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Audio Scripts Unit 1: introductions and Names page 2, CD1-2 A: Whats your name? B: I's Alina Smith. A: Elena? B: No, Alina. ALI-N-A, ‘A: Ob, Alina, Ie nto to meet you, Abia 2 ‘A: Your name, please? B: Matt Rosenblum ‘A: Rosenblum... How do you spel hat, ‘Mr Rosenbiom? B ROSENBLUM. ‘A: Okay, thank you. 3 ‘A: Could I please have your email aeldres? B: Sure it's nacwilson@unsil com ‘8; Okay... Matt Nison.. Br Actually, i's Nat Wilson 0-0 at tmall dot cam, A: Nat Wilson. Got it Thavks. 4 A; Aud your e anal address is, ; [es . A: Cool pal? Bz No, cool gal. GAL. At R-O-L dor com, 5. ‘A: May Thave your pone number, please? B: Sure 1s 955.2398 A Olay... 555-2558, Bs Actually, i's mine ght. 23-948 A: Ob, 23-98 Thank you. 6 ‘A: So, could T give your a call sometime? B; Sure, that would be great, My call is 555-7216, A: 555-7216? B: Yep, that’s right. AP Okay. Ml give you a call this weekend, then, newt page 3, CD1-3 Listening 2_ 1 A: Great party, isn’t ft? B: Sure is So, how do you know Leta? A: Tm her brother. B. Oh, wally? I didn't know she had a brother, My name's Anna, by Gre wey A: Nice to meet you, Anna 2 ‘A: Good moming, 1 ike to rogstr for English cass. B: Allright... which level A: Lat’ see took Love 5 last semester... 90 Level 6, I gues. B: Okay... level 6. Ané your name? A Sylvia Gomer. B, Sylvia Gomez... Could [please have your e-mail address, Sylvia? 3 A: Flllo, could 1 have a dinner reservation for this evening, please? Be Certainly, For what time? A: Ub, 700? Br Lot me gee... 700... for how many people? A: Four B: Yes, we do havea table forfour a0 7200. Great Hey, Liza! Danat ies greet to see you! How are you? Pretty good, And you? Not bail, not bad. Hey, we should get Together sontetime, maybe nave cove BB: Yeah, lees do that! eRe e Be ‘A: Good evening. Weleore to the Ocean Breeze Hotel. Are you checking in? 1%: Yes, [have a reservation for tonigit ‘A: Okay. May I have your aame, please? B: Yes, it Chuck Bellington. 6 ‘Hi, Aline? Yer This is Marta, from English class, Oh, bi Marte Listen, | wasn't in class on Friday ‘Could you tei me the homework assignment? 1B: Yeah sare, bat I'm not at home right ‘now... could Teall it to you? A: Sure, that wood be great. pages, CD 1-4 istening 3 1 AL Hi, Jack! BH. uh, iis. from math class. Oh, of course. How are you, Denise? Actually it’s Hise ELIS: Oh, Elise. Sorry about that A: B A: B: 2 A. Hey, Sarah! How are you? 1B: Ob, hi... Pm sorry, Pve forgotten your name, A: Its Mick Bs Oh, that’s right. Nick. A: Actually Ics Mik, with st M. MICK. BB: Mick, Got it. So, Mick, are you going, to the gym this weekend? 3 Ay Mike! Helo! B: Oh, hello, ch, ‘Ac Hannah, We met at Ellie's party, B. Oh, right! How are you doing, Anna? ‘A: Protty good! Actually my name's Hannch, not Anna ~ HAN-N-AH, 4 ‘A: Bxeuse me... don’t [mow you from somewhere? + BT think 5. yor look fia... do out 20 0 Easter University? A: No, [don't waita minute dont ‘we wait atthe sanie bus stop every msorning? B: Ob, thar’ right! But Vm always oa tired to talk. My name's Stacy, by the way. As Hi, Stacy Fim Devos, B: Nive to meet you, Evan ‘Ac Ob, ectually i's Devon, DEV-ON, 5. A: Excuse me aren't you Beth Fileo’ son ~ Mike, right? By Yes, Tam, Actual its Ice. no M, just IKE A: Oh, Ike Sorry about chat. 'm Liz Jones. I work with your mother B: Oh, of couse, Good to se yous again, Ms Jones HL Toy: How are you? (Oh, mo fine thank you, an sort, { showld know your neme. A: Tandy. L work in the accounting department. Bi Oh, that’s right. How've you been, Mandy? At Actually, i's Tandy TAN-D-Y. Its an timsual same, 1 kaow! Peo 54 Student Book Audio Scripts © Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom us. pages, CD1-5 Pronunciation 1. My name is Tim. 2, My email address is timn@imail en 3, Five im Now York, 4, [ bave reservation for tonight. cD 1-6 Dictation ‘A Bun party isnt 1? B, Sureis. My name is Emma, by che way A Its nice to:met you, Frama