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1.1 IMC Situational Analysis

Bank al Etihad Purpose : Empowerment:

“Etihad Bank want to provide their customers with a tool-kit that is designed to give
them the ability to bank on their terms; anyhow, anywhere, anytime. They exist to help
their customers grow who they are and to help them achieve what they want. Whether
it’s saving for a holiday, buying a house or getting a new business venture off the
ground, we’ll be there to support you all the way.”

Bank al Etihad Promise: Shape your future:

“By channeling the power of a smart and immersive world, Etihad Bank put the future
directly in your hands. They empathize with the challenges and opportunities people
face, leveraging the power of storytelling to elevate them center stage, showing what is
possible with Bank al Etihad. They champion technology, innovation and
entrepreneurialism as the guiding principles that help people build their lives and
achieve their goals.”

Bank al Etihad Values:

● Endlessly Entrepreneurial

“Bank al Etihad is courageous by nature- they didn’t get where we they are today by
following the herd. they relentlessly look for new business opportunities, markets and
ideas. When they recognize that spirit in others they are prepared to back them.”

● Always Learning

“The financial landscape is in a constant state of flux. Bank al Etihad is always looking
to expand their knowledge and use new technologies to evolve and grow with it. they’re
just as passionate about sharing what they learn.”

● Championing Creativity
“Bank al Etihad understand the impact art and culture play in helping them grow as
individuals and communities. The more they embrace it, the more they increase their
imaginations. This allows them to dig deeper, to approach traditional problems from
fresh perspective sand unearth what makes a business or investment truly special.”

● Family values

“At their heart they are built on family values, and from the moment someone opens an
account with them, they become part of that family. Being part of their family allows
access out vast business network, knowledge base and banking tools to succeed in
what matters most to you.”

Market and Products:

Bank al Etihad is the fastest growing retail bank in Jordan, focusing on different niche
customer segments, that include:
● SME’s - Small and Medium Entrepreneurs
● Women
● Professionals
● Aspiring young
● Affluents

Targeting these segments, Bank Al Etihad offers these banking services:

● Personal Banking
● Corporate Banking
● SME Banking
● Shrouq Banking

Bank al Etihad Management Team:

Because of the different services that the bank provides and the different target
customers, the bank is required to formulate a hierarchical team to keep the tasks and
requirements of each service line properly organized and functioning.

Starting from the very top of the hierarchical team, the CEO of Etihad Bank is Ms Nadia
Al Saeed, who is supported by the Deputy CEO Ms Dema Akel. Mr Mohammad
Hatamleh is responsible for coordinating the corporate banking department and Mr
Mohammad Othman for the Retail Banking Department. As an SME Bank, Mr
Mohammad Badwan is in charge of maintaining the SME perception of the bank
supported by Mr Daniel Al-Sharaiha who manages the Human Resources and
Customer Experience Departments and Ms Natalie Naber as the Corporate
Communications & Marketing Department head. Together, they work on ensuring that
the target market considers the Etihad bank as an SME.

Bank al Etihad marketing department team and activities:

During our visit to the bank we have managed to meet with the marketing department,
their project and the way they as a team arrange their marketing activities. The
marketing department is expertise focused. Team of seven people and six functions;

1. Brand Management: They really focus on making sure that the image of the
brand is maintained in the consumers mind the way Etihad wants it to be. They
believe that at the end of the day the communication they do all boils down to the
brand. They truly believe that communication is very powerful. The bank always
thinks and wants to evolve. They evolved from being the union bank to Etihad
bank. repositioned themselves to “Shaping your future”

2. Advertising & visual Support: The team is in charge of advertisements and

campaigns for the particular business development. Based on the service to be
provided, the advertisement is developed reflecting the benefit of that particular
service. The creative content of the strategy they have in mind for the
advertisement is done by an advertising agency, which relies mainly on social
media to communicate the benefits of the service.

