study of attempts to change and improve educational practice by

groups of participants by means of their own practical actions and by means

of their own reflection upon the effects of those actions.

Another expert, Burn, (2010: 2) stated that, action research is part of a

broad movement that has been going on in education generally for some time.

It is related to the ideas of “reflective practice” and “the teacher as

researcher”. Action research involves taking a self-reflective, critical, and

systematic approach to explore your own teaching contexts. In action

research, a teacher becomes an “investigator” or “explorer” of his or her

personal teaching context, while at the same time being one of the

participants in it.

From the statements above, we can conclude that in the scope of

education, classroom action research is done to improve the quality of

teachers, administrators, students, the teaching learning process, and certain

community personnel. Furthermore, it will give the better result when done


D. Action Research Design

In conducting the study, the researcher uses Classroom Action

Research (CAR) Kemmis and McTaggart’s model design which consists of

two cycles. Each cycle consists of four phases. These are planning, acting,

observing, and reflecting. The design as follows:

1. Planning

The first, the researcher prepares lesson plan based on syllabus,

education calendar, and schedule of study. Classroom teacher as the

collaborator is needed to discuss the research too. Next, that is aimed at

changing things. A distinctive feature of action research is that. Those, is

effected by planned changes, have primary responsibility for deciding on

course of critically informed action which seem likely to lead to

improvement, and for evaluating the result of strategies tried out in


2. Acting

The researcher will do the acting with tree steps. They are

preface, presentation, and closing. In the preface, the researcher will give

greeting, motivation, and checks the attendance of the students. In the

presentation, the researcher would explain the procedure text and present

the mind mapping technique. In the closing, the researcher would give

the exercise or test.

3. Observing

The researcher divided observing with three observations. The

first is by interview. The researcher will do interview to the English

teacher as the collaborator and to the students. The second, the researcher

will look the result or score the students test/exercise. The third, the

researcher will look the process of the learning. During the learning run,

the research will be observed by the English teacher.

4. Reflecting

In this section, standard minimum or KKM is needed to know the

goal of action research. The standard minimum for the students in the

tenth grade of SMK PGRI 2 Jakarta is 72. If in the cycle 1, the goal is

still under 70%, it must be continued in the cycle 2. And if in the cycle 2

is still same, the research must be continued to the next cycle.

E. Design and Procedure of Action Research

1. Design of Action Research

In this research, researcher will explain about improving writing

procedure text by using mind mapping technique with classroom action

research method. The students have some difficulties in writing English


because they are not accustomed to write English in daily activity and

they are not interested to learn English because in their mind English is

difficult to understand. So that, the writer use mind mapping technique

and CAR method, because with this technique and method the students

will not feel bored for learning English in the class and they will be

happy when they practice it.

The researcher will research on 12 March 2019 at SMK PGRI 2

Jakarta. The researcher, the English teacher, and the students will be

involved in this research. The researcher will take actions, such as:

a. The researcher will give some materials about procedure text and

explanations about the steps in procedure text to the students, so that

they will understand about the materials will be learned.

b. If the students understand about the procedure text, the researcher

will explain about the mind mapping technique. After that, the

researcher will ask the students to make some groups consist 4-5


c. The English teacher just observes and evaluates what the researcher

does in the class.

2. Procedure of Action Research

The researcher will do some steps in conducting the research. The

first step is reconnaissance. In the reconnaissance step, researcher will

observe and identify the problems that occurred in the writing learning

process. The second step is planning. After the problem has been

identified, researcher will design an action plan that is feasible to be

implemented in the class. The action design in the research uses mind

mapping technique. The third step is action. In this step, researcher will

implement the action plan that has been made. The fourth step is

observation. The researcher observes and evaluates the data, whether the

mind mapping technique is effective to improve the students’ writing

skill or not. The last step is reflection. In the reflection step, the English

teacher as the collaborator, students, and the researcher himself identify

the effective and ineffective action activities so that the researcher can

design the better plans for the nest cycle.

F. Criteria of Successful Treatment

The goal of this research is to improve students’ writing skill bases on

as follows:

1. The average of the students’ score is the students’ minimum score or

KKM is 72.

2. The students feel interested, fun, and enjoy on studying English through

mind mapping technique. The research will be finished when the goal is


3. The success criteria of action research is the researcher must improve

students’ writing skill up to 70%, so that the students can improve their

English competence.

G. Technique of Collecting Data

1. Conceptual Definition

Writing is an activity of expressing ideas, opinions, experiences,

and imagination in various forms, whether personal, transactional or

creative writing that is expressed in writing through the use of language

symbols in the form of letters.

2. Operational Definition

Writing is a process organizing the idea, opinions, and feelings

into written form. It is a complex activity with the control language both

of the sentences level (grammatical, structure, vocabulary, punctuation,

spelling, and later information) and beyond the sentence rank (organizing

and integrating information into cohesive and coherent paragraph or

text). What we want write should have something meaning to convey.

3. Grid Instrument

Table 1 The Indicators to Measure the Writing of Procedure Text

No. Indicators
The student is able to determine the title/goal/aim of the procedure
text well.
The student is able to determine the list of materials needed for
completing the procedure.
The student is able to make a sequence of steps in correct order to
achieve the goal.
4 The student is able to write the procedure text grammatically.

Table 2 The Scoring Rubric of Writing

No Categorization Score Criteria Description
5 Excellent Substantive
1 Content 4 Good Adequate range
3 Fair Little substance

2 Very poor Non substantive

5 Excellent Ideas clearly stated
4 Good Loosely organized but
main ideas stand out
2 Organization
3 Fair Ideas confusing or
2 Very poor No organization
5 Excellent Effective word/idiom
choice and usage
4 Good Occasional word/idiom,
choice, usage, but meaning
3 Vocabulary is not obscure.
3 Fair Frequent errors of
word/idiom, choice, usage
2 Very poor Little knowledge of
English vocabulary.
5 Excellent Effective complex
grammar construction.
4 Good Effective but simple
construction in grammar.
3 Fair A major problem is
4 Grammar
simple/ complex
construction in grammar.
2 Very poor Virtually no mastery of
sentence construction
5 Excellent Demonstrates mastery of
4 Good Occasional errors of
spelling, punctuation.
3 Fair Frequent errors of
5 Mechanic spelling, punctuation,
2 Very poor No mastery of
conventions, dominated by
errors of spelling,
punctuation, capitalization.
Total of Score : 10 – 25

In this research, five categories were enough to measure the students’

ability in writing procedure text. The maximum score in this


measurement was 25, so the students’ mark could be calculated as


Student’s Mark = x 100

The next method was marking the students’ achievement. The

scores would be more meaningful if they were changed into numerical

data, which were arranged from the highest to the lowest group.

The measurements of the students’ achievement stated by

Harris (1969:134) can be described as follows:

Table 3
The Measurement of the Students’ Achievement
Criteria of mastery Level of achievement
91 – 100 Excellent
81 – 90 Very Good
71 – 80 Good
61 – 70 Fair
51 – 60 Poor
Less than 50 Very poor
Taken from: Harris (1969:134)

4. Research Instrument

To get the accurate and correct the data, the researcher uses some

instruments to collect the data, such as:

a. Observation Checklist

In this research, the researcher would use observation

checklist to provide the qualitative data of the research that would

be conducted. The researcher used this instrument in order to get

some information about the situation of the classroom activities.


It contained observation results about students’ attendance,

interest & motivation, students’ activities during teaching

learning process and the students’ activities in focusing the

attention to the teacher’s explanation during the research


The observation checklist would be used during the

research. It was aimed to understand the students’ progress

because it would be helpful to decide the next step of the research

and do correction for the teaching learning process done.

b. Questionnaire

The questionnaire is most frequently a way concise,

preplanned set of questions designed to yield specific information

to meet a particular need for research information about a

pertinent topic.

It was list of questions that would be answered by a group

of people to get information for an investigation or a research. In

this study the questionnaire was used to collect data from

students’ interest, relevance, advantage, students’ achievement,

and sustainability during the teaching learning process. It was

supported by Mills (2000:58) questionnaires allow the teacher

researcher to collect large amounts of data in relatively short

amount of time.

In giving questionnaires, the researcher needed an


instrument that would help ensure useful responses. Mills

(2000:58) gave guidelines for developing and presenting

questionnaires, they were:

1) Carefully proof read questionnaires.

2) Avoid a sloppy presentation.

3) Avoid lengthy presentation.

4) Do not ask unnecessary questions.

5) Use structured items with a variety of possible responses.

6) Whenever possible, allow for an “Other Comments” section.

7) Decide whether to use respondents’ names or use a number

to keep track of respondents.

The result of the questionnaire was used to describe the

data about students’ opinion, problem, difficulties, understanding,

and responses about material and method. The guidelines of the

questionnaire are as follows:

Table 4
Guideline of the questionnaire
Number of Question Students’ Opinion
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 About students’ interest
8, 9, 10 About the relevance
11, 12, 13 About the advantage
14 About students’ achievement
15 About sustainability
Taken from: Mills (2000:58)

c. Interview

Interview also conducted to obtain comprehensive data from the

participants. This interview revealed the students’ attitudes toward

the implementation of the mind mapping technique in teaching

writing. The interview items were open-ended questions, in which

had aim to reveal specific information which could be compared and

contrasted with information gained from the test and questionnaire.

In this case, face-to-face or one-to-one interviews were conducted.

The interview was in the form of informal conversation to the

students. The interview was done at school. The interview was

conducted in order to support the data. The data of the interview was

recorded and transcribed to be analyzed. After being transcribed and

categorized, the data were presented in the discussion to explore

students’ attitudes toward the implementation of the mind mapping

technique in teaching writing.

d. Test

This research would be carried out through three tests.

1) Pre-test

Pre-test would be done in the beginning of the research

before giving treatments as the first step in collecting data.

The purpose of this test was to know how far students

mastered written procedure text before applying mind


mapping method as a teaching strategy in writing a procedure


2) Writing test in the second cycle

There would be a writing test in the second cycle. After all

students were given some treatments related to the procedure

text and application of mind mapping method as teaching

learning strategy, they would be asked to produce procedure

text using mind mapping method. If they still found some

difficulties in this writing activity, they could ask me before

they were given a post-test in the end of the study.

3) Post-test

Post-test would be given at the end of the study in cycle 2. It

was conducted to measure the students’ ability after

treatments or to measure the output after sequence of cycles of

the action research conducted. The result of the test would be

analyzed to measure the improvement of students’ ability in

writing procedure text.

5. Validity of Instrument

The analysis qualitative data used in this research is the analysis

of questionnaire, the interview the English teacher and students, and the

interview before and after classroom action research. The analysis

quantitative data is the students’ test result. From the data, the researcher

and the teacher can find out whether there is significant improvement or

not in students’ writing.

H. Validity of The Data

The data validity of this research was based on Anderson et al. in

Burns’ (1999: 161-162) criteria of validity. They were democratic validity,

outcome validity, catalytic validity, process validity, and dialogic validity.

1. Democratic validity

In this research, to get the democratic validity the researcher did a

collaboration with the English teacher and the students as the data

resources who have a right to give their opinion, ideas, criticism and

suggestion about the implementation of the actions. Their opinions,

ideas, criticism and suggestion were used to improve the actions of cycle


2. Outcome validity

The researcher gathered the subjects’ responses to bring about

changes and to see how deep the subjects’ understanding toward the

materials given. By monitoring the subjects’ problem, the researcher

could take the actions as a result of these changes.

