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“The Exxon Valdez”

Identify Concern Set Priority Process

Major Concern Sub-Concern Timing Trend Impact Action Needed
Stop the leaking of oil H H H DA
Dispatched second tanker to remove the oil
Remove the remainning oil M H H DA
Remove oil only on the damage compartment side
Ensure the remainning compartment will not be damaged M M H PPA
Fixing up the damage compartment L L L PA
Use of chemical dispersant
Surround the slick with the use of floatable booms
Break up the oil into drops H H H DA
Surround the shore of small village with the use of floatable booms
Channel the slick movement to the f jord with the use of floatable booms
Tell the fisheries to Reschedule the fish release M H H PPA
Ensure the fishing industries would not be depressed L M M PPA


Stop the leaking of oil If it does not stop the leak immediately, then the lost oil will be more and more.
Remove the remainning oil Minimize oil leakage that has occurred.
Ensure the remainning compartment will not be damaged After the leak is followed up, then we make sure there will be no more damaged compartments.
Fixing up the damage compartment The compartment can only be fixed once the point of leakage is identified.
Break up the oil into drops It needs to be followed up immediately, so that oil does not damage the marine population.
Tell the fisheries to Reschedule the fish release After the leak is repaired, this can only be done because millions of fish are feared to be contaminated with oil.
Ensure the fishing industries would not be depressed After the leak is repaired, this can only be done so that the fishing industry is not depressed.

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