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Preassessment and Findings:

AAA and GGGG both understand that to use an oven you first must preheat it. However, both GGGG and AAA said all you need to
do is put the food in. AAA and GGGG did not understand why we use a baking sheet. SSSS, AAA, YYY, LLLL, GGGG, ZZZZ, PPPP, KKKK,
JJJ all did not know what a ladle is. JJJ said that a ladle must be like a needle because they sound the same, so a ladle is something
you get at a hospital. OOO was nearby and agreed by saying that must be what it is. GGGG, PPPP, DDDD and OOO were all unsure
what a baking sheet is. GGGG said you cook with it. When asked what we can cook with it he said he did not know. SSSS said he did
not think a baking sheet was needed when using the oven. HHH said you have to turn the oven on before putting food in. PPPP and
DDDD thought that when the oven is ready you can just pull food out. MMM said that she did not know what a ladle was and that we
wear gloves when we reach into the oven. She was not sure how the oven worked. FFFF said that we can cook food in the oven and
that we just have to put the food in the oven. From my observations and asking questions I can see that the children need to
understand the uses of appliances and utensils in baking. When I asked about the ladle JJJ, FFFF, and GGGG were very persistent in
knowing what it was used for. In small focus, I observed that GGGG had a difficult time asking OOO for the glue and needed
prompting to ask. I have also observed that BBBB will only shake or nod her head when interacting with others.

Ideas to be Emphasized and Overall Goals:

1. To use an oven, we first preheat it and then we can bake our food.
2. We use many different tools to bake. We have a ladle that is used to serve soup, sauce and stew. An oven mitt is used to grab
items out of the oven that are hot. We use sheets to put food on to bake it in the oven.
3. Today, the activities will have a focus in social emotional wellbeing. This includes monitoring of one’s emotions, being observant of
the world around them and interacting with others.

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