3. Catalytic validity

This criterion related to the notion of the actions leading to the

outcome that are successful in the research situation. The outcome

validity in this research was obtained by looking at the result of the


actions which have been done. The researcher and the collaborator

analyzed the successful and the unsuccessful of the actions. Outcome

validity also depended on the validity of the process of conducting the

research, which would next be described.

4. Process validity

The process validity was obtained to see how adequate the

process of conducting the research. During the research process, events

or behaviors were viewed by different perspectives and different data

sources. This was done in order to avoid the biased interpretation.

5. Dialogic validity

To get the last criteria of validity, the dialogic validity, the

researcher did reflection with the teacher and the students in order to get

suggestions to improve the actions.



A. Description of Research Findings

This research is classroom action research. In the previous chapter, it

has been mentioned that the steps of the research were planning, acting,

observing, and reflecting. The purpose of the research was to know the

improvement of the students’ writing skills of tenth grade in SMK PGRI 2

Jakarta in the academic year 2018/2019. The researcher focused on applying

the mind mapping technique to improve the students’ writing skills.

The researcher did some steps in conducting the research. The first

step was reconnaissance. In the reconnaissance step, researcher observed and

identified the problems that occurred in the writing learning process. The

second step was planning. After the problems had been identified, researcher

designed an action plan that were feasible to be implemented in the field. The

action designed in this research used the mind mapping technique. The third

step was action and observation. In this step, researcher implemented the

action that had been made. After that, researcher observed and evaluated the

data, whether the mind mapping technique was effective to improve the

students’ writing skills or not. The last step was reflection. In the reflection

step, the English teacher (ET) as the collaborator, students, and researcher

himself identified the effective and ineffective actions activities so that the

researcher could design the better plans for the next Cycle.


1. Identification of the Field Problem

The researcher had a discussion with the English teacher of tenth

grade at SMK PGRI 2 Jakarta to identify the problems. Besides,

researcher also observed the English teaching-learning process in the

class. Researcher did some observations to identify the problems that

occurred in English teaching-learning process of tenth grade at SMK

PGRI 2 Jakarta. In identifying the field of problems, the researcher

observed the classroom activities and also interviewed the teacher. Those

problems could be seen on the table below.

Table 5
The field problems in tenth grade of SMK PGRI 2 Jakarta
No Problems Codes
1 When the teacher came to the class, the students were not S
ready to study.
2 Some students felt bored. S
3 The students did not pay attention when the teacher S
explained the material.
4 The students often made up something for fun in answering S
the teacher’s questions.
5 The students found difficulties in writing sentences in S
6 The students had low interest to look up new words in their S
7 Some students had difficulties in answering the teacher’s S
8 The students lacked grammar ability. S
9 The students had difficulties in guessing the meaning of S
10 The students had difficulties in understanding the meaning S
of some sentences.
11 The students pronounced words incorrectly. S

12 The students played with their classmate while the S

teaching-learning process was in progress.
13 The students had difficulties to express their ideas in S
14 The students lacked vocabulary. S
15 The students did not bring the course book. S
16 The students did not do their homework. S
17 Some students felt shy to ask or answer the teacher’s T
questions in English.
18 The teacher used only one source of teaching materials. T
19 The teacher sometimes did not give a warning when some T
students talked to their friends.
20 The teacher gave the students too little time in doing some T
21 The teacher found difficulties in handling the students who T
made noise.
23 The teacher lacked ideas in creating some interesting T
24 The teacher’s style in teaching was teacher-centered. T
25 The students did not have much time in the process of S
26 The students found it difficult to memorize new English S
27 The students had low motivation joining the classroom S

S: students, T: Teacher

Based on the identification above, there were some problems

related to the process of writing teaching-learning. They were

categorized into problems on students and teachers. Since the focus of

the study is on the use of the mind mapping technique to improve the

students’ writing skills, the problems solved in this study were those

related to the process of writing teaching-learning especially of the

procedure text.

Table 6
The Problems related to the process of writing teaching learning
No Problems Codes
1 The students did not pay attention when the teacher S
explained the material
2 The students often made up something for fun in answering S
the teacher’s questions.
3 The students found difficulties to write sentences in S
4 Some students had difficulties answering the teacher’s S
5 The students lacked grammar ability. S
6 The students had difficulties to express their ideas in S
7 The students lacked vocabulary. S
8 The students were lazy to look up new words in their S
9 The students easily got bored during the lesson. S
10 The students did not do their homework. S
11 The teaching-learning process lacked the use of learning S
12 The students had low motivation in joining the classroom. S
13 The students did not have much time in the process of S

Based on the problems related to the process of writing teaching-

learning, the researcher and the teacher discussed the main causes of the

problems. The result of the discussion between the researcher and the

teacher was used to fulfill the criteria of democratic validity. It was

agreed that the main causes of those problems were:

a. The students found difficulties to write sentences in English.

b. The students lacked grammar ability.

c. The students had difficulties to express their ideas in writing.


d. The students lacked vocabulary.

The teacher asked the researcher to propose some action plans to

overcome the field problems. The teacher added that the action plans

should consider the limitation of fund, time, and the ability of the

researcher and the teacher in conducting the research.

2. Determining the Actions to Solve the Field Problems

After the researcher and the English teacher identified the most

important problems that needed to solve, they discussed again the main

problems. The researcher and the English teacher agreed that those

problems above related to writing skill. Then the researcher and the

English teacher tried to look for the appropriate way to improve the

students’ writing skill. Finally, the English teacher asked the researcher

to make some action plans to overcome the field problems. This was

done to fulfill the democratic and dialogic validities. The actions were

intended to overcome the problems of the students who had difficulty to

generate ideas for writing the procedure text, the students who usually

talked with their friends and made noise; the students who seemed to be

lazy to study in the writing activity; and the students who lack of

grammar and vocabulary. The actions plans were as follows.

a. Using procedure text with the mind mapping

b. Employing the stages of English teaching-learning cycle in the

process of writing teaching learning.


c. Improving classroom management.

The use of mind mapping was intended to make the students more

interested in the topic of teaching-learning process. It would also help the

students to express their ideas in writing the procedure text. Besides,

mind mapping which was colorful and varied would be able to attract the

students’ attention. Mind mapping could encourage them to involve the

texts writing in the teaching-learning process. Considering the strengths

and the weaknesses of the students’ ability, finally the researcher decided

to use mind mapping technique to improve the students’ writing skills.

3. Pre-Test

In the beginning of the first meeting, the researcher introduced

himself as a researcher who would conduct an action research in the

class. The researcher checked the students’ attendance by calling

them one by one and asked them to introduce themselves. The

researcher gave explanation to the students about the purpose of


A pre-test was given at the first stage of this study. It was

conducted on March 5th, 2019. There were 30 students joined the test.

In the pre-test, Students were asked to produce a procedure

text and the time allocation was thirty minutes. The given topic was

“How to Make a Nice Coffee” and they began writing the text. The

procedure text belonged to a material in the last grade, therefore they


have ability in producing this genre. Besides, it could be used as a

consideration to decide the next activities that would be

emphasized in this study. Before making a plan to conduct a

classroom action research, the researcher had discussed with the

English teacher. The discussion resulted that the students’ ability in

writing skill still needed an improvement to get a satisfying result.

The result of the pre-test can be seen below.

Student’s Mark = x 100

Maximum score = 25

Table 7
Result of Pre-Test




Student Total
No. Mark
Code Score

1 S-1 3 2 2 3 2 12 48
2 S-2 3 3 3 2 3 14 56
3 S-3 3 3 2 2 3 13 52
4 S-4 3 3 2 2 3 13 52
5 S-5 3 3 2 2 2 12 48
6 S-6 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
7 S-7 3 2 3 2 2 12 48
8 S-8 3 3 3 2 3 14 56
9 S-9 3 3 3 3 3 12 48
10 S-10 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
11 S-11 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
12 S-12 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
13 S-13 3 2 2 2 3 12 48
14 S-14 3 2 2 2 3 12 48
15 S-15 3 2 2 2 2 11 44
16 S-16 3 3 3 2 3 14 56
17 S-17 3 3 3 3 2 14 45




Student Total
No. Mark
Code Score

18 S-18 3 3 2 2 2 12 48
19 S-19 3 3 2 3 3 14 56
20 S-20 3 3 2 2 2 12 48
21 S-21 3 3 2 2 2 12 48
22 S-22 3 3 2 2 2 12 48
23 S-23 3 3 3 2 2 13 52
24 S-24 3 3 2 2 2 12 48
25 S-25 3 3 3 3 2 14 56
26 S-26 3 3 3 2 2 13 52
27 S-27 2 3 2 2 3 12 48
28 S-28 3 3 2 2 2 12 48
29 S-29 3 3 2 2 2 12 48
30 S-30 3 3 2 2 2 12 48
Total 89 84 72 68 74 387 1548
Mean 2.97 2.80 2.40 2.27 2.47 12.90 51.60
The average of the students’ writing test result (pre-test):

= = = 51.60

Pre-Test Result







S-1 S-3 S-5 S-7 S-9 S-11 S-13 S-15 S-17 S-19 S-21 S-23 S-25 S-27 S-29

4. First Cycle

a. Planning

 First Meeting

First cycle was conducted after pre-test. It was divided

into two meetings. After all students had done their pre-test for

thirty minutes, the next activity was implementation of the first

cycle. In this meeting, the researcher had a plan based on the

result of the discussion between the researcher and English teacher

about the students’ unsatisfying result in writing aspect and it

would be carried out step by step.

The plan was introducing mind mapping technique that

would be applied in written procedure text. The main purpose of

this research was improving the students’ ability in producing a

procedure text using mind mapping technique than conventional

method. Firstly, the researcher asked the students to discuss the

pre-test they had just done. The researcher asked them to discuss

about the generic structures, content, and language features of the

procedure text which they had just written. After they finished

their discussion, the researcher gave more specific explanation

about everything related to the procedure text. It was aimed to get

the students’ interest and attention before they were given some


b. Acting

Based on curriculum, procedure text belonged to a

material taught in the last grade so actually it wasn’t something

new for them. The researcher asked them whether there were still

difficulties in writing a procedure text or not. Some students gave

their opinion about some problems they faced when they were

asked to write a procedure text. First problem, they got some

difficulties in finding appropriate vocabularies because only few

of them bringing dictionary. The second problem, they still made

some mistakes in using simple present tense and imperative

sentences whereas both of them are actually important in writing

procedure text. The last one, they had difficulties in developing a

topic and exploring their ideas or imagination while they were

producing the text. For that reason, they needed a new method to

make them easier in producing a procedure text.

After the discussion, the researcher conducted the first

cycle which was consisted of three stages and done in two

meetings. They were BKOF (Building Knowledge of Field),

MOT (Modeling of the Text) and JCOT (Joint Construction of the

Text). The description of each part can be seen as follows:

1) BKOF (Building Knowledge of Field)

At this stage, the researcher recalled the students

everything about procedure text as a text they have learnt in


the last grade. The researcher asked them to recall and

memorize everything about procedure text from the

definition, social function, generic structure and grammatical

feature of the text.

Some students were still able to remember those

materials. Therefore, the researcher explained again and gave

them another example of procedure text until they understood

the content of the procedure text well.

