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1. Explain Matthew Arnold’s contributions in literary studies.

His contributions in literary studies are:

a. The method of criticism is comparative.
b. The objective approach to criticism and his purpose of read regarding historical studies and
biographies that no required extremely influences literary criticism.
c. He promoted poetry as an ethical tonic for the young, whereas holding back from
the syllabus what he had return to visualize because the full powers of poetry, specifically,
its traffic in ideas that provided the idea of a good criticism of life. Arnold's concern for the
formation of the child's soul through literature has remained a motif within the teaching of
English for each ancient programs that rely upon literature to instill a way of morality within
the young associated for progressive variations that might enable the kids to search
out themselves and an fellow feeling for others in literature. additionally as a part
of his inheritance, he initiated a ethical code by that the critic treats education as a separate
endeavour from the important lifetime of literature.

2. What are Plato, Aristotles and Horace’s idea about Literature? Explain in one

Plato said Literature has a negative impact because it can distort facts of the
absolute reality, because the author created the work based on reality and change it with
their own thought. Besides, Aristoteles thought that Literature has positive impact as long
as the work teaches the moral value and knowledge. On another hand, Horace said that
the new Literature works have to imitate the other author and nature, he emphasized the
author must following literary tradition way in making Literary works.

3. Explain Viktor Shklovsky’s idea on Russian formalism and Defamiliarization.

Russian Formalism based on Shklovsky is the way in seeing a literary work based
on the contents of the works, not the biography of author, concept or others which is
outside the works itself, because of that he more noticed about literariness (the things that
make literary i.e plot and form). Defamiliarization according to Shklovsky is the way in
making something (like an event) familiar become unfamiliar in literary works by using
words to show or teach another perspective and thought of it.
4. Using moral or philosophical approach, analyze this following poem:
If We Must Die
If we must die, let it not be like hogs
Hunted and penned in an inglorious spot,
While round us bark the mad and hungry dogs,
Making their mock at our accursèd lot.
If we must die, O let us nobly die,
So that our precious blood may not be shed
In vain; then even the monsters we defy
Shall be constrained to honor us though dead!
O kinsmen! we must meet the common foe!
Though far outnumbered let us show us brave,
And for their thousand blows deal one death-blow!
What though before us lies the open grave?
Like men we’ll face the murderous, cowardly pack,
Pressed to the wall, dying, but fighting back!

This poem teaches and tells the reader especially women to become useful, brave
and never give up in living a life, do not become useless and a contemptible or
objectionable person. Be a noble person until we die, so we can be remembered and
respected by people.

5. Using the same poem above, please analyze it with Formalism approach.

Using imagery in “If we must die, let it not be like hogs”.

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