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Reorganize under the following as previously directed;

1. What is conflict?

2. What are the forms of conflict...i.e. in an organization?

3. Causes of conflicts

3. Benefits of conflicts...if any

4. Effects of conflicts...

5. Effects of conflict on performance in an organization

6. Addressing conflicts....termed conflict resolution

7. What is conflict resolution?

8. Approaches to resolving conflicts...add examples...

9. Challenges associated with resolving conflicts in an organization

10. What forms of conflict exist in MTN. Benefits, effects on performance, measures being applied
and have they worked?

11. Introduce the purpose of your study

1. Talk about conflict including looking for space to site antennae

2. Competition for clients leading to direct marketing strategies that undermine the operations
of other operators.....
3. Brainstorm for ideas!!!
4. direct poaching of staff from one telco to another.

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