2) MOT (Modeling of the Text)

In the second stage, before the researcher gave them

some explanation about procedure text, the researcher

distributed them another example of procedure text entitled

“How to Cook Tomato Soup”. The text not only contained a

procedure text, but also materials that would be explained

later. After all of them received the text, the researcher

started to explain about procedure text and its content. The

researcher asked one of students to read the text aloud and

the others listened to their friend. The next step, the

researcher began his explanation about social function,

generic structure and language feature of the procedure text


After all students understood and got a description of

the explanation given, the researcher focused on the tense


used (simple present tense) and imperative sentence. Those

two language features are very important in writing procedure

text so each of them should be mastered before they started to

produce a real procedure text. The researcher gave them

handout containing materials and exercises about simple

present tense and imperative sentence. Firstly, the researcher

gave them explanation about simple present tense and

described the formula of sentences in positive, negative and

interrogative form. The next step was explaining about

imperative sentence always used in written procedure text.

The researcher gave description about what kind of

imperative sentences used in written procedure text. After

explaining all materials in this meeting, the researcher gave

them some exercises to make sure whether they understood

them or not.

The time was over before all students finished their

work. The researcher asked them to finish their work at home

and the next activity would be conducted at the next meeting.

 Second Meeting

Second meeting of the first cycle was conducted on March

19th, 2019. In this stage, the researcher continued the last activity,

MOT (Modeling of the Text). After greeting the students, the


researcher checked the students’ attendance. In the last activity,

they were given exercise related to the language feature (Simple

Present Tense and Imperative Sentence) as homework and

discussion of the homework was done at first stage in this meeting.

In this stage, the researcher asked the students whether

they had homework or not and most of them answered “yes”. The

researcher ordered some students to come in front of class and

did exercises on the whiteboard. Most of them did the exercise

correctly and it showed that they understood about the language

features (simple present tense & imperative sentence) was better

than last meeting. By comparing the students’ mastery of those

language features in pre-test and students’ homework, it can be

seen that students’ achievement increased. From this students’

achievement, the next step was explaining general understanding

of mind mapping technique as a teaching strategy that would be

applied in writing procedure text.

1) JCOT (Joint Construction of the Text)

Joint construction of the text was the last activity of

the first cycle. After all students mastered all materials,

especially generic structure and the language feature, the

researcher gave them explanation about general concept of

mind mapping. Besides, the researcher explained the steps in


using mind map and how to apply this method in writing

procedure text.

Firstly, the researcher asked the students whether they

knew or heard “mind mapping technique” or not. Mind

mapping technique was actually something new for them, so

the researcher had to explain them about the general

understanding of the method clearly before the researcher

explained them how to apply this in writing procedure text.

Before starting his explanation, the researcher gave

handout that consisted of explanation of the mind mapping

technique, example and the steps in constructing a mind map.

They looked interested because it was something new for

them and they hadn’t learnt it before. The researcher started

to explain the general concept of mind mapping technique by

giving them an example of simple pattern of the mind

mapping technique. In mind mapping technique, we

developed a topic to some branches and found related ideas

from the main topic. In this example the main topic was

“vacation”. The researcher explained the five branches of the

vacation. They were: travel, accommodations, fun,

navigation and food. From these branches, the researcher

asked the students to give their opinion and find other

related ideas of each branch. It was fun and it stimulated


them to be more active, creative and free to explore their ideas

from the main topic during learning process.

After all students had good understanding about the

general concept of mind mapping technique, the next stage

was explaining the application of the mind mapping

technique in writing a procedure text. In the material given,

the researcher also gave example how to apply mind mapping

technique in constructing a procedure text. They had to pay

attention to researcher’s explanation because it was the main

activity on research. There were some steps they had to

understand before the researcher ordered them to practice

applying mind mapping technique in writing a procedure

text. In this stage, the researcher gave them example how to

apply mind mapping technique in writing a procedure text

with the topic “How to Make Fried Rice”. In this stage, the

researcher explained them to explore their mind, find some

branches and related ideas. The researcher asked them to use

their imagination because in mind mapping technique they

were free to generate or explore their mind based on the topic

given. They looked interested while the researcher was

explaining step by step and this teaching learning activity

became fun.

Some minutes later, the researcher asked them to

practice applying mind mapping technique in writing a

procedure text with the topic “How to Make a Nice Coffee”, a

same topic to pre-test. They started practiced constructing

mind mapping concept based on the topic given. They used to

ask him when they found some difficulties in finding

appropriate vocabulary or using correct grammar, they also

could discuss with other students while they were

constructing the concept of mind mapping they made before

they write final draft of their procedure text. When they

finished the mind mapping concept of the procedure text, they

started writing the final draft of text. In this activity, mind

mapping made students easier in writing a procedure text.

The researcher didn’t give any writing test like in the first

meeting because the researcher emphasized on the students’

practice the steps in writing. It could be seen from the result

of their practice writing which was better than the before.

Their ability in using correct grammar was also improved and

their mastery of vocabularies was better. In this cycle, the

students’ difficulties in finding appropriate vocabularies and

using correct grammar and structure were eliminated.

In the end of teaching and learning activity, the

researcher warned the students to practice writing using mind


mapping technique at home. The researcher also asked them

to enrich their vocabularies and explore their ideas because it

would be helpful for them while they were constructing a


c. Observing

In this research, observing was the third stage of sequence

of research activities which were conducted. After conducting

some treatments in this cycle, the researcher found some facts that

would be described and used as consideration for the next


First, based on the observation in the first cycle, the

students’ mastery of the materials was better than before after the

researcher gave them handout and recalled the lesson in the

beginning of the class. Second, their ability in finding appropriate

vocabularies should be improved because the diction (choice of

words) was very important in writing a text. Third, their mastery

of language features (simple present tense and imperative

sentence) should be improved because of their importance in

writing procedure text. The students still made some mistakes and

it could be seen from their practice and homework. The last one,

mind mapping technique was able to be applied in writing

activities, but the students had to practice more to explore their


mind in order to get better achievement in producing a procedure


d. Reflecting

Reflecting was the fourth part of this research. It still

focused on students’ improvement in writing procedure text. The

result of the observation in this cycle was used as guidelines to

decide some activities for the next cycle.

Students were asked to practice constructing mind

mapping pattern at home and applying mind mapping technique

in writing a procedure text. Moreover, the researcher gave them

homework about language feature of the procedure text (simple

present tense and imperative sentences) and discussed it later.

There was a writing test for the next cycle. They had to bring

dictionary to help them finding appropriate vocabularies during

writing activity.

5. Second Cycle

a. Planning

The second cycle consisted of only one meeting and it was

conducted on April 9th, 2019. This cycle was done in the third

meeting of this classroom action research. In general, the


procedure of teaching learning of this cycle was the same as

previous meeting.

There must be an improvement for the students in using

simple present tense and imperative sentences which were very

important in teaching learning written procedure text.

b. Acting

Procedure of the second cycle also consisted of three

stages. They were BKOF (Building Knowledge of Field), MOT

(Modeling of the Text) and the last one was ICOT (Independent

Construction of the Text). In this cycle, the students were asked to

produce the procedure text using mind mapping method based on

the topic given. The procedure of the second cycle could be

described as follow:

1) BKOF (Building Knowledge of Field)

First activity of the second cycle was greeting the

students and checking their attendance by calling them one

by one. The researcher asked them to produce a procedure

text using mind mapping technique and asked them to do it in


There were thirty students. Before starting the main

activity, the researcher gave them explanation about general

error in their writing. Moreover, the researcher also reviewed


the last meeting by asking them some questions about the

material at the previous meeting orally. It was aimed to make

sure whether they had good understanding about the material


2) MOT (Modeling of the Text)

In this stage, the researcher asked students to open the

last material about example of procedure text entitled “How to

Cook Tomato Soup” and explanation of social function,

generic structure and language feature of the text. The

researcher explained them more about grammar using that

example and language feature they could use in writing a

procedure text. The researcher also explained about the

punctuation to the students. For example, they were

explained that in the procedure text, we used numbering or

temporal conjunction to explain the steps.

3) ICOT (Independent Construction of the Text)

In this stage, the students were ordered to write a

procedure text using mind mapping technique. There were

thirty students. Everyone was given two pages of paper, mind

map sheet and writing sheet. Mind map sheet was used to

construct the concept mind mapping method and the writing

sheet was used to write the final draft of the procedure text

from the mind mapping construction made. The topic was


“How to Make Instant Noodle” and they started working in


Firstly, they constructed the mind mapping concept of

the procedure text. They explored their ideas, found related

ideas and changed them into some topic sentences that would

be developed to be a real procedure text. The time allocation

was 45 minutes, so they had to work fast. There must be a

dictionary to help them in finding appropriate vocabularies,

but they could ask the researcher if they still face difficulties

in finding difficult words. After completing mind mapping

construction and creating some topic sentences, they wrote the

final draft of the procedure text on the writing sheet and

submitted in the end of the class. The result of the students’

writing in this second cycle can be seen below:

Students’ Mark = x 100

Maximum score = 25

Table 8
Result Student’s Writing Test




Student Total
No. Mark
Code Score

1 S-1 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
2 S-2 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
3 S-3 4 3 3 3 3 16 64




Student Total
No. Mark
Code Score

4 S-4 4 4 3 3 3 17 68
5 S-5 4 3 3 3 3 16 64
6 S-6 4 3 3 3 3 16 64
7 S-7 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
8 S-8 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
9 S-9 4 3 3 3 3 16 64
10 S-10 4 4 3 3 3 17 68
11 S-11 4 3 3 3 3 16 64
12 S-12 4 3 3 3 3 16 64
13 S-13 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
14 S-14 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
15 S-15 4 3 3 3 3 16 64
16 S-16 4 4 3 3 3 17 68
17 S-17 4 3 3 3 3 16 64
18 S-18 4 3 3 3 3 16 64
19 S-19 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
20 S-20 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
21 S-21 4 3 3 3 3 16 64
22 S-22 4 4 3 3 3 17 68
23 S-23 4 3 3 3 3 16 64
24 S-24 4 3 3 3 3 16 64
25 S-25 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
26 S-26 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
27 S-27 4 3 3 3 3 16 64
28 S-28 4 4 3 3 3 17 68
29 S-29 4 3 3 3 3 16 64
30 S-30 4 3 3 3 3 16 64
Total 110 95 90 90 90 475 1900
Mean 3.67 3.17 3.00 3.00 3.00 15.83 63.33
The average of the students’ writing test (writing test

in cycle 2):

= = = 63.33

Writing Test







S-1 S-3 S-5 S-7 S-9 S-11 S-13 S-15 S-17 S-19 S-21 S-23 S-25 S-27 S-29

c. Observing

In the beginning of the second cycle, the students were

more interested and motivated. They knew whether there was a

writing test in this meeting. The researcher had warned them to

practice applying mind mapping method in writing procedure text

in previous meeting so they could prepare it before.

The time allocation of the writing test was 60 minutes and

they started working cooperatively. Firstly, they created mind

mapping construction by finding related ideas related ideas. They

could open dictionary if they had difficulties in finding

vocabularies or asked the researcher if they couldn’t find them.

After creating mind mapping pattern, they wrote the final draft of

the text. The average of students’ writing test in second cycle was

better than the result of the pre-test, but post-test was still given

in the last meeting.

d. Reflecting

The increasing result of the writing test in second cycle

described that the application of mind mapping method was

appropriate in writing procedure text. Some problems that the

students faced were eliminated by some treatments given.

Post-test and questionnaire were given in the end of the

research. The result of the post-test would be compared with pre-

test and writing test in second cycle in order to know the students’

improvement in writing procedure text. The analysis of

questionnaire also gave information in order to support the

primary data during the study.

6. Post-test

After conducting two cycles and some treatments, the students’

ability in writing was once again measured by giving them a post-test.

It was conducted on April 16th, 2019. In the previous meeting the

researcher reminded them to be present because there would be a

post-test and questionnaires in the end of my research. The researcher

checked the students’ attendance and started the post-test.


