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Thought–Tool refers to a psychic device that can be engineered to

manipulate our thought process in such a way that we can cope with
any emotional crisis. As the outcome of our encounters with the
external world comprises of many factors of which we happen to
control only a few and that too in varying degrees, it is only in the
nature of the things that the outcome of all such encounters cannot be
predetermined and hence will not meet our expectations thereby
causing disappointment to us. This in turn will give rise to a sense of
failure and will tell upon our performances at various levels.

It is here that the Thought-Tool comes into play. We can actually think
of the emotional repercussions of all our failures as enemy attacks
lodged upon our psychic defence and as they break through we lose
our mental equanimity. Thought-Tool operates as a defensive tool that
repairs the damages caused in our protective psychic wall. It is not
through a medication that the objective is attained but by activating our
mental faculties and evolving an idea which counters the bombardment
on our psychic defenses. It actually fights an idea or a set of ideas
perturbing us with an idea or a patch of ideas which will restore our
emotional health.
Worries, if analyzed and broken down to their constituent parts, will
come down to certain ideas which, at least for the time, we do not
seem to have any solution and that’s the reason they are our worries. It
is this fundamental reality that the Thought-Tool bases its activities
upon. It is not that the ideational problem lying at the root of all our
worries cannot be solved but that we do not exercise our full potential
in solving it. In fact owing to different factors, cultural, habitual and
otherwise we rather live with our worries than effectively use our
mental resources to solve it and remain ignorant of this vital reality.
Consequently we suffer mental agonies and reduced performances on
our part which can be avoided.

Thought-Tool premises itself on the fact that a thought can be matched

or rather countered with another thought provided we have the
ingenuity to do so. The battlefield is our own mind and hence we have
the discretionary powers to set the rules if only we want to exercise our
right and ability to do so. We are the gods of our own lands and that
clinches the issue decisively in our favour. But this idea wouldn’t be
operational if sufficient practice isn’t put into it and so the bottom-line
remains the processing of the Thought-Tool suited to our different
challenges and actively using it which would help us to gain mastery
over it.
In fact, though the formulation is new and is the creation of Dr Indrajit
Ghosh, M.B.B.S, (CAL), the fact remains that this concept was used to
great effect by many a historical figures. The one name that
immediately comes to mind is Sri Ramakrishna Paramahansa (1836-
1886 A.D) who devised a very potential Thought-Tool in the form of his
immutable faith in the goddess Kali whom he considered the eternal
cause and he himself only her manifestation leaving no room for
attaching any responsibility whatsoever of any actions on him. It is this
faith alone that pulled him through in all his emotional turbulences and
acted as a full proof defense against all onslaughts. Gautama Buddha
(564- 484 B.C) too took recourse of the same Thought-Tool and devised
the Four Noble Truths and the Eight Fold Path that acted as his line of
defense. The same may be said of Jesus Christ and Mohammad as well.

In fact mastery of the Thought –Tool can have therapeutic value as well
for we know that our thoughts are biochemical signatures and once we
master the process we can make effective use of it in healing ourselves
without taking recourse to any external medication. In fact all our
medications are basically chemical formulations which have at their
bottom certain information that are nothing but ideas. So even in our
present medical orientation we are basically providing treatment with
ideas, only that they have a visible material form.

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