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Jamar Fraction

Exam Self-Reflection

Apparently from me focusing solely on the problems from Web-Assign I was not
well prepared for this exam. After taking a look at the suggested homework from the
book and comparing them to the exam, it seemed like a good amount came from our
text. For the first few questions I made stupid mistakes and started to second-guess
myself due to the terminology used in the questions. I feel that the ability to ask
questions about problems in the text or Web-Assign help me succeed, but according
to the scores I’ve gotten they have not.

I spent at least an hour and a half every day, Monday-Friday working and re-
working web-assign questions, but because I spent so much time doing those
questions I neglected the suggested problems. I thought the exam was structured
and contained questions different than the online homework. Because of this, I am
inclined to state that aside from the grade I get completing the problems, Web-
Assign was a waste of my time. I would have been better off just doing the bookwork
and focusing solely on that.

At times I feel like my goals are unrealistic for the time leading up to the next exam. I
want to get a score above a 90%. I feel that would give me an indication that I’m not
as bad at this as my grade suggests. I think a continuous upward trend of grades in
the exams and quizzes is a good measure of success.

I came into the exam feeling mildly confident in the material and ended up doing
horrible. I came into quiz 2 feeling highly confident and comfortable with the
material and did slightly better than horrible. I bumped up my practice time to 2
hours per day doing suggested problems and didn’t see much improvement on my
percentage. As of me writing this I’m unsure what exactly I did incorrectly in the
quiz 2 , but a 60% is worse than I thought I would do by far. I actually am trying, and
trying harder in this class than any other, but am not seeing any positive results. I’m
utilizing multiple resources and still doing terrible. I’m not sure exactly what the
problem is. I feel that I know the material, concepts, as well as the reasoning behind
them, but things are really not going in my favor. My honest thoughts are that I
should give up and that maybe I’m not cut out for this.

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