Before doing the post-test, the researcher reviewed the lesson

that the researcher gave briefly. The researcher asked once more to the

students if they had difficulties in writing a procedure text, they could

ask me and the researcher would explain once more. The post-test

was the same as the pre-test. They were asked to produce a procedure

text using mind mapping method with the topic “How to Make an

Omelette”. The result of the students’ achievement in the post-test

can be seen below:

Student’s Mark = x 100

Maximum score = 25

Table 9
Result of Post-Test




Student Total
No. Mark
Code Score

1 S-1 4 3 4 4 3 18 72
2 S-2 4 4 4 4 3 19 76
3 S-3 4 4 4 3 4 19 76
4 S-4 4 4 3 4 4 19 76
5 S-5 4 4 4 4 3 19 76
6 S-6 4 4 4 4 4 20 80
7 S-7 4 4 4 4 3 19 76
8 S-8 4 4 4 3 4 19 76
9 S-9 4 4 3 3 4 18 72
10 S-10 5 4 4 4 4 21 84
11 S-11 4 4 5 4 4 21 84
12 S-12 4 4 4 4 4 20 80
13 S-13 4 4 4 3 3 18 72




Student Total
No. Mark
Code Score

14 S-14 4 3 4 4 3 18 72
15 S-15 4 3 4 3 4 18 72
16 S-16 4 4 4 4 4 20 80
17 S-17 4 4 4 3 4 19 76
18 S-18 4 4 3 3 4 18 72
19 S-19 4 4 4 4 3 19 76
20 S-20 4 4 4 3 3 18 72
21 S-21 4 4 4 3 3 18 72
22 S-22 4 4 4 3 3 18 72
23 S-23 4 4 4 4 3 19 76
24 S-24 4 4 3 4 4 19 76
25 S-25 4 4 4 4 4 20 80
26 S-26 4 4 4 4 3 19 76
27 S-27 4 4 4 3 3 18 72
28 S-28 4 4 4 3 3 18 2
29 S-29 4 4 4 4 3 19 76
30 S-30 4 4 4 3 3 18 72
Total 121 117 117 107 104 566 2264
Mean 4.03 3.90 3.90 3.57 3.47 18.87 75.47
The average of the students’ test result (post-test):

= = = 75.47

Post-Test Result
S-1 S-3 S-5 S-7 S-9 S-11 S-13 S-15 S-17 S-19 S-21 S-23 S-25 S-27 S-29

From the analysis above, the average of the students’ post-test

was 75.47. The score was higher than the pre-test that was only 51.60.

Students' Mark
Students' Mark

Pre-Test Post-Test

From this fact, the researcher concluded that the students’

achievement in writing procedure text improved. The students’ marks

increased from the pre-test, treatment in the second cycle and the post-

test. It could be said that mind mapping strategy was effective to help

the students in improving their writing ability, especially in writing

procedure text.

7. Analysis of Questionnaires

In this activity, the researcher distributed a questionnaire to

support the primary data. The questionnaire was conducted on April

16th, 2019. It was responded by thirty students. The purpose of giving

the questionnaires was to add the qualitative data in this study.


The researcher gave fifteen questions for the students. They

were ordered to answer the questionnaires by crossing the choice a, b,

or c in multiple choice questions.

The techniques in analyzing the questionnaires were discussed

in the following section.

a. Grading the items of questionnaire

The questionnaire consisted of fifteen (15) questions. The

descriptions of the questionnaire were: number 1-7 about

students’ interest, number 8-10 about the relevance, number 11-

13 about the advantage, number 14 about students’ achievement

and number 15 about sustainability.

Each option was given a score that showed the quality of

each indicator. The score ranges from 1 to 3 as shown in the table


Table 10
The Scoring Range of Questionnaire
Option Score
A 1
B 2
C 3
Taken from: Mills (2000:58)

The score that ranges from 1 to 3 was explained below:

1) If the students chose A, the score was 1.

2) If the students chose B, the score was 2.

3) If the students chose C, the score was 3.


b. Tabulating the data questionnaire

The researcher tabulated the questionnaire data in order to

make the result of grading clearly readable. The table consisted of

these columns: name (students’ code), score per item, total

scores, mean of each item and the average of each indicator based

on the guidelines of the questionnaires.

c. Finding the mean

The formula used for computing the mean was as follows:

Mean =

The mean of each indicator could be seen in appendix 5.

d. Determining the graded scores

Providing value of graded scores was very important,

since the result of the mean was not in round figure but in

decimal. The result of the questionnaire data analysis of each

issue could be classified into a range of mean below:

Table 11
Classification of Graded Sources of Questionnaire


Range of

Not Not Not

0.00-1.00 Low Low
Relevant helpful necessary

1.01-2.00 Medium Relevant Helpful Medium Necessary

Very Very Very

2.01-3.00 High High
relevant helpful necessary

Taken from: Mills (2000:58)

e. Matching the mean criterion

To get the additional information about the students’

response in this study, the mean of each issue was matched to the

criterion. Based on the range of mean above, the result of the data

of the questionnaire could be analyzed by referring it to the

following criterion:

Table 12
The Mean Criterion of Questionnaire
Issue Mean Category
Students’ interest 2.66 High
Relevance 2.61 Very relevance
Advantage 2.66 Very helpful
Students’ achievement 2.53 High
Sustainability 2.67 Very necessary

f. Concluding the Questionnaire Result

1) The students’ interest in using mind mapping method in

writing procedure text was high.

2) Mind mapping method was very relevance for the students’

in writing a procedure text.

3) The mind mapping method could help the students’ in writing

a procedure text.

4) The students’ achievement in producing procedure text using

mind mapping method was high.


5) Mind mapping method was very necessary for the students in

constructing procedure text.

8. Analysis of the Observation

The observation was done to observe the students’ activity

during the treatments conducted in first and second cycle. The

observation’s explanation of each cycle during the classroom action

research can be described as follows:

a. Analysis of Observation in the First Cycle

1) The students’ attendance.

Actually, there were thirty students in class. At the first

meeting of the first cycle on March 12th 2019, thirty students

were present and thirteen students were present in the second

meeting on March 19th 2019. It means that no student was

absent both in the first and second meeting.

2) The students’ interest and motivation.

At the first meeting of the first cycle on March 12th 2019, the

students were not too interested and motivated. The

researcher tried to communicate and do something to refresh

their mind and get their attention. In the second meeting of the

first cycle on March 19th 2019, when the researcher began

explaining about the general concept of mind mapping

method and the implementation of mind mapping method in


writing a procedure text, they looked interesting because it

was something new for them.

3) The students’ activities during teaching learning process.

In the beginning of the teaching learning process, most of

students weren’t active because most of them thought that

English is difficult to learn. They looked bored because they

only dealed with the theory given. Some of them responded

on my explanation by asking some questions to me. In the

second meeting of the first cycle, after introducing mind

mapping method as a new method in writing they actively

asked some questions related to the material given. They were

interested because it was the first time for them to know this

method. Moreover, it would be applied in their writing

activity. They practiced creating mind mapping and asked if

they found a problem.

4) The students’ activities in focusing the attention to the

teacher’s explanation.

In the first meeting of the first cycle, there were some students

didn’t focus on my explanation. After all students received the

material, the researcher started explaining about the material

to get better background knowledge before they were

introduced to the mind mapping method that would be

applied in written procedure text. The researcher repeated the


explanation for three times to make sure they understood the

material. At the second meeting they seemed to be more

focus to the explanation about the mind mapping method,

how to construct it and apply it in writing a text.

b. Analysis of Observation in the Second Cycle

1) The students’ attendance.

The second cycle was conducted only in one meeting. It was

conducted on the third meeting of this classroom action

research which is the main activity of this research. All

students were present in this activity.

2) The students’ interest and motivation.

All students had great interest and motivation in this activity

because they just introduced a new method in previous

meeting. The researcher had delivered and explained them

how to create mind mapping construction and apply it in

writing a text. Mind mapping helped them in generating ideas

and developing some topic sentences. Moreover, they were

motivated to get better achievement than the last grade.

3) The students’ activities during teaching learning process.

In the beginning of teaching learning activity, the researcher

discussed about the last homework given in the previous

meeting. They were active doing the homework on the

whiteboard. They started constructing the mind map of the


text that would be written. They looked active t o find

vocabularies, searching related ideas and developing some

branches to be the topic sentences.

4) The students’ activities in focusing the attention to the

teacher’s explanation.

When the researcher started the discussion of the homework,

the students paid attention to my explanation. The researcher

warned them to focus on my explanation because it belonged

to the important thing in this study. In this cycle, they looked

concentrate and focus on my explanation because soon after

that they would be given a writing procedure text in pairs.

B. Discussion of the Research

This classroom action research was conducted in four meetings. The

research was intended to know how well the application of mind mapping

method as a teaching writing strategy in improving the students’ ability in

writing a procedure text.

There were some treatments implemented through stages in order to

make the students easier and get better result in producing a procedure

text. In first cycle, students had problems in grammatical features of the

procedure text. They still made some mistakes in using simple present

tense and constructing imperative sentence that was very important in


writing procedure text. Moreover, they had difficulties in finding

appropriate words. After the researcher gave treatment, they could

produce sentences in present tense (positive, negative and imperative form)

and construct imperative sentence well. They were also introduced mind

mapping method at second meeting of the first cycle and practiced

applying this method in writing procedure text. At second cycle, the

researcher ordered them to produce procedure text using mind mapping

method in pairs. The result of the writing test was better than the pre-test.

At the last meeting of the research, they did post-test to measure their

writing ability after all treatments implemented.

The purpose of the study was achieved based on the result of

analysis of implementation of mind mapping method that was carried out

through cycles. It could be seen from the increasing result of the test that

students had done from pre-test, treatment in second cycle and post-test in

the end of study.

Students Mark
Student Mark

Pre-Test Post-Test

Besides, the result of the observation checklist which recorded the

students’ behavior during teaching learning writing procedure text and

questionnaire which was given in the end of the research showed that mind

mapping method was appropriate for the students and the teachers in

teaching learning writing English text types especially procedure text.




A. Conclusion

Based on the results in previous chapter, I will conclude the result

of action research progress during teaching writing procedure text using

mind mapping method. The results of the students’ writing test increased

from the pre-test to all. The average of the students’ writing tests were: pre-

test (51.60), writing test in the second cycle (63.33), and the post-test

(75.47). It can be said that mind mapping was appropriate for them to

maximize their ability in exploring ideas and using their imagination

while they produce a procedure text.

According to the tabulation result of the questionnaire that was

given to the students, it indicated that application of mind mapping

method in teaching learning written procedure text was appropriately

applied. It was helpful for the students to find related ideas and develop

the chosen topic sentences from the main topic to be a real procedure text.

Mind mapping method was something new for the students, so they were

motivated to use this method and they were encouraged to learn more

about written procedure text.

Their mastery of language feature was also improved after some

treatments given in two cycles. It could be seen from the improving result

of the students’ writing test given (pre-test, writing test at the second

cycle and the post-test). Besides, their mastery in choosing appropriate

words was better than before. They always used dictionary when they

tried to find appropriate words while they were creating mind mapping

construction before they wrote a real procedure text. Generally, the results

can be confirmed with the comparison between pre-test and post test.

B. Implication

Based on the results of the actions, it is implied that the students

should be more active in the teaching and learning activities of writing so that

their writing skills could be improved. They should be more familiar with the

English words which they learnt. It is also implied that the teacher should use

various method in the teaching and learning process of writing since they can

give some benefits. First, they can improve the students’ writing skills.

