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How to Overcome Spiritual, Mental, Emotional and Physical Fatigue


The number one reason why people feel fatigued is not from a physical
level, it is from a psychological level. The number one reason for fatigue is
that most people, do not fully own their personal power at all times. When you
don�t own your personal power at full strength, it drains your energy battery.

The second reason is that people are not fully demonstrating self-mastery
over their mind and emotions, which causes them to be victims of themselves
and of life instead of Masters and causes of their reality.

The third reason people get exhausted is they don�t love themselves and
forgive themselves for their mistakes.

The fourth reason people get exhausted and fatigued is they think too much
with their negative ego mind instead of interpreting life from their
Christ/Buddha mind.

All these aforementioned psychological lessons cause one to not be right

with self and right with GOD. This causes untold numbers of conflicts and
imbalances in relationships, which again totally drains the energy body.

The fifth reason why people get fatigued is they do not psychospiritually
protect themselves properly each morning to start their day.

The sixth reason people get fatigued is they do not pray enough. They get fatigued
because they try to create life themselves, instead of co-creating life with GOD
and the Masters.

The seventh reason people get fatigued is they don�t do enough positive
affirmations and visualizations along with attitudinal healing.

Every time something doesn�t go your way, one should always do a prayer,
affirmation, visualization, or attitude adjustment to bring that situation back to
the perfected state. This way, one�s consciousness always remains in a state of
healing the situation in an assertive manner, which keeps one incredibly

The eighth reason people become fatigued is that they allow themselves to
be run too much by the emotional body, instead of recognizing that one�s
thoughts create one�s emotions.

Once one sees and demonstrates this selfmastery over the emotional body by learning
to cause and create only positive Christ/Buddha emotions, they will become much
more energized. This incredibly energizes the etheric and/or energy body as well as
the subconscious mind.

The ninth reason why people get fatigued deals with the physical level. A
great many people use too many artificial stimulants for energy.

The tenth reason for fatigue is people do not get enough physical exercise
on a regular basis, which makes the body very sluggish. They also do not get
enough fresh air and sunshine. People must also be sure to get enough sleep
and not overwork or underwork. They must also take time for play and
The eleventh reason why people get fatigued is they have not found their
Spiritual service work, puzzle piece, and Spiritual mission. When one finds one�s
Spiritual mission and service work, then every thought, word, and deed becomes
energized because you are doing it to serve GOD and one�s fellow Sons and Daughters
of GOD.

The twelfth reason people get fatigued is another physical one. People eat
too much food.

The thirteenth reason people don�t have as much energy as they want is
that they do not fast often enough. Some kind of fast once a week or once a
month for one to three days will do wonders for the body�s energy level.

The fourteenth reason people do not have enough energy is they do not
drink enough water.

The fifteenth reason people do not have as much energy as they would like
is that they do not spend enough time in nature and connecting with the Earth
Mother. Enormous sustenance and energy can be acquired from remaining
grounded and connected and attuned to the Earth.

It must be understood that energy can be gained from the Earth, from a proper
psychology, and from Spiritual levels. It is essential to take advantage of all
three. If any one is rejected or disconnected, it will have a short circuiting
effect on the other levels.

The sixteenth key to becoming more energized is called �Integrated Ascension.� It

is essential on your Spiritual path to integrate Spirit in a balanced manner in all
four bodies.

The seventeenth key to energizing your system is to not eat too much
sugar, junk food, processed food and food with too many chemicals and

The eighteenth key to becoming more energized is to not be a workaholic.

The nineteenth key to energizing your system is stopping your bad habits
such as smoking, too much alcohol, and other lower-self addictions. These
over time can drain the body of energy.

The twentieth key to energizing your system is to cultivate the

psychospiritual quality of enthusiasm. One should ideally be enthusiastic at
all times. This is the use of personal power with the emotional body engaged.

Your feelings and emotions lie within the subconscious mind, which is the
real storehouse of energy within your being. When you own your personal
power with feeling and enthusiasm, this activates the subconscious
storehouse of energy.

The twenty-first key is to be sure to breathe. When you breathe in fresh air, you
are breathing in Prana and Vital Force. This Prana and Vital Force is then stored
in the etheric body for later use. This is also why aerobic exercise is essential.
Breathing also allows more oxygen into the cells, organs, and glands, as well as
the blood stream.

The twenty-second key to having more energy is to supplement your diet

with extra, natural food sources, vitamins and minerals.

The twenty-third key to energizing your system is to always be optimistic

and never be pessimistic.

The twenty-fourth key to energizing your system is to ask GOD, Christ, the
Holy Spirit, your Higher Self, etc..for more energy.

The twenty-fifth key to energizing your system is to remain focused on

your path of ascension and God Realization at all times. Keep your attention
always focused on GOD and your Higher Self. Never allow yourself to give
in to your lower-self desire. If you do, just forgive yourself, learn the lesson,
move forward, and do not look back.

The higher and more advanced you

become in your initiation level and path of ascension, the more light you will
carry in your Light Body, which of course, is more energizing. The higher
your initiation level, the more electrical frequency you will hold and the more
energized your system will become.

The twenty-sixth key to energizing your system is to not overindulge in

sex, but do not necessarily underindulge either.

This is not to say that you need sex for energy, for the path of celibacy can
actually build energy and build what is called in the East �Ojas.� This is sexual
energy that is brought up the Chakra Column to build Brain Illumination. This might
be called Brain Orgasm.

Tantric sexuality can also be incredibly energizing.

The twenty-seventh key to energizing your system is to hang around people

and form friendships with people who are energizing. Also be sure to never
give your power to others, and to be unconditionally loving towards others at
all times.

The final key to be energized at all times is to, in every situation of life and
every moment of life in thought, word, and deed, always choose GOD instead
of ego.

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