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 2 tbsp. sesame, peanut, or olive oil

 2 stalks lemongrass
 1 white onion
 2 cloves garlic
 1 thumb ginger
 2 red chillies
 1 tsp. turmeric
 1 tsp. cumin seeds
 8 tbsp. Powdered Peanut Butter or 4-6 tbsp. regular Peanut
 3 chicken breasts (diced)
 300g wholegrain rice (cooked)
 1 red onion (chopped)
 1 cucumber (chopped)

1. First, place the sesame oil, lemongrass, onion, garlic, ginger,
chillies, turmeric and cumin into a blender. Process until you get a
smooth paste.

2. Next, in a separate bowl, mix 8 tbsp. Powdered Peanut Butter

with 8 tbsp. water until it looks like peanut butter. Add a little more
powder or water to get your desired consistency.

3. Combine half of the spice paste with the peanut butter to make a
peanut sauce, and pour the remaining spice paste over your diced
chicken. Thread the chicken onto 6 small skewers (soak your
skewers in water for at least an hour so that the wood doesn’t
burn). Allow the chicken to marinate for a couple of hours if you
have time.

4. Fry the chicken skewers on a medium to high heat for 8-10

minutes or until completely cooked through. Once cooked, remove
from the pan and set aside.

5. Add the peanut sauce to the same pan and bring to the boil,
stirring occasionally until piping hot. Remove from the heat.

6. Prepare three Tupperware boxes with cooked rice, chopped

cucumber and chopped red onion. Add two chicken skewers to each
box. Divide the peanut sauce into three smaller Tupperware boxes
or pour the sauce straight over the chicken.

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