Secondly, they can increase their involvement in the writing teaching and

learning process. Thirdly, they can increase the students’ enthusiasm.

Furthermore, the teacher should be able to control the students who

working in group. They should participate equally because each of them has

different responsibilities in the activities. It is also implied that the teacher

should be able to manage the class so that the process of implementing the

mind mapping method could run well. Besides, the teacher should know the

students’ characteristics so that the activities could cover all of the students’


C. Suggestion

From the conclusion above, I would like to offer some suggestion:

1. To the English teacher

a. Teacher as a model in teaching learning activity must recognize

the students’ characteristic before teaching learning process

started and have good communication with the students in order

to get their attention or interest while teaching learning were in


b. Teacher should be able to manage preparation before doing

classroom activity because the preparation will influence the

output of teaching learning process. The preparation includes

lesson plan, materials, media of teaching learning and assessment

to measure the students’ achievement.

2. To another researcher

This research is mainly intended to describe how the mind

mapping technique is implemented to improve the teaching of writing

skills of tenth grade students of SMK PGRI 2 Jakarta in academic year

2018/2019. The other researchers may follow up this study in different

contexts in order to find more actions to improve students’ writing skills.

This study may be used as one of the reading sources before the

researchers do an action research related to the development of the

students’ writing skills.



Allwright, Dick and Bailey, Kathlen M. 1991. Focus on the Language Classroom:
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Kemmis, S. and McTaggart, R. 1990. The Action Research Planner. Geelong:

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Kemmis and McTaggart’s Action Research Model




1. Mind Mapping Sheet

Name : ________________________

No. : ________________________

Goal/General Material Step


............................... ............................... ...............................

............................... ............................... ...............................
............................... ............................... ...............................
............................... ............................... ...............................
............................... ............................... ...............................

............................... ............................... ...............................


2. Writing Sheet

Name : ________________________

No : ________________________

Class : ________________________

 Goal :

 Materials :

 Steps :

3. Observation Sheet

No Aspect Observation’s result

1 Students’ attendance

Students’ interest and


Students’ activities
3 during teaching
learning process

Students’ activities in
focusing the
attentions to the
teacher’s explanation

4. Questionnaires

Jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini dengan cara memberi tanda silang pada
pilihan yang disediakan

1. Apakah anda menyukai pelajaran Bahasa Inggris?

a. tidak suka
b. sedikit suka
c. suka
2. Menurut anda sulitkah mempelajari Bahasa Inggris?
a. sangat sulit
b. sulit
c. tidak sulit
3. Apakah pelajaran Bahasa Inggris anda selama ini menyenangkan?
a. tidak menyenangkan
b. sedikit menyenangkan
c. sangat menyenangkan
4. Menurut pendapat anda sulitkah pelajaran menulis dalam Bahasa Inggris?
a. tidak sulit
b. sulit
c. sangat sulit
5. Apakah anda pernah menulis teks prosedur sebelumnya?
a. tidak pernah
b. pernah
c. sering
6. Apakah anda cukup mengenal mind mapping dalam kehidupan sehari-hari
a. tidak mengenal
b. cukup mengenal
c. sangat mengenal
7. Pernahkah terlintas dalam benak anda ketika menggunakan metode mind
mapping, metode tersebut bisa digunakan sebagai alternatif dalam
membantu menulis teks prosedur?
a. tidak pernah
b. pernah
c. sering
8. Apakah anda pernah menyadari bahwa mind mapping dapat kita
aplikasikan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari termasuk dalam pembelajaran
menulis teks prosedur?
a. tidak pernah
b. pernah
c. sering

9. Menurut anda menyenangkankah mempelajari teks prosedur menggunakan

mind mapping sebagai metode?
a. tidak menyenangkan
b. menyenangkan
c. sangat menyenangkan
10. Apakah anda menyukai pembalajaran teks prosedur menggunakan metode
mind mapping?
a. tidak suka
b. suka
c. sangat suka
11. Apakah mempelajari teks prosedur menggunakan mind mapping dapat
menambah motivasi Anda dalam belajar menulis prosedur teks?
a. tidak menambah
b. menambah
c. sangat menambah
12. Apakah dengan mind mapping bisa membantu anda memaksimalkan
seluruh kemampuan anda dalam menulis teks prosedur?
a. Tidak bisa
b. Bisa
c. Sangat bisa
13. Apakah mind mapping yang diterapkan dalam pembelajaran menulis dapat
menghilangkan kejenuhan selama belajaran Bahasa Inggris?
a. tidak bisa
b. bisa
c. sangat bisa
14. Apakah terdapat perbedaan penguasaan procedure teks Anda sebelum dan
sesudah diberikan Mind Mapping?
a. tidak berbeda
b. bisa
c. sangat berbeda
15. Apakah kegiatan belajar mengajar menggunakan mind mapping sebagai
metode pembelajaran selanjutnya perlu dilakukan dalam mempelajari teks
a. tidak perlu
b. perlu
c. sangat perlu



Field Note 1

Monday, February 18th, 2019

KS : Kepala Sekolah

ET : Englih Teacher

R : Researcher

Sesampainya di sekolah, R lapor terlebih dahulu dengan Guru piket untuk mengisi

daftar hadir tamu. R pun kemudian ditanya oleh guru piket tersebut tentang

maksud kedatanganya. R pun menjawab pertanyaan guru piket. Setelah beberapa

lama berbincang dengan guru piket, R pun dipersilahkan untuk langsung masuk

ke ruang kepala sekolah. Setiba di ruang kepala sekolah, R pun disambut dengan

baik dan KS pun mempersilahkan R untuk duduk. Setelah itu KS menanyakan

kepada R tentang maksud kedatanganya. R pun menjawab bahwa dia datang

kesini untuk meminta izin kepada KS untuk melakukan observasi guna penelitian

skripsi. KS mengizinkan. Kemudian KS menyarankan kepada R agar menemui

ET terlebih dahulu untuk kegiatan lebih lanjut. R pun setuju dan merasa sangat

senang karena penelitiannya diijinkan. Kemudian R menuju ke ruang piket guna

menanyakan langkah selanjutnya setelah menemui KS. Guru piket menanyakan

tentang kelas yang akan diobservasi. Setelah R menjelaskan kepada Guru piket

kemudian Guru piket menyarankan R untuk menemui ET (Bapak Taryono) di

ruang guru. Disana R mulai menjelaskan maksud kedatanganya. Kemudian ET

mengizinkan R untuk melakukan observasi di kelas X Ak 1. Setelah mendapat


persetujuan dari ET, kemudian R pun beranya kepada ET kapan R bisa

melakukan observasi di kelas X Ak 1. ET menjawab bahwa R bisa

melakukanya mulai minggu depan, setelah ada kesepakatan mengenai ijin

observasi dan penelitian, R mohon pamit kepada ET untuk pulang.

Field Note 2

Tuesday, February 26th, 2019

Kelas X Ak 1

R : Researcher

ET : Englih Teacher

S : Student

Ss : Students

1. Saat itu peneliti sudah tiba di sekolah jam 12:15. Sesampainya disana,

peneliti duduk di tempat guru piket sambil menunggu ET. Kemudian ET tiba

di sekolah, kemudian ET dan peneliti berbincang bincang sejenak mengenai

pelajaran yang akan disampaikan hari ini.

2. Pada saat itu pelajaran bahasa Inggris di kelas X Ak 1 jam 12:30. Saat itu

bahasa Inggris cuma satu setengah jam pelajaran karena bertepatan dengan

rapat guru.

3. Kemdian bel tanda masuk berbunyi, ET pun mengajak R untuk masuk ke

kelas (X Ak 1), kemudian R pun mengikuti ET ke kelas untuk melakukan

observasi kelas yang pertama.


4. Setiba di kelas, ET menyuruh siswa untuk duduk di tempatnya masing-

masing, namun masih terlihat beberapa bangku yang kosong. Ternyata

mereka masih ada di luar kelas sedang mengobrol dengan temannya. ET

harus mengulangi perintahnya beberapa kali karena pada saat itu para siswa

masih sibuk dengan kegiatannya masing masing.

5. Setelah suasana kelas mulai terkendali, ET meminta ketua kelas untuk

memimpin doa. Selanjutnya ET membuka pelajaran hari itu dengan salam,

dan absen. Pada saat itu semua siswa hadir.

6. Kemudian ET mulai mengenalkan R pada para siswa. ET berkata pada siswa

bahwa R akan mengajar untuk beberapa pertemuan. Kelaspun mulai ramai

lagi, di antara mereka ada yang bertanya “Abang kuliah dimana?”. Kemudian

ET memberikan waktu tersendiri pada R untuk memperkenalkan diri.

7. Setelah itu pelajaran dimulai ET menanyakan tentang pelajaran minggu lalu,

dan menanyakan PR mereka, tapi kebanyakan dari mereka tidak mengerjakan

PR. ET bertanya mengenai procedure text, ada beberapa yg menjawab dan

yang lainnya masih ribut sendiri.

8. Kemudian ET menjelaskan lagi tentang procedure text. ET langsung

memberikan materi tanpa pengenalan materi terlebih dahulu. ET terus

menjelaskan tanpa memperhatikan siswanya, siswa tidak diberi kesempatan

untuk memberikan masukan, guru bercerita terus. Selain itu, guru tidak

pernah menggunakan media.

9. Setelah penjelasan usai, guru meminta siswa untuk mencoba membuat

procedure text yang mereka ketahui secara individu. Siswa merasa malas-

malasan untuk mengerjakan tugas tersebut. Setelah bel berbunyi, guru

meminta siswa untuk mengumpulkan pekerjaan mereka. Tanpa adanya

sebuah saranpun dari guru mengenai tulisan mereka.

10. Setelah itu ET menutup pelajaran dengan salam perpisahan.

Field Note 3

Tuesday, March 5th, 2019

Kelas X Ak 1

R : Researcher

ET : Englih Teacher

S : Student

Ss : Students

1. ET masuk kekelas pukul 12:30 diikuti oleh R. Pada saat R dan ET masuk,

kelas masih ramai kemudian ET mencoba untuk mengkondisikan suasana

agar siap untuk pelajaran Bahasa Inggris. kemudian ET mempersilahkan R

untuk mulai melakukan pre test membuat sebuah procedure text dan ET

mengawasi proses kegiatan tersebut dari belakang.

2. Setelah kelas siap, R mulai membuka pelajaran dengan Greeting yang

dijawab oleh sebagian besar Ss, namun karena dirasa ET belum kompak

maka R mengulanginya lagi. Kemudian R melanjutkanya dengan doa, setelah

itu R mulai mengabsen Ss satu persatu. R berkata “raise your hand when I

call your name”. Ada beberapa Ss yang masih terlihat bingung karena itu R

mulai memperagakanya dengan tangan. Ss pun mengerti maksudnya. Pada

saat itu semua siswa hadir.

3. Setelah itu R memulai membagikan lembar pre test. Setelah selesai proses

presensi dan pembagian lembar pre test, R meminta siswa untuk menulis

sebuah teks prosedur “How to Make a Nice Coffee” pada lembar yang telah

dibagikan. Mereka terlihat malas-malasan, tapi R berusaha memotivasi Ss

agar menulis. Mereka terlihat lebih bersemangat untukmembuatnya.

4. Ketika kegiatan berlangsung R mengecek pekerjaan Ss dengan berkeliling

dan menanggapi beberapa siswa yang mulai bertanya tentang kata-kata dan

langkah pertama yang ingin mereka gunakan untuk menulis teks prosedur.