Ti just. B: Nice to meet you, Justin. Do you live LA? A: No, I'm from Sen Francisco, I'm visiting my sister here” 1B: Oh, Tlove San Francisco, I go there sometiroes for work. A: Really? Call me next time you're there. Let me give you my phone number, B: Olkay, hope to see you again! Have a ‘great time here in LA.! Unit 2: Describing People Pages, CD 1-7 A. So is your boss young? B: He's in his times, I guess. About 35. , 2 A: [es precy long, B: What color isi? ‘A: [light brown, An itt 2 little cur. 3 A; He's really not very tll, about 5 feet 8 inches B: Oh yeah. That's not so tall 4. A: He looks about 17, B: No, ho’ oldor than that. He's almost 25 A: No, don’t believe it He dozsn't look shat od, 5. A: She likes to weer it really short B: Yeah? And isit straight or curly? A: Curly Really curly. You can’t miss her vwinen you see her. 6 A Is sie shor? B: No. she’s really tll. About 6 feet © Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. 7 ‘A: Is she in her teens or her twenties? B: ( dbink she's in her twenties, She’ zeally nice, Do you want to meet her? A: Yeah, sure. a A: T's not very long but its very straight. And sometimes its green! B: Green! ‘A: Yeah. He sings in a sock bend, T think page7, (01-8 Listening 2 a A; What does your girlfriend Look lilee, ‘Tory? B; Ella? Ob, she’s tall, And she has long, dark brown hair. 2 A: Tell me about your boyfriend, Anne Bs Woll hls narne's Dantol #8 17. Letme see... Well, he bas curly blonde hair He's not very tall ~ about average. But he's really good ooking, 3. A: So, Mat, whats the now gir in class Took lke? Bi She's pretty tal, about 170 centimeters, She wears lasses, and has short curly Sie. ahi she's about 20, ‘As What’ her name? B: J can tremember, Anne, think. 4 A: So tll me about your cousin, Paul 1B; Well, she’s very prey, A: Really! Is she blonde? B: No, she has dark brow hait, [Everybody likes her. She's an actress, ‘A: Really? Vd tke to meet her. 1 A: Excuse me. Ive lost my litle boy. We ‘were looking at microwaves and he swas bored and... 1B: Calm down, sit. Can you describe ic? ‘A: Yes. He's nine, Really cute B: And what colori his air? A: Dark brown B: Okay, Let's see where he is, Just sit down and relax. 2. ‘A: Tes my son. We were looking for some pants for my husband. Nov T ‘eat find bi, B: Don't worry, ma'am, We'll find hic. How old is he? \: He's eleven, see, And wat color is his hale? Tes light brown, Ard he's wearing a ‘geen shirt Don't worry. We'll find him for you. Pee pew Excuse me T can’t find my daughter -Lwas buying these clothes atthe rgister, and she was right behind me, and. now she’s gone! i Don’t worry, Fm sure we'll find het So, how old i she? She's ten ‘Okay, and what color is her hale? Ws Blonde... and kind of long, And straight PRR ow ze (My dawebcer was here a mimate ago, and now 3 can't find fee She's probably inthe tay section, Cat you deseribe her? A: Yes, she's twelve year® old 1B: And what color tsi does she have? A: Brown, And ics very curly Br All right. Lets go tothe toy secticn and see if she's tera, » 5. A: Has anyone seen a young ki? B: How old, sit? ‘Ay Hes ten, He's always getting lost, Drives me crazy, B: Where did you last see him? ‘A: Over by the video equipment Bi What color is his hair? ‘A; Blonde, and prety long, Too long! 6 ‘A: Excuse me. Pve lost ay daughter! B: Is she around 13, about average hight, with red har? A: Why, yes. B: She's iooking for you~ over there, in the sboe department ‘A: Thanks a ot! 1 A: Are you Abby's sister? 1B: Yes, Cam. 2 A: Dops he wear glasses? Bs Yes he does. 3. A: Is she in her twenties? B: No, she isn’t. page’, CD1-11 Dictation ‘A: What does your new boyfriend lool: like, Jenna? Student Book Audio Scripts 55 B Wal, he’s really good: looking, 2X OW? Is he tall? B No, he n't He's prey short, A. Really? Are you taller than him? B: No, we're about the same heigin. Lets see... and he bas curly brown bait, A: He sounds cute Is he about your age? B; Yes, he is And we have che same birchday, Unit 3: Clothes age 19, CD 1-12 Listening 7 1 A: Which is David? Bs David? There ho is o's weaving @ Jacket and te And be has reds ‘bande hai ‘A: Okay. Thaaks. 