3. PR and Event: Working on public crisis management, volunteerism, event

management, business event management

4. Corporate social responsibility: Build the SR strategy. Biggest objective is

building an impact in the community. Supportive on special pillars when it comes
to social responsibility meaning performing art, culture, youth, empowerment. Ex:
Orchestra was built by Etihad bank with more than 20 people. They built an
identity and/or foundation for the orchestra which have events throughout the
year. Festive events are now, and at the end of the year they do seasonal
events. Developing master classes for those who have the potential however just
need the motivation to do so. Etihad bank works on helping those talents with
that push they need. The role in communication is more of an educational
outreach were they go to privileged and underprivileged schools to allow them
opportunities to educate classical music people as they believe and try to tackle
the fact that their role is to communicate the outreach. They believe that it is an
art that many hesitate to pursue and they are trying to support the meaning
behind the classical music and the importance of having such talents in addition
to trying to tackle the obstacles in the face of those who are talented. They are
trying to make Jordan a hub for classical music.They work on sustainability
projects. They focus on sponsorships only if the project has an impact on the
community, arts and culture, youth, etc,…

5. Social Media and Digital Communication: The bank works with: “the online
project agency” that help service them with the online application that is a very
big part of the bank’s brand because social media is the driver in the market. The
bank is very careful when it comes to communicating with their audience since
they know and are clearly aware of the consequences of social media being a
two way communication channel. They tackle the complaints and the comments
they get through social media immediately. They excel in customer experience
and try to do that in their strategy as well. Community management is also part of
this department.

Bank al Etihad think of what trends they should follow especially with the change
in trends on digital marketing. They believe that they should use the language
that the customer can relate to in order to make the customer to be able to
communicate and understand what they are trying to communicate as they are
concerned about wanting the customer to speak to them. They use the
comments and the feedback they get as a positive thing that helps them improve.
IPSOS has proven that they are doing well in terms of digital marketing and that
us being realized by the customers and the audience.

6. Women’s Market (Shorouq): A standalone function in the marketing and

communication department because it is a very crucial part of the bank since
they are an exclusive bank in Jordan that offers tailored solutions for the
women’s market in terms of financial and nonfinancial support.

Examples on nonfinancial will include mentorship, networking, advisory,

workshops that help build who they want to be. Examples on financial they give
different financial lending schemes such as maternity loans, etc.. They believe
that they have a very good impact on that market and they want to work on
empowering women and ensuring that the bank means something to them and
that they don’t leave them and that they should consider the bank as part of their

Business Strategy and Objectives:

Bank AlEtihad applies the differentiation business strategy through the different
services and activities they do. Although the competition is high in the market, as
a result of the strict rules and regulations imposed by the government and the
Central Bank, Bank AlEtihad always tries to be innovative. The bank focuses
greatly on being customer oriented and responding to the market’s needs by
listening to what they worry about and trying to provide them with satisfactory
solutions. Bank AlEtihad believes the competition is strong but they also believe
that they will always set trends and they will always learn.

Macro- Environment:

Political and Legal: Sticking to the regulations

The banking industry should follow a strict set of laws in regards to privacy, consumer
laws, in addition to trade structures that help confirm the frameworks that are used
within this particular industry. These laws and trade structures are required for both the
customers in the home country of the bank and for international users that belong to
that same bank.

Opportunities and threats:

Due to the emerging businesses internationally and the agreements done by many
different countries worldwide this will ease the process of entering many international
markets and encouraging global and international transactions

The laws that are set and determined by the government impact the banking sector as a
whole. The government can intervene with the banking sector at any time, thus leaving
it susceptible to political influence. Whether it was corruption amongst political parties,
or specific legislative laws such as labor laws, trade restrictions, tariffs, and political
stability, the banking sector will be impacted.

In 2017, the global economy continued to develop strongly, while interest rates
remained low. Geopolitical - the study of the way a country's size, position, etc.
influence its power and its relationships with other countries - uncertainty increased
whereas the financial markets continued to develop positively. As for the Geopolitical
tensions, the global imbalances and the large migration trends in recent years
significantly affected the macro environment.

Opportunities and threats:

Because of the growing economy, investments are growing leaving a room for a steady
cash flow leaving the financial markets to develop positively. This as a result creates a
positive impact on the bank’s financial position and allows it to grow globally and in
different international markets.

The economical situation of the country is impacted as well. The flow of income,
whether the economy is growing or barely surviving, affects how much capital banks
can access. The spending habits of the population, and the reasons behind the
spending patterns, affect when customers borrow or spend funds at banks. This only
keeps the cash flow going.

