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According to Carter, Bishop & Kravits “Keys to College Studying: Becoming an Active Thinker”, (2007)

the main idea about this subject is time management enables you to accomplish task effectively in a way
that minimizes stress.

List of fact from the sources that support this idea:

1.) Fact – Productivity drops as much as 40% when workers try to do two or more tasks at once
2.) Fact – 0-12 minutes invested in planning your day will save at least 2 hours of wasted time and
effort throughout the day.
3.) Fact - A person who works with a messy or cluttered desk spends, on average, 1 ½ hours per day
(7 ½ hours per workweek) looking for things or being distracted by things.
4.) Fact - 80% of "crisis management" events are preventable.

In conclusion, _________, says _______about the topic.

According to Mancini (2003) the main idea about this subject is time management is a series of choices.

List of fact from the sources that support this idea:

1.) Fact – It's estimated that the average adult makes about 35,000 remotely conscious decisions
each day.
2.) The average person gets 7-8 distractions per hour, which in turn equals 50-60 interruptions per
3.) 20% of the average workday is spent on "crucial" and "important" things, while 80% of the
average workday is spent on things that have "little value" or "no value."
4.)  70% of business and professional people use a "to do" list on a regular basis to administer their
"have to's."

In conclusion, _________, says _______about the topic.

According to Holmstrom (1998) the main idea about this subject is that Large assignments on the list that
seem overwhelming should be broken down into smaller parts to avoid being discouraged

List of fact from the sources that support this idea:

1.) Fact – The average person uses 13 different methods to control and manage their time.
2.) Fact – multi-tasking is means splitting brain’s resources giving less attention to each task, and
probably performing worse on all of them
3.) Fact – "A project tends to expand with the time allocated for it." If you give yourself one thing to
do, it will take all day. If you give yourself two things to do, you get them both done. 
4.) Fact – Constant interruption (which is what multitasking is) brings on higher levels of stress. It's
cognitive overload, and it dulls our brain and our reaction times
5.) Fact –  multitasking reduces your productivity by 40%. 
In conclusion, _________, says _______about the topic.

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