2 ‘A: Ps looking for Monica B: Oh, shes wearing along cress And she wears glass, Ac Does she fave long batt? By No, it not really long, 3. A: Which one is Nick? B: He's wearing « dark sult and a te. and sneakers ‘A: Sneaker? Okay Thanks 4 A: I'm looking for Emma. B: There she is, over there. She's wearing, white pants and 2 red blouse. ‘The one with a scart? Yeah, : Who's Andrew? He's wearing shors and a Tshin, He has short blonde air As Oh, Tsee him, Thanks, A B: 5. A: B: 6 A: Tm looking for Kets, B: Man... There she fs, She's wearing 4 yellow shirt, «blue blouse and sed sandals ‘A: Thanks 7 A‘ Ts Mary have tonight? B: Yes, she is See her aver thera? She's wearing jeans and a green shir. A: Jeans ani a green shirt 1B: Yes, an she's wearing a funny set 8 ‘A: Where's Ben? B: Oh, the boxybuilder. He’s wearing sneakers, shorts and a tight shirt, as usual, 6: A tight shirt? BB: You, he ilkes to show aff his muscles! page 12, CD 1-13 Listening 2 1 A: How are the pants, sir? BB [ think theyre too short. What do you stink? ‘Ac Yes, think youve right, They certainly are too short. B: Can you get me a longer pair? 2 A: Do you ike this blouse? Be Well, chink i's litte too big. ‘A: [guess so. Yes i's prety bie. B You defintely aeed a sulle one. 3 A: Are the sneakers comfortable? 1B: Wel, think they're a litle seal for me A: Too smell? Tet me find a bigger pair 4 A’ Ate those jeans alright? 2B: Fm afraid they're too big for me. ‘A; Okey, hen let’ find a sale pale & As How does the Tshirt fi Ts it too tight? B: Do you have 2 looser one? 6 A: How do you like the sondals? B: Too hig, em afraie. ‘A: Too big? Let me find 2 smaller size page 12, CD1-14 ‘Sonia was very well dressed. She had con a jacket and long, dark blue skirt Sho Was also wearing a yellow blouse ‘She wasn't carrying a bag, but she did hhave a small wallet with her. Oh, and remember she had nice gold earrings. also remember her shoes, She was ‘wearing black shoos with very high heels 2 ‘Mart sas vory casually dressed. He was ‘wearing some really old jeans ~ you Icnow, the ones with holes in them — with 2 wide leather belt and a blue shirt with ‘buttons, He hat on some bocts too, high brown ones. They looked realy nice, ‘He was also wearing glasses. He usually ‘wears a couple of big rings, but he was only wearing one today. 3. ‘Kevin was wearing a yellow shirt ad green tie T dic’ like the tie, but 1 liked the shirt Ho alse had on brow pants ‘He was wearing sneakers with long ‘white socks ~ kind of cute, actualy. And hie had a leather bag over one shoulder 4 Amy looked ally gor, She ad on @ Joug shit and a beautiful black jacket And she had some expensive glasses ‘on. She also had on g collared shirt She didn’ have a bag. She was wearing sandals. page 13, CD 1-15 Pronunciation, Task 1 4. pants 2. jackets 5. sneakers 4, earrings 5, blouses 6. parses crs Pronunciation, Task 2 1. dresses 2 ats 3, shocs " 4. windbreakers 5 kets 6. places page 13, CD1-17 Dictation ‘&: What are you going to wear to the party? B: Tm not sore, {might wear jeans ‘As Really? Ann and Liz are wearing dresses. 1B: Oh. Well, maybe (1 weara black skir, So, what are you going to weer? A¢ Ob, probably nice pants and a ti. B; But you don't have any ties, de you? ‘As Ob, that’s right, Maybe I can Yrorrow one. Unit 4: Routines ots oe Listening 1. B: Uh. irs tn fifteen A: Thaaks. 2 A: Do you have the sine? B: Lat me see. Yeah. Irs ten afier hua, A: Two wn? Thanks. 56 Student Book Audio Scripts © Oxford University Press Permission granted to reproduce for dasstoom use, B ‘A: What time is it now? Br Hey, ts exactly cwelve wicloek ‘Midnight. Happy New Year 4 A: Can you tell me the time, please? By Yeah ts eleven thirty. Ac Wow, Inn late, Taamis, 5. At Do you know wnt time i is? By Yeah, Tr ¢ quarter to foot A: Thanks a fo cn Av Ym late again, What time is it now? 