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1) Pedro is the boy _____________ has a beautiful car.

a) Where

b) Which

c) Who

d) This

e) N.D.A

2) The supermarket is a place ____________ you can buy food.

a) Who

b) Where

c) Which

d) Those

e) N.D.A

3) That is the dog ____________ barks too much.

a) What

b) Who

c) Which

d) Where

e) N.D.A

4) Marque a opção INCORRETA.

a) That is the girl who I saw in a shopping.

b) My father has a book where I have already read.

c) A school is a place where you study hard.

d) Jairo was the teacher who taught me Spanish.

e) N.D.A

5) Assinale a alternativa em que há uma oração no “PRESENT PERFECT”.

a) They are studying English now.

b) Is he a doctor? Yes, he is.

c) She has studied Portuguese many times.

d) I worked hard yesterday.

e) N.D.A

6) A oração: “They had been there before.”, está no tempo verbal:

a) Simple Present

b) Present Perfect

c) Past Simple

d) Past Perfect

e) N.D.A

7) Assinale a opção que esteja no “SIMPLE FUTURE”.

a) It is a dog.

b) She went to Rome.

c) He will go to Los Angeles.

d) Do you like music?

e) N.D.A

8) A formação correta do “going to” é:

a) They going to play basketball.

b) They going to are play basketball.

c) They going to play are basketball.

d) They are going to play basketball.

e) N.D.A

9) A forma interrogativa correta é:

a) You will travel to Japan?

b) Will you travel to Japan?

c) Will travel you to Japan?

d) Travel you will to Japan?

e) N.D.A

10) A alternativa correta com “question tag” é?

a) He isn´t my boss, isn´t he?

b) You aren´t happy today, you aren´t?

c) We aren´t studying now, are we?

d) They are friends, are they?

e) N.D.A

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