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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US 6,635,219 B2

Wen et al. (45) Date of Patent: Oct. 21, 2003

(54) METHOD OF REGENERATINGA 5,799,860 A * 9/1998 Demaray et al. ......... .. 228/194

PHASECHANGE SPUTTERING TARGET 6,071,323 A * 6/2000 Kawaguchi ................ .. 75/246

(75) Inventors: Jyh-Chung Wen, Hsinchu JP 63-93859 * 4/1988

Ming-Shyong Lai, Hsinchu (TW);
73 AS _ ~ I d t _ 1T h l R h Abstract Publication No. JP 63093859A, Apr. 25, 1988*
( ) slgnee- ‘1 E15 “a QC “0 "gy esearc Japan Patent No. JP362230967A, Oct. 9, 1987*
Instltute (TW) Japan patent No. 411228219A, Aug. 24, 1999*
( * ) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this Japan Patent NO‘ 411269639A’ Oct‘, 5’ 1999*
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 Patent Abstract of Japan, Publication No. 2000—239837,
U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. May 2000
* cited by examiner
(21) Appl. No.: 10/094,812 _ _ _
_ P rzmary Examzner—Ng oc l an M a1
(22) Flled? Mar- 12! 2002 (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Birch, SteWart, Kolasch &
(65) Prior Publication Data Blrch’ LLP
US 2002/0130041 A1 Sep. 19, 2002 (57) ABSTRACT
(30) Foreign Application Priority Data A method of regenerating a phase-change sputtering target
for optical storage media. First, a used poWder-metallurgy
Mar. 13, 2001 (TW) ..................................... .. 90105821 A Sputtering target Composed of a target material, an adhesion
(51) Int. Cl. 7 ............................. .. B22F 3/12,. B22F 7/04 material, and a backing plate is recycled. Then, the target
(52) U S C] 419/5 419/8 material is separated from the backing plate. Then, the target
58 F: I'd """ """""""""""""""""" " 4’19/5 8 adhesion material is scraped from the recycled target mate
( ) 1e 0 earc """"""""""""""""""""" " ’ rial Thereafter, the surface of the recycled target material is
(56) References Cited processed. Finally, the backing plate, a neW adhesion
material, the recycled target material, and neW poWders are
US. PATENT DOCUMENTS placed in a vacuum thermal-pressure furnace in sequence to
5522 535 A * 6/1996 I vanov e
t 1
a . . . . . . . . . . . ..
228/1221 .
perform a thermal-pressure sintering process. This com-

5,593,082 A * 1/1997 Ivanov et al. .......... .. 228/1221 plates a new phase'change Sputtenng target
5,653,856 A * 8/1997 Ivanov et al. ........ .. 204/192.12
5,660,599 A * 8/1997 Schlott et al. ............ .. 264/122 14 Claims, 1 Drawing Sheet

used phase—change sputtering targets

backing plate




thermal-pressure sintering

new phase-change sputtering target

U.S. Patent 0a. 21, 2003 US 6,635,219 B2

used phase-change sputtering targets

l r10
v f 20

target material backing plate

1 r30
scrape adhesion material

40 \ V ‘t f 50
powder treatment surface process
401 \ V ‘I f 501
smash and grind machining
402 \ ‘I ‘V f 502
high-temperature cleaning
" f 503