During inflation, which will in return affect the currency and its value, causing instability,
the banking sector will begin to face obstacles. The foreign investors will start to think
carefully before providing their funds especially that the particular country’s currency
value is high. The exchange rates also have an impact on the banks globally. The
different currencies are all influenced by the stable currencies such as the US dollar,
and the impact of the other currencies, spending habits, and inflation rates in other
Sociocultural factors: Consumers want ease

By the end of 2018, the world's population size has reached a total of 7.6 Billion people.
Based on studies that have been conducted, this number is expected to increase to 9.9
Billion by the year 2050 (Kaneda et al, 2018) and 11.2 Billion by 2100 (,
2016) - See Figure 1.1

Figure 1.1

The world population’s distribution will change with time, creating a new diversity, where
the focus will mainly be on Asia and Africa. Together, Africa and Asia had a population
of just 1.6 billion in 1950. Today, the population of Africa and Asia combined is almost
5.6 billion people, and is estimated to become more than 7.7 billion by 2050. By the end
of the century Africa and Asia together could have a population of 9.3 billion people. As
for Europe, its population was about 22% in 1950, decreasing to 10% and is further
expected to decline to less than 6% by 2050. As for Northern America‘s share of the
world population, the change it will see will be very little, where it will fluctuate between
5% and 7%. Latin America‘s share of the global population on the other side will also
fluctuate between 6.7% and 8.6%. These changes will all have fundamental
consequences for the distribution of people by racial and ethnic groups; for the number
of people who speak a particular language; or for the future of the world's religions. For
instance, Muslims are, by far, the fastest growing population. (, 2016) -
See Figure 1.2
Figure 1.2

With the growth in population, the age of the population will grow older. As the fertility
and mortality rates decline, the global population shift toward an older age structure will
accelerate. The older adults who are more than 65 years of age, will increase from 5
percent in 1960 to 9 percent in 2018 which is projected to rise to 16 percent by 2050. As
for the children, who are younger than 14 years of age, the percentage of the population
decreased from 37 percent in 1960, to 26 percent in 2018,with a projected decrease to
21 percent by 2050. (Kaneda et al, 2018)

Opportunities and threats:

Every country has its own cultural aspects that are followed by the vast population.
Some of the influences by culture include the different buying behaviors and
necessities, which end up affecting how people see and use the different banking
options available for them.

Nationalism level differs from one culture to another, it affects the way people behave
and their buying decision. For example in some cultures the highest percentage of
people prefer buy or use services which are local. Depending on the cultural context,
consumer behavior and other social factors, the bank must adapt their activities,
positioning and branding strategies and direct their objectives towards the culture, what
do people prefer and on what measures they buy.

When people think of the loans related to their business, home, and/or academics, they
turn to the different banks for advice and assistance. They also turn to the bank tellers
when they are seeking information regarding saving accounts, bank related credit cards,
investments, and more. Overall, the different consumers desire a seamless banking

Technological: Smartphones to the rescue

With the development in technology, consumers are now capable of buying products
easily, without the need for the assistance of the banks. Because of the fast lifestyle that
people are following, many individual customers now prefer to do their banking on their
mobile phones rather than going to the branches of the bank, showing the increase in
the demand for more sophisticated methods of use. With the support of the
technological changes, the global banking sector is becoming more strategically
focused and more technologically advanced, so that it can meet the consumer’s
expectations while trying to expand in terms of market share.

By the year 2019, the different banks in this industry are trying to innovate in targeting,
expanding services, re-configuring delivery channels, delivering proactive advice,
integrating payments and applying the block chain technology. This trend is a part of the
global financial and tech giants revolutionizing the financial services arena. Supporting
the idea of digital banking, the banks will also experiment with new mobile applications
and voice-enabled gadgets that help in the enhancement of both delivery and
contextual personalization, where the consumer will be the main focus of the banking

Opportunities and Threats:

The banks are directing their emphasis on the digitizing of the core banking sector
business processes while reassessing the organizational structure and the business’s
capabilities to be better prepared for the future of banking. This will help the banks
divert their services to becoming digitalized. This innovation and development of new
solutions take advantage of the data on the system, advanced analytics, digital
technologies and new delivery platforms, as they have become more important than
ever. This will allow the bank to understand the current customer base, and accordingly
work on developing services that will suit the prospect customers depending on the
market they decide to enter and its dynamics.

