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How hormones work during puberty stage and the

development in reproductive organ

It is crucial to first determine what exactly puberty is. Puberty refers to the set of changes
that children get through as they create the sexually mature adult structure. While these
changes are mainly physical in nature, significant psychological, emotional and cultural
changes also happen as youth adjust to their growing bodies.
At this time, a girl’s ovaries and a boy’s testes will begin to function. Puberty occurs when a
part of the brain called the hypothalamus begins to produce a hormone (gonadotropin)
that has an effect on the testes and ovaries causing an increase sex hormone — estrogen in
girls and testosterone in boys. Sexual and other physical maturation that occurs during
puberty result from hormonal changes. As the child nears puberty, a gland in the brain
called the pituitary gland increases the secretion of a hormone called follicle-stimulating
hormone (FSH). This hormone then causes additional effects. In girls, FSH activates the
ovaries to start producing estrogen. In boys, FSH causes sperm to develop.
Puberty happens earlier at females rough age of 11 years older and at males in age of 13
years older. During puberty important gender features, the reproductive organs expand
quickly. Lower gender features, these nonreproductive traits such (prenominal) as hips in
girls and facial hair at boys development. Pubic hair and armpit hair develop at some
(prenominal ) genders. Hormones are essential substances that are created by body thread
and different hormones affect thoughts, emotions, and behavior. For most girls, the initial
indication of puberty is breast growth, but it may take the development of pubic hair. As
her breasts begin to develop, the woman can initially take smaller, strong, tender lumps
(called buds) under one or both nipples; the chest paper can get larger and become less
firm in texture over the next year or two. Black, rough, wavy hair can be on her labia (the
folds of skin surrounding the vagina ), and subsequently, like fabric can be developing
under her limbs. Menstruation also occurs in girls between the ages of 13- 18. In boys, the
first sign of puberty is testicle growth, then penis and pubic hair growth. Boys develop
facial hair, body odor, and lower voices during puberty. Some boys may develop some
small breast buds during early puberty that is normal. They typically go away.
During this time, the body's natural ability to produce estrogen increases. This is a result of
the hormonal changes that occur during puberty.

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