5. Pada saat itu ET memberi arahan kepada R untuk sedikit membantu Ss

berkaitan dengan kesulitan siswa. R menjelaskan kepada ET bahwa tujuan

dari pre test ini adalah untuk mengecek kemampuan siswa tentang kegiatan

menulis mereka, jadi R akan membantu siswa namun dengan batas kewajaran

saja. ET pun menyetujui maksud R dalam kegiatan ini.

6. Ketika R memberitahukan kepada Ss untuk segera mengumpulkan hasil

tulisan mereka mereka, Ss terlihat panik karena ada beberapa Ss yg belum

selesai dengan tugas meraka. Setelah semua terkumpul kemudian R menutup

kegiatan dengan salam.

Field Note 4 (First Meeting, Cycle 1)

Tuesday, March 5th, 2019

Kelas X Ak 1

R : Researcher

ET : Englih Teacher

S : Student

Ss : Students

1. R masuk ke kelas jam 13:30. Seperti biasa kemudian ET mencoba untuk

mengkondisikan suasana agar siap untuk pelajaran Bahasa Inggris. kemudian

ET mempersilahkan R untuk mulai melakukan treatment tetapi ET tidak bisa

mendampingi selama KBM karena kesibukan ET.

2. Setelah Ss siap dengan kegiatan belajar mengajar, R memulai dengan doa,

setelah itu R mulai mengabsen Ss satu persatu.

3. Sebagai pemanasan, R menanyakan kepada Ss tentang procedure text, “Have

you ever heard about procedure text?”. Beberapa Ss menjawab, “Yes, Sir.”

dan beberapa siswa hanya diam. Kemudian R mulai menjelaskan tentang

procedure text, generic structure dan language future dari teks tersebut.

Terlihat suasana kelas lebih terkendali dan Ss lebih focus kepada penjelasan


4. Kemudian R memberikan contoh teks prosedur dan kemudian menjelaskan

tentang tenses yang akan digunakan untuk menulis teks prosedur yaitu simple


5. Untuk mengetahui pemahaman siswa tentang tenses yg sudah dijelaskan, R

menyuruh Ss untuk membuat 5 kalimat menggunakan past tense. Beberapa Ss

terlihat antusias untuk mengerjakanya, namun masih ada beberapa siswa yang

terlihat tidak mengerjakan,mereka hanya melihat saja. R mendekatinya dan


bertanya kenapa tidak ikut mengerjakan. S menjawab “saya ngerjake kok pak,

tapi saya tidak bawa kamus jadi saya harus pinjamdulu.”R terus berjalan

mengontrol hasil kerja mereka. Ketika itu ada seorang siswa yangbertanya

pada R, “pak ini di artinya apa? R menjawab “udah dicari di kamus belum” S

menjawab “belum Pak”.Ya sudah dicari dulu ya.




Hasil Wawancara dengan Guru

Interview 1

Hari/Tanggal : Selasa/ 19 Maret 2019

Tempat : Ruang Guru

Waktu : Pukul 15:00 WIB

Peneliti : Maaf Pak, bisa ganggu waktunya sebentar, saya mau bertanya tentang

pelajaran tadi.

Guru : Ya, Mas, silahkan saja.

Peneliti : Menurut Bapak, pelajaran yang baru saja saya lakukan tadi bagaimana


Guru : Emh… Menurut saya siswanya juga tertarik sama Masnya. Mungkin

baru pertama kali bertemu jadi suasananya berbeda. Apalagi dengan

mind mappingnya!

Peneliti : Menurut Bapak, tertariknya itu dimana ya, Pak? Maksudnya di bagian

mananya, Pak?

Guru : Ya, mereka terlihat antusias, Mas. Biasanya kan mereka cuma apa ya?

Cenderung pasif. Pas waktu itu saya lihat mereka aktif kok, tertarik

dengan mind mappingnya.

Peneliti : Mind mappingnya! Kira kira tadi itu mereka tertarik dengan mind

mappingnya ya, Pak?


Guru : Iya.

Peneliti : Tapi ada kelemahan ga Pak dari proses pembelajaran tadi? Kira-kira

sudah ada peningkatan belum dari implementasi mind mapping yang

saya lakukan tadi?

Guru : Maksudnya dari segi menulisnya?

Peneliti : Iya Pak, dalam segi menulisnya.

Guru : Kalau dalam segi menulisnya belum kelihatan betul, Mas. yang

kelihatanya baru antusiasnya. Kalo menulisnya belum bisa mengukur

ya kita ya seberapa jauh penguasaanya.

Peneliti : Kira kira kenapa ya, Pak? Butuh waktu beberapa tahap ya, Pak?

Guru : Emm…. Mungkin 2 atau berapa ya, mungkin baru kelihatan, Mas.

Peneliti : Ya Pak. menurut Bapak tadi semuanya itu aktif semua atau cuma


Guru : Ya, saya memperhatikanya tadi yang aktif baru beberapa saja, Mas.

Peneliti : Kira kira kenapa ya, Pak?

Guru : Mungkin karena masih takut atau apa ya mas….ya mungkin juga karena

penguasaan kosakata mereka masih terbatas jadi mereka malu biasanya

mengungkapakan apa yang mereka ketahui.

Peneliti : Oh begitu, Pak. Nah kalau pelajaranya Pak, kira-kira sudah cukup atau

belum, Pak? Mind mappingnya itu sendiri menurut pandangan Bapak

berfungsi tidak dalam pembelajaran tadi?

Guru : Kalo menurut saya itu berfungsi Mas. Karena semacam apa Mas ya,

istilahnya warming up ya dalam pembelajaran kita.


Peneliti : Jadi pada intinya mereka itu yang jelas antusias semua ya, Pak?

Guru : Iya, Mas.

Peneliti : Oya Pak. Bapak bisa melihat antusiasnya darimana ya?

Guru : Dari itu Mas, keaktifan mereka menjawab. Seperti mas pada waktu

memberikan material teks narrative tadi, pertanyaan tadi, mereka

langsung angkat tangan seperti itu, mungkin tertarik dengan mind

mappingnya mereka jadi aktif di kelas.

Peneliti : Kalau Bapak dulu pernah mengajar menggunakan mind mapping?

Guru : Belum pernah, Mas.

Peneliti : Emm… tapi kelihatanya tadi sudah mulai efektif atau belum Pak

pelajaran tadi.

Guru : Iya, mulai terlihat.

Peneliti : Iya Pak, terima kasih untuk hari ini. Sebelumnya, boleh tidak saya

minta waktu untuk menginterview siswa?

Guru : Oh iya, silahkan Mas.

Hasil Wawancara dengan Siswa Siklus I

Interview 2

Hari/Tanggal : Selasa/19 Maret 2019

Tempat : Depan Ruang Multimedia

Waktu : Pukul 15.15 WIB

Peneliti : Selamat sore, Adik-adik? Bisa mengganggu sebentar?

Siswa : Selamat sore, Mas. Iya boleh... Ada apa, Mas?


Peneliti : Begini Dik... Menurut kalian bagaimana pembelajaran bahasa

Inggris selama ini, metode apa yang pernah digunakan dalam


Siswa 1,2,5 : Pembelajarannya biasa sih Mas, kita lebih sering belajar di kelas,

mendengarkan penjelasan dan mengerjakan soal-soal dari LKS


Peneliti : Oh begitu, bagaimana kalau menurut kalian Dik? (siswa 3,4)

Siswa 3,4 : Biasa-biasa aja, Mas. Kadang ngerjain tugas, kadang juga buat

powerpoint gitu.

Peneliti : Oh berarti sering persentasi ya?

Siswa 2,5 : Kadang iya, tapi kadang-kadang cuma buat power point aja.

Peneliti : Seneng ga belajar Bahassa Inggris?

Siswa : Seneng mas. (1,2,3,4,5)

Peneliti : Ngebosenin ga?

Siswa : He, he, he... Kadang-kadang, Mas.

Peneliti : Terus selama ini apakah pernah menggunakan metode mind

mapping dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris?

Siswa 1,3,4 : Belum, Mas.

Siswa 2,5, : Wah belum pernah, Mas.

Peneliti : Menurut kalian bagaimana pembelajaran bahasa Inggris setelah

pertemuan pertama menggunakan mind mapping ini?

Siswa 4,5, : Wah asyik Mas, dan mudah cara membuatnya ternyata, Mas.

Siswa 1,2,3 : Iya Mas, suka. Kata-kata yang dulu ga tahu jadi tahu sekarang dan

belajarnya kan bareng bareng jadi enak.

Peneliti : Menurut kalian, apakah mind mapping bisa membuat kalian lebih

mudah untuk langkah awal sebelum mengarang?

Siswa 2,5, : Iya Mas, banyak kata-kata baru yang kami dapat.

Peneliti : Menurut adik-adik, efek yang dirasakan selama menggunakan mind

mapping apa?

Siswa 4,5 : Itu Mas, jadi kalau mau ngarang sudah ada bayangannya mau nulis


Peneliti : Terus bagaimana dengan membuat kalimat tadi?

Siswa 1,4,5 : Wah itu dia Mas, biasanya kami bingung dalam menyusunnya, tapi

setelah kami selesai membuat mind mapping, kita enak

mengarangnya, Mas. Kami sangat terbantu dalam mengembangkan

tulisan kami.

Peneliti : Baik, trus secara keseluruhan ada tidak kesulitan dalam pemilihan

kata-katanya? Maksudnya ketika menggambar mind mappingnya?

Siswa 1, 5 : Iya Mas, bingung milih kata-katanya tapi kita bawa kamus jadi ya

mudah ngerjainnya.

Siswa 2,3,4 : Bingung juga sih, bahasa Indonesianya kita tau, tapi bahasa

Inggrisnya yang ga tau.

Peneliti : Sip deh... Terimaksih ya Adik adik... Dilanjutin deh ngobrol-




Second Meeting

Third Meeting
First Meeting

Post Test

Code of
No. Nama Ket

1 Abdul Rahman S-1 v v v v v

2 Agam Agelian Mustakim S-2 v v v v v
3 Aini Sentia S-3 v v v v v
4 Angelina S-4 v v v v v
5 Anisa Rahmawati S-5 v v v v v
6 Bayu Parhan Kusuma S-6 v v v v v
7 Dea Kartika S-7 v v v v v
8 Dinda Julianti S-8 v v v v v
9 Diva Novita Aulia S-9 v v v v v
10 Elliana Salsabila Fatimah S-10 v v v v v
11 Fausylia Intan Nabila S-11 v v v v v
12 Fariz Fajar Fadlillah S-12 v v v v v
13 Gilang Ramadhan P. S-13 v v v v v
14 Husein Amrillah S-14 v v v v v
15 Jecky Aditya Fany S-15 v v v v v
16 Jihan Saputri S-16 v v v v v
17 Johan Adi Saputro S-17 v v v v v
18 Johan Andrian S-18 v v v v v
19 Lilis Karlina S-19 v v v v v
20 Maisaroh S-20 v v v v v
21 Muchamad Jidan F. S-21 v v v v v
22 Muhamad Ferli F. S-22 v v v v v
23 Muhammad Fikri I. S-23 v v v v v
24 Muhammad Ridwan S-24 v v v v v
25 Nur Widia Astuti S-25 v v v v v
26 Puji Deli Adelia S-26 v v v v v
27 Ringgas Darmawan T. S-27 v v v v v
28 Sasti Sauri S-28 v v v v v
29 Siti Aisah S-29 v v v v v
30 Siti Selvia S-30 v v v v v



