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1.Silfa Yurita

2.Reza Junianti Fajri

3.Witi Novelia


5.Rico Kurniawan

6.Rakhma Tri Dinda

7.Lidiya Azzahra

8.Sri Rahayu

Kelas 2B Kesehatan Masyarakat

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Article About Corona Virus Case

JAMA Medical Journal or the Journal of the American Medical Association revealed the
existence of a super corona virus spreader. This super spreader is said to have infected at least 10
medical officers and four other patients at Zhongnan Hospital, Wuhan. Reported from the New
York Times, Friday (7 / 2/2020); the patient was initially hospitalized because he complained of
gastrointestinal symptoms only. This made the doctors not suspect that the patient was infected
with Wuhan corona virus. Because, an epidemic virus caused pneumonia with the main
symptoms such as coughing, fever and difficulty breathing. The patient was placed in the
surgical section which was also inhabited by four other patients who were later infected with the
Wuhan corona virus. This case reminded experts of the "super spreading" phenomenon that is
always present in various outbreaks of the corona virus, including MERS and SARS. The super
spreaders infect many people and causing massive corona virus spread in hospitals.

In their report, the experts wrote that the data showed that rapid human-to-human spread
could occur because the symptoms of patients that were not typical made doctors mistakenly
suspected and failed to prevent them. Of the 138 people studied, 10 percent did not show
symptoms of cough and fever first, but diarrhea and nausea. Other uncommon symptoms
experienced by Wuhan corona virus patients are headaches, dizziness and stomachaches.41
percent of the patients studied were also likely to be infected with the Wuhan corona virus while
in the hospital. In fact, 17 people were actually treated in the hospital due to other illnesses and
40 other people are health workers who work in the hospital. Another finding worthy of attention
from this report is the presence of some patients who initially experienced mild symptoms and
then experienced severe symptoms a few days later. Medication of emergence the first symptom
of breathing difficulties is five days, hing The hospital was not admitted to the hospital for seven
days, and until breathing difficulties were severe for eight days. Seeing this pattern, doctors were
advised to always be vigilant and monitor the patient, even when symptoms that appeared were

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