'B: Wsseven Bit, A: Class starts at eight, ve only got ten mines. - page 15, CD1-19 Listening 2 1 A: Hey, Sandra, do you want to go eo the moves tonighe B: Maybe... whae time? A: How about be nine fifteea show? B: Ob; that’s too late for me... Tusually go & bed at elght thirty, A: So early? ‘B: Yeah... havo to get up at Five an, to study before school ‘A: Five am? Why don't you study at nigh? By [don’t ike to say up late Tm a moening pars. 2 A: Yow look tted, ot, By Yech, welt, Fm always tive A Really? What time do you go to bed? B: Usually around micnight. I like stay ap late But | have to get up at sie Fifizen to go ro work, 3B A; Do you want to go nanning tomorrow momning, Sam? B: Itdopends... what time? A: How about six o'clock? B: Six clock? I don't get ep until around nine thir! A: Wow, you get alo of sleep! B: Not really... usually stay up unt about dhree in the morning, 4 A Are you a morning person or a night person, Grace? B. Ob, definitely might person, A Really? BB Yeah, T can’ Cll asvep before ‘nlcinight. [usually go to bed around one ate ‘A; Hob, Do you slep late In the morniug? © Oxford University Pres, Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. B: Not eeally. T usually get up a¢ 8 quarter to eight. ‘A: Did you wate the eleven o'clock ‘news Lest might, Mie? B: No... Lwas asleep. I usvally go 10 bed ‘round te A: Tea o'clock? That's prety early, int i? Fe Yeah, wee, Fike to stay up later... bbat Theve to getup at six am, to 910 work & A: Hi James, what's new? (Bs Weil, gota neve job a few ‘weeks ago. ‘A: Really? Congratulationst How do you like it B: Well it's great, except forthe hours JLwork the night sift ‘A: Of, a0! When do you sleep? By Well, I go to bed at cight in the morning. [sleep all day, and get up at {our inthe afercoon. poge 16, (1-20 Listening 3 i. eter: Lets see I get up at five fifteen every tnoming and go renning, Then, ater Thave a shower and a quick ‘breakfist, take the subway to work. usualy do some work on the subway, 1 got to work at sovea ix the morning and L usually work wil eighe at night. After Eget howe, | have dinner. Then 1 real the newspaper before bed. Tusuliy 0 10 bed about eleven o'clock. Amelia: I'm pretty busy these days. 1 get up early aroun six thirty, then heve breakfast — usually cereal and a big exp of tea, Then [take the bus to seheal. While Ym on the bus, Tusually text my fiends ‘Let's se, I have classes from 9-00 uti 5:00, After clases, go home and stuly fora few hones. Then I have dinner with say family. Aer dimer, play video ‘games for ar hour o so, then ehat with ‘my friends online, Finally. Ttake 2 shower then goto bed — usually erouac| ten o'clock, 3 (Charlie: My routine? Well 10 looking for job atthe moment, so T don't have mach of a routie Every day i a litle oifferent Bet [usually get up around eleven, Then go running, After tat [have a big lunch = Fm always irangey because I don't have ‘breast. After lunch I play video games for couple of hours. Then T go online to Jeol for jobs — but no lack yet! After that I usually watch some TY, then have diemee In the evening I usually bang out scith friends and play svine more video ganess usually go 1 bed at one or oo tn the morning, page 17, CD 1-21, Pronunciation, Task 7 1. thirteen 2, fifteen 3. sfsteen 4 tiny 5. fifty 6. sixty page 17, CD 1-22 Pronunciation, Task 2 1. forty 2, sateen 5. eighty 4. seventeen 5. nineteen 6. fourtcen page 17, (D 1-23, Dictation A: You look tired, Jake, 'B Yeah, I'm always tired, ¥ have to get up at five fifteen every das. A: Five fifty? Why so early? : Nor five fifty, ive fiteen. Anyway, 1 go running before work, then I have to catch a six Fifty tran to the city. A: Oh, Lse2, So, do you go to bed early? 1B: No, Vm night ov. Last night I was up tab one fifteen A: That's not enough sleep, Jake! Maybe you should get a new job Student Book Audio Scripts 37

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