The evolution of smartphones made all the banking services easier and more
accessible. The customers can now scan cheques from their phones, and the bank can
process it from their end, without having to reach the branch. This change not only
makes the banking process more efficient and less effort needing, it also helps to save
paper in addition to time.

Debit cards as well, are also changing. The technological changes have allowed the
development of chips that have been implemented into the card, requiring users to
insert their card into the debit machines rather than swiping them.This development
increased the security of using debit cards, as these chips record all the transactions.
However, the technological developments don't stop there. Even the bank branches
have different technological developments in their branches, facilitating the banking

Although this has made the banking experience more technological and accessible, the
diversion towards becoming 100% digital will create several risks especially that not all
the banking customers are educated in that arena, and will require intense educating to
be able to feel satisfied by the services provided.


With the use of technology — particularly with mobile banking apps — the use for paper
is being reduced. The need to drive directly to a branch to handle affairs is minimized as
well, which both reduces the fuel consumption and in return the pollution from the fuel of
the cars. Many issues are taken care of through mobile apps and online banking
services. Consumers can apply for credit cards online, buy cheques online, and have
many of their banking questions answered online or by phone. Hence, this will help in
reducing individual environmental footprints.

Opportunities and Threats:

In some developed countries they have adopted different laws and rules to protect the
environment and follow some regulations to be environmental friendly countries.
Companies should take into consideration such rules carefully. Also the environment
has long been a factor in firm strategy, primarily from the standpoint of access to raw
materials. Increasingly, this factor is best viewed as both a direct and indirect cost for
the firm as well as leaving a positive image in consumer’s mind as well as the

Such regulations might restrict the company and its operations, limiting some activities,
adding costs and impedes the company from achieving their objectives easily.

SWOT Analysis:

Competitor Analysis:
Among the four main banking services segments, the competitor analysis was
performed on the two main and common banking segments among all the different
banks. After consulting a few people who are experienced in the industry and browsing
through the websites of the different companies, the competitors were categorized as

We have measured the competition level from scale 1-5. 5 being the highest
competition and 1 the lowest competition compared to the competencies.

Bank Al Etihad Services

Corporate Banking:
Competitive Advantages Our Bank Arab Bank Commercial Bank of
Bank Jordan

Quality of services 4 5 3 4

Interest Rates 3 5 4 3

Customer Portfolio 3 5 4 4

Customer Orientation 5 5 4 4

Research and Development 5 5 3 4

Customer Service 5 5 4 4

Marketing 5 4 3 4

Bank Reputation 5 5 5 5

Communication Capabilities 5 3 4 4

Personal Banking:
Cairo Amman
Competitive Advantages Our Bank Arab Bank Bank Ahli Bank

Quality of services 4 5 3 4

Interest Rates 3 5 4 3

Customer Portfolio 4 5 3 3

Customer Orientation 5 5 3 4

Research and Development 5 5 3 4

Customer Service 5 5 4 3

Marketing 5 4 4 3

Bank Reputation 5 5 4 4

Communication Capabilities 5 3 4 3

Both the SME Banking and Shorouq Banking services are still being developed as they
are new banking services among the banks. Therefore, the competition is still vague
and unclear.
Repositioning and current strategy:

Bank al Etihad refined their brand charter which means they set in stone new values, a
purpose and promise that they are confident to own as a brand, with full transparency
which has lead them to their new positioning. Their brand has evolved into a brand that
exists to empower their customers, meaning bank on their terms, anywhere, anyhow
with the tools that they give them. They’ve recently launched digital tools (new
application and website) that is very UX - User Experience focused to help create a
journey with them, through innovation and that will help their customers shape their
Shape the future is applied in all areas of what they do, from:

● Non-financial solutions
● Banking Solutions
● Corporate Social Responsibility
● Women's Network

Previously, their brand statement was "A bright choice", and they no longer wanted to
position ourselves as just a choice, their tone of voice was much different, and they
didn't pursue a focused brand story that story tells their brand and the people they've

The bank’s rebranding strategy paid off in 2011 as loans grew 5.1% in the first nine
months of the year to JD748m ($1.05bn), and customer deposits grew 2.3% to JD933m
($1.31bn). Meanwhile, the bank’s interest revenue grew 3.4% to JD55.7m ($78.27m)
and its net interest revenue grew 4.2% to JD32.2m ($45.25m).

