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Navya Krishna

IR II pd. 2/English 12 AP
Classroom Presentation Reflection

Presentation #1

My presentation to Ms. Kessinger’s class was to a cold audience. I had never met Ms.

Kessinger before, and her class was mostly freshmen, none of which I know. It was very

interesting presenting to a cold audience because I think that it makes their reactions to my

presentation more honest because none of them know me. Overall, I think that the presentation

went well. Ms. Kessinger really liked my presentation and the audience seemed engaged. Some

people asked questions after I finished my presentation, so I think that means they found it

interesting. Some goals that I have for future presentations are to use less filler words, which I

find myself using when I am not reading off a script. Also, there was an issue with Ms.

Kessinger’s computer where it kept freezing, and my computer doesn’t connect to a projector, so

I might bring another laptop with me when I go for my next presentation.

Presentation #2

My presentation to Mr. Gray’s class was to another cold audience. I had Mr. Gray

freshman year, but we haven’t talked since. It was a very interesting presentation because

virtually no one knew anything about my topic. It was also very intimidating because of the way

his classroom is set up. I think that it went well because the audience seemed interesting, and Mr.

Gray really likes my topic. Some goals that I have are that I could probably incorporate my slides

into my presentation more so that it is easier for the audience to follow along. I still have to work

on using less filler words, but that will come with more time and practice. I think that I did

improve a bit compared to my first presentation in terms of confidence in my abilities as a

presenter and getting used to talking about my topic more in-depth after taking a break this

summer. Overall, I am happy with how both of my presentations went.

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