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In a way, science has been developing long before we were born. Science already
becomes a part of our daily lives such as using electricity and drinking medicines or even
as simple as eating food.

Science is a part of us; we live on how science develops our way of living. We
live according to the development of science and technology. How does science change
us? How do we use this new knowledge and incorporate it in our daily lives? Questions
such as how and what are constant ways of reminding us that science is around us.

Science has changed the way we approach things. Just like how we came to
understand that Earth revolves around the sun and not the other way around. Science
even came to a point where we came to know how our white blood cells fight of the
foreign entities that our body came in contact with. It even let us know that taking care of
plants or even tending to one isn’t as simple as giving it water. We developed from
hunting wild animals for meat to eat into a safer way of acquiring meat, even the plants
and crops that came to our table isn’t that even hard to find and acquire. We no longer
change place from one place to the other after all the animals and meat is no longer
available in that place. We also don’t feel threatened by the wild animals since there are
people who govern on how and where those kinds of animals are suppose to live. Even
the problems of tending crops with use of irrigation system which by far is one of the
great innovations that help the current society develop into what it is today.

We change from hearing the news on the radio to getting more references on the
internet. From sending a mail that takes days to receive into more convenient electronic
mails known as emails that only take a second to receive. Communication became easier
since the invention of smart phones where social media became the medium for
communication no matter how far the receiver currently is. Even the medical field
became more and more advanced in terms of science and technology that even now
continuous to progress and didn’t show any sign of stopping soon. Before, people thought
that sickness is caused by evil and curses, but as time pass by we learned that it’s not
because of evil but a natural reaction of our body towards different entities such as
bacteria and other microorganism. We came to learn how the cells in our body and other
living work together along with its construction and genetics. We learn that our blood
doesn’t just accept anybody’s blood in case of blood transfusion. Even now, the medical
field and medicines continue to develop cures for illnesses and diseases the human
suffers. The deadly illnesses and diseases from before are now curable.

In terms of transportation, life become more convenient than ever before, our
ancestors used to ride a horse, carriage, or even walk from one place to other which could

last for days and even months. Now, it’s different, transportation such as ships, airplanes,
and buses have been developed for the people to have a more comfortable and easier
travel life.

On the other hand, while superstitious beliefs are still around, it didn’t give much
influence the way it did before. We stopped relying on those fortune telling and
divination for everything that we do. For example, black cats don’t really cause bad luck
or any other disaster. We became more logical to things that had a different meaning
before. Science gave us the knowledge to prove that while some things were still
unexplainable, doesn’t mean that everything cannot be proven.

Science develops as time progresses and by the time, it is becoming more

apparent that science will continue to develop and explore the unknown, and I seriously
doubt that we won’t change. Human has a high adaptability on the constant changes that
happening in our lives and society. As our environment changes even we will have to
follow through those changes, else we’ll find ourselves lost in a world that continues to
develop and improve. According to Bertrand Russell, “Science may set limits to
knowledge, but should not set limit to imagination”, which I on the other hand
completely agreed with. There are things that still left unexplored and some things
unexplained but that won’t hinder us to continue improving and developing. So yes,
science changes me, us, and will continue to do so as time passes by.

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