In 2007, the bank drew up a new strategy and after four years it implemented the
strategy and reintroduced itself to the Jordanian market in 2011. The new name, logo
and slogan and the new image was introduced along with a new and innovative
products aimed to strengthen the core corporate segment and attracting new business
in the retail and SME market. For example Bank Al Etihad has introduced the platinum
credit card as an example of one product that the tailored the needs of customers and
provide them with added- value services and benefits to meet their demanding
Also, the bank has upgraded its delivery channels and introduced the online and phone
banking and cyber customer relationship management. These changes did not only
involve the services but also the physical environment and branches. Expansion in 2011
was not only limited to services and products, but also to branches. In the early months
of 2012, the number of branches at Bank Al Etihad is expected to reach 32, up from 24
in 2011. (oxfordbusinessgroup,2019)

Bank al Etihad has adopted a digital voice in the market, where they repositioned
themselves to be very empowering to the customer. They have launched their mobile
application, which is the biggest one yet and is updated on a regular basis. The bank
tries to show that they truly are the bank that promises something and delivers the value
promised rather than just being skeptical, by promoting what they can promote.

Bank al Etihad’s idea or goal is that they are not just one of the choices, but the choice
because their idea is that they want the customers to feel that they can shape their
future with them using the tools they provide them with. The bank’s positioning strategy
has been formulated and developed in a way that it represents the bank’s voice through
storytelling and testimonials. Through these testimonials, Etihad Bank tries to show that
they are in the market to empower people, and that the bank’s values are completely
different from the values of the other banks.

The bank helps champion creativity and culture, through their entrepreneurial skills, as
they are a growing bank. Etihad Bank believes that they are risk takers, who are always
learning from the changes that are taking place in the market, while looking at what the
other banks do, trying to set new trends.

Branding Strategy

Bank Al Etihad tries to focus on standing out in the market through their marketing and
branding strategies. One of the approaches that have been followed was focusing on
branding through ATM services, as they believe that these services are not being
emphasized on by the other banks, and these services are those being used frequently
by the consumer.

Through ATM Branding, Bank Al Etihad believes that they can send the consistent
visual and audio elements that help convey the image, identity, and potentially the
emotions provoked. Through the ATM services, the branding strategies can help deliver
the feeling of digital experience for the customer while connecting the customer with the
special features that are directed towards the different target groups of customer, while
differentiating the bank from the other competing banks through conveying of trust, and
In the year 2016, the CIO of Bank Al Etihad had a dream of “Provide world-class ATM
digital customer experience that is functionally rich, efficient, intuitive, visually
appealing, and fresh that delivers stunning total “e-branch” services to help the bank:

● Win new customers

● Steer existing customers away from the branch
● Increase revenue via cross selling
● Boost our brand image (goodwill) as a stylish high-tech bank.”

The main concept behind the ATM Branding was that the Bank aimed to display
screens designed through a personalized and community aware perspective. This helps
connect the ATM Branding strategy with the goals and values of the Bank. The ATM
Branding strategies helped deliver the Image being delivered by the bank in addition to
the unique, sophisticated and humane values that the bank abides to.

To further improve the Bank’s branding strategy, the Bank fragmented its strategy to
branding for customers, non-customers, occasions and personalization, where they
invested in customization to make each customer group feel that the experience is
intended for them. The differences in color, organization of the screen, or the services
that are provided through the ATM machines are customized to fit the target group. This
can be seen in the images below.
For the
Bank Al

Customers, each segment is given a certain theme to identify its profile. The Bank uses
the color red for the SMEs, Sun yellow for the Shorouq / Women Segment, Orange for
the Retail customers, and grey for the affluent or exquisite segment. The same is done
for the non-customers based on the card types, where the retailers and exquisite
segments have the themes orange and grey respectively.
As for the branding for occasions, different banners are used on the ATM screen to
represent a feel of the occasion. Some of the banners used by Bank Al Etihad can be
seen in the image below.