1. Result of Test

Result of Pre-Test




Student Total
No. Mark
Code Score

1 S-1 3 2 2 3 2 12 48
2 S-2 3 3 3 2 3 14 56
3 S-3 3 3 2 2 3 13 52
4 S-4 3 3 2 2 3 13 52
5 S-5 3 3 2 2 2 12 48
6 S-6 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
7 S-7 3 2 3 2 2 12 48
8 S-8 3 3 3 2 3 14 56
9 S-9 3 3 3 3 3 12 48
10 S-10 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
11 S-11 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
12 S-12 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
13 S-13 3 2 2 2 3 12 48
14 S-14 3 2 2 2 3 12 48
15 S-15 3 2 2 2 2 11 44
16 S-16 3 3 3 2 3 14 56
17 S-17 3 3 3 3 2 14 45
18 S-18 3 3 2 2 2 12 48
19 S-19 3 3 2 3 3 14 56
20 S-20 3 3 2 2 2 12 48
21 S-21 3 3 2 2 2 12 48
22 S-22 3 3 2 2 2 12 48
23 S-23 3 3 3 2 2 13 52
24 S-24 3 3 2 2 2 12 48
25 S-25 3 3 3 3 2 14 56
26 S-26 3 3 3 2 2 13 52
27 S-27 2 3 2 2 3 12 48
28 S-28 3 3 2 2 2 12 48
29 S-29 3 3 2 2 2 12 48
30 S-30 3 3 2 2 2 12 48
Total 89 84 72 68 74 387 1548




Student Total
No. Mark
Code Score

Mean 2.97 2.80 2.40 2.27 2.47 12.90 51.60

The average of the students’ writing test result (pre-test):

= = = 51.60

Pre-Test Result







S-1 S-3 S-5 S-7 S-9 S-11 S-13 S-15 S-17 S-19 S-21 S-23 S-25 S-27 S-29

Result Students’ Writing Test




Student Total
No. Mark
Code Score

1 S-1 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
2 S-2 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
3 S-3 4 3 3 3 3 16 64
4 S-4 4 4 3 3 3 17 68
5 S-5 4 3 3 3 3 16 64
6 S-6 4 3 3 3 3 16 64
7 S-7 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
8 S-8 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
9 S-9 4 3 3 3 3 16 64
10 S-10 4 4 3 3 3 17 68
11 S-11 4 3 3 3 3 16 64
12 S-12 4 3 3 3 3 16 64
13 S-13 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
14 S-14 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
15 S-15 4 3 3 3 3 16 64
16 S-16 4 4 3 3 3 17 68
17 S-17 4 3 3 3 3 16 64
18 S-18 4 3 3 3 3 16 64
19 S-19 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
20 S-20 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
21 S-21 4 3 3 3 3 16 64
22 S-22 4 4 3 3 3 17 68
23 S-23 4 3 3 3 3 16 64
24 S-24 4 3 3 3 3 16 64
25 S-25 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
26 S-26 3 3 3 3 3 15 60
27 S-27 4 3 3 3 3 16 64
28 S-28 4 4 3 3 3 17 68
29 S-29 4 3 3 3 3 16 64
30 S-30 4 3 3 3 3 16 64
Total 110 95 90 90 90 475 1900
Mean 3.67 3.17 3.00 3.00 3.00 15.83 63.33
The average of the students’ writing test (writing test in cycle 2):

= = = 63.33
Writing Test


Result of Post-Test




Student Total
No. Mark
Code Score

1 S-1 4 3 4 4 3 18 72
2 S-2 4 4 4 4 3 19 76
3 S-3 4 4 4 3 4 19 76
4 S-4 4 4 3 4 4 19 76
5 S-5 4 4 4 4 3 19 76
6 S-6 4 4 4 4 4 20 80
7 S-7 4 4 4 4 3 19 76
8 S-8 4 4 4 3 4 19 76
9 S-9 4 4 3 3 4 18 72
10 S-10 5 4 4 4 4 21 84
11 S-11 4 4 5 4 4 21 84
12 S-12 4 4 4 4 4 20 80
13 S-13 4 4 4 3 3 18 72
14 S-14 4 3 4 4 3 18 72
15 S-15 4 3 4 3 4 18 72
16 S-16 4 4 4 4 4 20 80
17 S-17 4 4 4 3 4 19 76
18 S-18 4 4 3 3 4 18 72
19 S-19 4 4 4 4 3 19 76
20 S-20 4 4 4 3 3 18 72
21 S-21 4 4 4 3 3 18 72
22 S-22 4 4 4 3 3 18 72
23 S-23 4 4 4 4 3 19 76
24 S-24 4 4 3 4 4 19 76
25 S-25 4 4 4 4 4 20 80
26 S-26 4 4 4 4 3 19 76
27 S-27 4 4 4 3 3 18 72
28 S-28 4 4 4 3 3 18 2
29 S-29 4 4 4 4 3 19 76
30 S-30 4 4 4 3 3 18 72
Total 121 117 117 107 104 566 2264
Mean 4.03 3.90 3.90 3.57 3.47 18.87 75.47
The average of the students’ test result (post-test):

= = = 75.47

Post-Test Result










S-1 S-3 S-5 S-7 S-9 S-11 S-13 S-15 S-17 S-19 S-21 S-23 S-25 S-27 S-29

Students' Mark








Students' Mark

Pre-Test Post-Test

Student Score
Pre-Test Post-Test



2. Result of Questionnaire

Student Number of Questionnaire

Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 S-1 3 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 3
2 S-2 2 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 3
3 S-3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 3
4 S-4 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 3
5 S-5 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 3
6 S-6 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 3
7 S-7 3 2 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
8 S-8 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 2 3 3 3
9 S-9 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3
10 S-10 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
11 S-11 3 2 3 3 3 1 3 3 1 3 3 3 2 2 3
12 S-12 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3
13 S-13 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3
14 S-14 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 1 2 3 3 3 2 3
15 S-15 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 2
16 S-16 3 2 3 1 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3
17 S-17 3 3 1 1 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 3 3 2 2
18 S-18 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 3 3 2 3 2
19 S-19 3 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 3
20 S-20 3 3 3 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 3
21 S-21 3 3 1 3 3 2 3 3 2 2 3 3 2 2 2
22 S-22 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 3 3 2 3 2 2 3 2
23 S-23 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 2
24 S-24 3 2 3 3 3 2 3 1 3 3 2 3 2 3 2
25 S-25 3 2 2 3 3 2 2 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 2
26 S-26 3 2 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 2 3 2 2 3
27 S-27 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 3
28 S-28 3 2 3 3 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2
29 S-29 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 2
30 S-30 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 3
Total 85 80 84 83 79 75 72 80 80 75 79 84 76 76 80
Mean 2.83 2.67 2.80 2.77 2.63 2.50 2.40 2.67 2.50 2.50 2.63 2.80 2.53 2.53 2.67
Students’ interest (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) 18.60:7 = 2.66

Relevance (8, 9, 10) 7.83:3 = 2.61

Advantage (11, 12, 13) 7.97:3 = 2.66

Students’ achievement (14) = 2.53

Sustainability (15) = 2.67






(Learning and Teaching Process Cycle 1)

School : SMK PGRI 2 Jakarta

Subject : English

Class/Semester : X/2

Time Allocation : 4 x 45’ (Two meetings)

A. Standard Competence

6. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks pendek esei sederhana berbentuk

recount, procedure, dan procedure dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-


B. Basic Competence

6.2 Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah-langkah retorika secara akurat,

lancar dan berterima dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis dalam

konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk: recount,

procedure, dan procedure.

C. Indicators

1. Students understand the content of procedure text such as the generic

structure, language features and social function of the text.

2. Students are able to write a procedure text both in group and

individually using mind mapping strategy based on generic structure


and language features of the text correctly.

D. Learning Objectives

In the end of the study, students are able to:

1. Identify the content of procedure text, such as social function, generic

structure and language feature used in the procedure text.

2. Write procedure text both individually and in group using mind

mapping strategy according to the generic structure (goal, material

and steps) and language features (the use of simple present tense,

imperative sentence, etc) correctly.

E. Materials

1. Reading passage of procedure text

2. Handout explaining the content of procedure text such as generic

structure, language features and social function of the text.

F. Learning Activities

1. BKOF (Building Knowledge of Field)

a. The teacher starts the lesson by greeting students and checking

the students’ present.

b. Teacher introduces himself as a researcher that will conduct a

research in this class.

c. The teacher gives an example of procedure text entitled “How to

Make Tomato Soup”


d. Students are asked to discuss about the given materials.

2. MOT (Modeling of the Text)

a. After having discussion about the content of the text teacher start

to explain what procedure text is.

b. Teacher explains the generic structure, language features and how

to construct a procedure text.

c. Teacher explains the tense used in procedure text (simple present

tense) and gives students some exercise about the tense.

d. After explaining the tense used in procedure text, teacher explains

about imperative sentences and gives them exercise about this

language feature.

e. After all students finish doing the exercise, I ask some students to

come forward to the class and do the exercise on the white board.

f. After discuss about the exercise, teacher starts explaining about

the general understanding of the mind mapping.

g. Teacher gives an example of mind mapping pattern entitled


h. Teacher explains the steps in constructing a mind mapping from

finding the main topic, finding branches and developing the

branches to be some topic sentences.

3. JCOT (Joint Construction of the Text)

a. Teacher explains how to apply mind mapping method in writing


a procedure text.

b. The handout contented example of application of the mind

mapping method in constructing a procedure text.

c. The topic of the text is “How to Make a Fried Rice” and all

students pay attention to my explanation step by step.

d. Students are ordered to help the teacher in finding branches or

related ideas from the main topic of the text that will be


e. After mind mapping pattern of the text is constructed and some

topic sentences are created, the final draft of the text is written.

f. Students practice creating mind map pattern based on the theme in

the pre-test that conducted in the beginning of the research. The

theme is “How to Make a Nice Coffee”.

g. Teacher and students discuss about the last pre-test conducted at

the previous meeting.

h. Teacher asks the students to practice creating mind mapping

pattern on their own book.

i. Teacher asks the students to explore and generate their ideas in

finding branches or related ideas as much as possible.

j. Teacher asks the students to compare between constructing a

procedure text using conventional method and using mind

mapping method in written procedure text.

k. In the end of the class, teacher asks students to practice applying


mind mapping method in writing procedure text at home because

at the next meeting there will be a test.

How to Make a Tomato Soup

To make a bowl of tomato soup, you must prepare all ingredients below:
1. 4 large tomatoes
2. spices
3. 1 small onion
4. ½ teaspoon of salt
5. 8 cups of water
6. ¼ teaspoon of pepper
7. small clove garlic
8. ¼ teaspoon of butter

Here are the steps to make a bowl of tomato soup:

1. Cut tomatoes, onions, and garlic into small pieces.
2. Fry them in a pan with butter for five minutes.
3. Add water, spices, salt and pepper.
4. Heat until the water boils.
5. Turn down the heat and cover with lid. Cook gently for one hour.

Definition, Generic Structure and Language Feature of Procedure Text

Procedure/procedural text, is a text that contains procedures, instructions,

processes, methods, or steps in the make/do (operate) something.
General structure (generic structure) consists of:
1. Goal/Aim: How to make a bowl of noodle
2. Materials/tools: materials or tools needed to create/do something.
Example: a pack of noodle, water, pan and stove
3. Steps/Procedures: steps or procedures to do / create something.
Example: First, boil water in a pan and ...

