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Group: 2

Business Idea: Smart Maid Nepal Pvt. Ltd

Nepal today is not the same as it was twenty years ago in many spectrums,
be it technologically, culturally or economically. Inflation has taken a toll on
its people. This has caused citizen of Nepal to look for a stable means of
revenue, be it either in the form having more than one individual from a
family working or have someone from the family go abroad to look for
better economical perspective.

We created Smart Maid Nepal Pvt. Ltd keeping in the minds that in today’s
economy, it is not just the role of a father to bring the income; it can be the
mother too. Smart Maid Nepal will initiate to provide helping hands in
various forms to those families that do not have time and energy to do
household chores. We want families to have a peace of mind and continue
doing their daily routines without having worry about cleaning, cooking,
Baby sitting, taking care of old person etc.

Smart Maid Nepal will be focusing those women, who have been rescued by
Maiti Nepal and are seeking for the job. Likewise, other women who are
interested to work would also get opportunity through our business. They
will get the chance of engaging in doing the household work, so that they
will stop try to think about their past.

Objectives of our business:

 Will be creating a services-based company whose goal is exceeding

customer’s expectation.
 Will be offloading the stress of the household and uplifting the stress
of underprivileged women.
 Also providing helping hand when needed.

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