Finally to make each customer feel like they are important to the Bank, personalized
branding is done through the ATM by sending them birthday wishes, adding a photo of
the customer on the screen, using different languages based on the customer’s
preferences, etc…

2. IMC Plan
Product Portfolio Analysis

● Personal Banking

The Personal Banking services are provided on B2C basis. Based on the
customer’s requirements they are capable of opening up a savings, salary or
current accounts. From Etihad Bank’s point of view, the salary accounts will help
the customer make the most of the money they have today. As for the savings
account, the customers are capable of maintaining their savings in a simple way
that helps them plan their future. Finally the current account is the most
commonly requested and used account as it is used for everyday banking needs.

● Corporate Banking

With corporate banking, Etihad Bank helps make your business better with their
support. At any time, the corporations can find easy, secure and tailored financial
services. Some of these services, which will eventually meet every corporations
needs include: Cash Management, Inventory Management, Trade Finance,
Green Lending, Risk Management and Syndicated Loans. The corporations are
also given the chance to bank online or through credit cards with high limits.


The SME banking on the other hand is seen suitable for businesses of all sizes.
This banking technique will open up the door for the different businesses to have
access to innovative tools and a network of experts that will help the business

● Shrouq Banking

Shoroq Banking on the other hand targets a specific market, which is women.
Shorouq opens up the door for the women to meet and get inspired, learn and
work together. Whether you have a startup or a ready established business, or
even a working female, shorouq is the platform for women. With Shorouq
banking, women are able to get collateral free loans or startup loans that will
initiate their road to success. Nevertheless, this banking platform also allows
women maternity breaks, where the maternity period is a loan free period, in
addition to insurance services helping them plan for the unexpected and finally,
saving accounts to help them obtain financial stability.

Customers’ analysis:

Like every bank, Bank Al Etihad’s services are open to everyone; however through
differentiating themselves among the other banks, Bank Al Etihad tries to focus mainly
on targeting the young and affluent individuals.
Depending on the type of service the customer is looking for, the bank aims to satisfy
their needs differently. For the personal banking services, all the different types of
customers are targeted, ranging from professionals, affluent and young individuals. The
personal banking services allow the different customers to have control over saving,
current and salary accounts.

Bank Al Etihad’s Shoruq Banking services focus on empowering women through

supporting their projects and their goals by monetary and non-monetary support. The
same support is directed towards the motivated and the affluent customers looking to
start their own business through the SMEs Banking services. Finally, retailer and
organizations are targeted for the corporate banking services and the benefits provided.
Depending on the type customer (B2B or B2C), the banking services chosen differ,
however, the same customer may be involved in more than one banking service
segment. For instance, the professionals may consume both the SME and Personal
Banking services each for a different purpose. Even among the same banking service
segment, the customer may have different account (i.e current, saving or salary).

The consumption of the services provided by the bank differs depending on the
consumer’s location and preferences. Bank Al Etihad has several different branches
located among the different regions of the country whether on the main streets or in the
shopping centers. These branches are further supported by the ATM machines and the
mobile and online website that allows the consumer to enjoy the same services through
electronic portals. Depending on the type of service that the consumer is looking for,
their current location, and the time need, the consumer has the opportunity of choosing
the method of consumption based on the best available option.

In addition to the different methods of consumption, the frequency of the consumption of

the different services provided varies throughout the month and based on the different
occasions and events. For examples, the amount of services consumed by the same
consumer is rather more frequent in the beginning of each month, and during special
occasions and promotional campaigns.

Although the core service is the same among the different banks, the innovation in the
service provided by Bank Al Etihad and the customer orientation that helps in
customizing the services directed to the different groups of customers, Bank Al Etihad
satisfies the different needs and wants of the customers. The importance directed
towards social responsibility events and contribution helps support the positive image of
the bank in the consumer’s minds.
Although Bank Al Etihad can satisfy the different needs of the customers, the high
competition and the presence of the other bank in the market for longer time periods
gives the other banks a slight competitive advantage. In addition, since Bank Al Etihad
focuses on differentiating its services from the other banks, the non-customer might get
the feeling that the services provided are intended for a different group of consumers.

The innovation implemented in the services provided by the bank will help the bank
keep up with the dynamic market and the needs of the market. Whether in terms of
communication or technology advancements and implications, Bank Al Etihad tries to
ensure the long term relationship with its current and prospect customers.

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