Language feature:
1. Using tenses "simple present"
2. Often use the phrase commands (imperatives/orders). Example: Turn on the
lamp, Put the rice into the rice cooker, Do not forget to press the 'on'
3. Sequence of words (sequences). Example: first, second, then, next, the last,

Pengertian Simple Present Tense

Simple present tense adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja yang paling sering
digunakan dalam bahasa Inggris dimana digunakan untuk mengungkapkan
kejadian factual dan habitual (kebiasaan), general maupun tidak general,
instruksi, maupun rencana atau jadwal.

Rumus Simple Present Tense

Adapun rumus simple present tense untuk kalimat positif, negatif, dan interogatif
berikut contoh dapat dilihat pada tabel sebagai berikut.
Rumus Contoh Kalimat
She likes eating out.
S + V-1 My friend cares about my
Positif (+)
He is a magician.
S + be (am/are/is)
The children are naughty.
She doesn’t like eating out.
S + aux. verb (do/does) +
not + bare infinitive My friend doesn’t care about my
Negatif (-) problems.
He is not a magician.
S + be (am/is/are) + not
The children are not naughty.

Does she like eating out?

aux. verb(do/does) + S +
bare infinitive Does my friend care about my
Introgatif problems?
Is he a magician?
be(am/is/are) + S
Are the children naughty?

 Pada kalimat positif, normalnya auxiliary verb tidak digunakan. Aux. verb
hanya digunakan jika perlu untuk memberi penekanan pada keharusan
melakukan aksi kata kerja.
 Verb-1 pada subject berupa kata ganti orang ketiga tunggal (she, he, it)
maupun noun, ditambahkan s atau es.
 Bare infinitive merupakan V-1 dalam bentuk sederhana (tanpa tambahan
s atau es walaupun untuk subjek orang ketiga tunggal).
 Be yang digunakan merupakan linking verb.

The Imperative Sentence

An imperative sentence gives a direct command to someone -- this type of

sentence can end either with a period or with an exclamation mark, depending
on how forceful the command is:
Read this book for tomorrow!
You should not usually use an exclamation mark with the word "please":
Wash the windows!
Please wash the windows!
Normally, you should not use imperative sentences in academic writing. When
you do use an imperative sentence, it should usually contain only a mild
command, and thus, end with a period:

Examples and grammar rules

1. The second person imperative
We can express commands in English by an imperative sentence made

with the infinitive without to. Examples: Be careful. Open your books.
Come here.
For the negative commands we use do not or don't. Don't be late. Do not
sit down. Don't have so many bags.
We can mention a person in the command, usually at the end of the
Have something to eat, Greg.
If we talk to more people, we use the pronoun you to make the distinction
between them.
You take these bags and you park the car. You wait here and I'll call the
2. The emphatic imperative
In writing it is not usual to use an exclamation mark. If we put it at the
end of an imperative sentence, it becomes more urgent. Examples: Wait!
Don't do that!
We can emphasize our request with do. It is common in polite requests.
Do sit down. Do be reasonable.
On the other hand, do before the imperative can express the irritation of
the speaker. Do be quiet. Do come on time.
You before the command also shows the speaker's anger or even rudeness.
You get out of here. Don't you follow me.
In a different context, however, it can show your positive emotions.
Don't you be so sad.
3. The first person imperative
In the first person we make it with let + me or let + us.
Examples: Let me do it for you. Let me see. - Let us go. Let's do some
For the negative, we put not before the imperative.
Let us not be worried.
In spoken English it is possible to use don't at the beginning of sentences.
Don't let's be worried.

4. The third person imperative

We make it with let + him/her/it/them and the infinitive without to.
Examples: Let him go. Let her explain it. Let it be. Let them try it. Let the
customers pay immediately.
This form is not very common in modern English. It is more usual to say
the same in a different way.
He must go. She should explain it. Leave it alone. They can try it. The
customers must pay immediately.
The negative imperative in the third person is archaic. We use more
common forms instead.
They mustn't stay here. Mary is not to travel alone.
5. The polite requests
We can make a polite request in English if we put shall we or will you at
the end of the imperative sentence. This is used in positive sentences.
Examples: Let's get started, shall we? Be careful, will you?
If you want to be even more polite, you can use questions instead of
commands. Will you pass me the salt, please? Will you help me? Could
you do it for me? Would you mind opening the window?

(Learning and Teaching Process Cycle II)

School : SMK PGRI 2 Jakarta

Subject : English
Class/Semester : X/2
Time Allocation : 4x 45’ (two meetings)

A. Standard Competence

6. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks pendek esei sederhana berbentuk

recount, procedure, dan procedure dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-


B. Basic Competence

6.2 Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah-langkah retorika secara akurat,

lancar dan berterima dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis dalam

konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk: recount,

procedure, dan procedure.

C. Indicators

1. Students understand the content of procedure text such as the generic

structure, language features and social function of the text.

2. Students are able to write a procedure text both in group and

individually using mind mapping strategy based on generic structure

and language features of the text correctly.


D. Learning Objectives

In the end of the study students are able to:

1. Identify the content of procedure text, such as social function, generic

structure and language feature used in the procedure text.

2. Write procedure text both individually and in group using mind

mapping strategy according to the generic structure (goal, material

and steps) and language features (the use of simple present tense,

imperative sentence, etc) correctly.

E. Materials

1. Reading passage of procedure text

2. Handout explaining the content of procedure text such as generic

structure, language features and social function of the text.

F. Learning Activities

1. BKOF (Building Knowledge of Field)

a. Teacher starts the lesson by greeting all students and checking

their present.

b. Teacher recalls about the tense used in procedure text (simple

present tense) and imperative sentence to get the students have

good understanding about the language feature because they are

very important in written procedure text.


c. After discussing the last materials given, teacher writes some

questions about simple present tense and imperative sentences on

the whiteboard.

d. Teacher asks some students to come forward to the class and do

the exercise given.

2. MOT (Modeling of the Text)

a. Teacher asks the students to open the last handout contented

example of procedure text entitled “How to Make Tomato Soup”

and they are ordered to discuss the text.

b. Teacher explains the generic structure and language features of

the text briefly.

c. Teacher gives students opportunity to ask about everything

related to the text if they still have difficulties before they are

ordered to construct a procedure text in group.

d. Teacher explains once more about how to apply mind mapping

method in writing procedure text step by step.

3. ICT (Independent Construction of the Text)

a. The students are divided into seven group and they will be ordered

to produce procedure text using mind mapping method in pairs.

b. The topic of the procedure text is “How to Make Instant Noodle”.

c. Teacher gives them mind mapping sheet in order to make them

easier to create the mind mapping pattern of the text and writing

sheet to write final draft of the text.


d. They start doing the test after all groups receive mind mapping

and writing sheet.

e. They start to create the mind mapping pattern cooperatively and

they are allowed to ask to other friends.

f. Students read their work once more, pay attention to the

grammar, structure, spelling generic structure and language

features and do revising if there are still mistakes.

g. Students make the final copy of the procedure text and submit to

the teacher.

h. Students do post test and answer the questionnaire given by the


Mind Mapping Sheet

Name : ________________________

No. : ________________________

Goal/General Material Step


............................... ............................... ...............................

............................... ............................... ...............................
............................... ............................... ...............................
............................... ............................... ...............................
............................... ............................... ...............................

............................... ............................... ...............................


Writing Sheet

Name : ________________________

No : ________________________

Class : ________________________

 Goal :

 Materials :

 Steps :

Mind Mapping Method

A mind map looks a lot like a spider web, a root system or the branches of a
tree. Like these marvels of nature, a mind map has a central point. The center
of the mind map is the subject that you want to map and it is often represented
by a picture or symbol. Use no more than three words to name it. Pick a name
that’s meaningful to you. In some cases, it might even be you!
From there, you describe the subject by listing its major characteristics around
it. You connect the characteristics back to the center using lines. Try to
describe each one in less than three words. Each major characteristic can be
subdivided further into minor characteristics, features or attributes. Again, try
to limit yourself to three words to describe each minor characteristic.

How to Make a Mind Map

In this chapter I’d like to give the description and example how to make a
simple mind map so that you can get the general understanding about mind
mapping method.
1. Put your subject at the center of the mind map. Write a description of your
mind map’s subject at the center and then draw a big circle around it.
For our example (which we did create using software just to make it look
better), we’re going to create a mind map about a vacation that we’d like
to take. The subject is vacation.

2. Write the major characteristics of the idea around the circle at the center of
the map. Use lines to connect them back to the center.

In this example, there are five main things (major characteristics) about the

vacation that we want to plan. Each one will be a branch of the mind map.

3. For each major characteristic, list its minor characteristics, points or

attributes. Use lines to connect each major characteristic to its minor

In our example, we’ve taken each major category from the mind map:
 Travel
 Accommodations
 Navigation
 Food
 Fun
We’ve found 4 – 6 important minor characteristics for each category and
we’ve added them to the mind map.
Continue this process until the map feels complete then take a look.

How to Apply Mind Mapping Strategy to Construct a Procedure Text

After describing the general understanding of mind mapping method and the
steps in creating a mind map above, I will give explanation about how to apply
the mind mapping strategy as a method that will be applied in writing a
procedure text. Here is the explanation and example of how to apply mind
mapping method in constructing procedure text.

1. Determine the main topic, write it down on a piece of paper and make a
big circle. The main topic will be used as the title of the procedure text.

Fried Rice

2. Make branches from the main topic that you have made. Firstly, make three
branches from the main topic you’ve made based on the generic structure
of the procedure text, they are goal, materials and steps.

Fried Rice

Goal Materials Steps

3. After that you can generate/explore ideas and find another branches related
to the previous branches you made.

4. After you explore your ideas, find the branches and find the related
connection, you can write your first draft of your procedure text. You can
do revising if there still some mistakes on your work before you make your
final draft of your procedure text.



In this output, we are shown a summary of descriptive statistical results

from the two samples studied, namely the pre-test and post-test values. For the
pre-test scores obtained an average learning outcome of 51.60. As for the post-test
scores obtained an average value of learning outcomes of 75.47. The number of
respondents used as research samples is 30 students. For the value of Std.
Deviation in pre-test was 4.739 and post-test was 3.598. Finally, the value of Std.
Error means for pre-test of 0.865 and for post-test of 0.657.
Because the results of the average value of learning outcomes in pre-test
51.60 < post-test 75.47, it means descriptively there are differences in average
learning outcomes between pre-test and post-test learning outcomes.

Based on the above output, it is known that the correlation coefficient is

0.861 with a significance value (Sig.) of 0.000. Because the value of Sig.
0.000<0.05, it can be said that there is a very strong relationship between pre-test
and post-test.

Based one the output above, it is known that Sig. (2-tailed) value < 0.05, so
Ho is denied and Ha is accepted. It can be concluded that there are different
average between pre-test and post-test result. That means there is a significant
effect in using mind mapping in improving students’ writing skill at Tenth Grade
of SMK PGRI 2 Jakarta.


Abdullah Syafiih was born in Jakarta, on March 3rd, 1988.

He is the first son of Dumyati and Hanifah, lives in Rawa
Buaya, Cengkareng, West Jakarta. He graduated from M.I.
Shiratul Rahman Jakarta in 2000, MTs. Annida Al-Islamy
Jakarta in 2003, and SMA Negeri 33 Jakarta in 2006. In
2015, he continued his study in English Education
Department of STKIP Panca Sakti Bekasi.
He has been a newspaperman since 2006, has taught English in SMP Mitra
Reformasi Jakarta since 2013, has taught Digital Simulation in SMK PGRI 2
Jakarta since 2019.

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