v f 60
thermal-pressure sintering
new phase-change sputtering target
FIG. 1
US 6,635,219 B2
1 2
METHOD OF REGENERATING A pressure sintering thereof to regenerate a neW poWder
PHASE-CHANGE SPUTTERING TARGET metallurgy sputtering target.
FOR OPTICAL STORAGE MEDIA The present invention provides a method of regenerating
a phase-change sputtering target for optical storage media.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION First, a used poWder-metallurgy sputtering target composed
of a target material, an adhesion material, and a backing
1. Field of the Invention
plate is recycled. Then, the target material is separated from
The present invention relates to a method of regenerating the backing plate. NeXt, the adhesion material is scraped
a sputtering target and, more particularly, to a method of from the recycled target material. Thereafter, the surface of
regenerating a phase-change sputtering target for optical the recycled target material is processed. Finally, the back
storage media. ing plate, a neW adhesion material, the recycled target
2. Description of the Related Art material, and neW poWders are placed in a vacuum thermal
Phase-change erasable optical recording media, such as pressure furnace in sequence to perform a thermal-pressure
CD-RW, DVD-RW or DVD-RAM, can repeatedly read and sintering process. This completes a neW phase-change sput
reWrite to achieve a large number of records. The phase 15 tering target.
change erasable optical recording media uses a phase Accordingly, it is a principal object of the invention to
change material as a recording layer, and uses a focused provide a method of regenerating a poWder-metallurgy sput
laser beam serving as a heat source to irradiate a micron tering target to increase the utility rate of the backing plate.
scale region on the recording layer, resulting in a reversible
It is another object of the invention to provide a method
transformation generated betWeen the crystalline phase and
the amorphous phase of the phase-change material on the of regenerating a poWder-metallurgy sputtering target to
decrease material cost.
irradiated region. Thus, the different optical properties of the
crystalline phase and the amorphous phase of the phase Yet another object of the invention is to provide a method
change material can determine the states of the irradiated of regenerating a poWder-metallurgy sputtering target to
regions. Under conditions in Which each irradiated region 25 increase the useable percentage of the target material.
has the same crystalline structure, the information of a unit It is a further object of the invention to provide a method
cell is stored in a small spot of the amorphous phase. The of regenerating a poWder-metallurgy sputtering target to
performance of the recording layer depends on the quality of avoid Waste of the target material.
a phase-change sputtering target for optical storage media These and other objects of the present invention Will
and the sputtering technique. become readily apparent upon further revieW of the folloW
Generally, a phase-change sputtering target comprises a ing speci?cation and draWings.
target material, an adhesion material and a backing plate of
copper alloy. According to various phase-change types, the BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
phase-change target material is classi?ed as: (1) amorphous FIG. 1 is a How chart shoWing a method of regenerating
phaseQcrystalline phase (irreversible), such as Te—TeO2, 35
a phase-change sputtering target.
Te—TeO2—Pd, Sb2Se3/Bi2Te3, Ge—Te—Sb and Ag—In— Similar reference characters denote corresponding fea
Sb—Te; (2) amorphous phaseQcrystalline phase tures consistently throughout the attached draWings.
(reversible), such as Ge—Te—Sb, Ag—In—Sb—Te,
In—Se, In—Se—Tl—Co, Ge—Te—Sb—S, In—Sb—Te, The present invention provides a method of regenerating
In—Se—Te and Ge—Te—Sn; (3) crystalline
phaseQcrystalline phase, such as Ab—Zn, Cu—Al—Ni, a phase-change sputtering target, in Which the used target
In—Sb and In—Sb—Se. Preferably, the series of Ge—Sb— material of a used target is recycled to regenerate a neW
Te and Ag—In—Sb—Te are in common use. 45 phase-change sputtering target. The present invention is
applied to the regeneration of a used target material com
HoWever, in planar magnetron sputtering, the sputtering posed of any kind of poWder-metallurgy materials.
ions’ orbit along a speci?c trajectory caused by the magnetic
?eld leads to the appearance of non-uniform erosion on the FIG. 1 is a How chart shoWing a method of regenerating
target material. Therefore the sputtering target needs to be a phase-change sputtering target. First, in step 10, used
reneWed When the sputtering target is employed reaching a phase-change sputtering targets are recycled from optical
predetermined time or a ?Xed quantity in order to prevent disc factories. Then, in step 20, using heating treatment, the
damage to the backing plate from the penetration by the recycled sputtering targets are placed in a high-temperature
sputtering ions. As a rule, the percentage of real use for a oven at 200~300° C. for 10~30 minutes, thus separating the
rectangular-shaped sputtering target is less than 28%, for a target material from the backing plate of copper alloy. NeXt,
circular-shaped sputtering target, less than 35%, and 55 in step 30, an adhesion material, such as In, is scraped aWay
commercial-use sputtering targets are controlled about 25%. from the target material.
In addition, compared With ordinary metallic target material, Thereafter, a poWder treatment and a surface process are
the phase-change target material is rather costly and more selectively carried out depending on the shape, siZe and
than 70~75% of the phase-change target material cannot be performance of the recycled target material. For the small
recycled. Thus, a method of regenerating the phase-change siZe recycled target material, the step 40 of poWder treatment
sputtering target to increase the useable percentage of the is required. First, in step 401, using a grinder is With a
target material, avoid its Waste thereby reducing process protective atmosphere, the recycled target material is
costs, is called for. smashed and ground to be shaped as recycled poWders of
60~120 pm diameter. Then, in step 402, in order to prevent
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION 65 the recycled poWders from oxidation, the recycled poWders
The present invention provides a method of recycling a are put into a hydrogen oven to undergo a high-temperature
used poWder-metallurgy sputtering target and thermal reduction at 450° C. for 2~4 hours.
US 6,635,219 B2
3 4
For block-siZe recycled target material, the step 50 of (d) processing the surface of the target material; and
surface process is required. First, in step 501, using micro (e) placing the backing plate, a neW adhesion material, the
machining such as lathing, contamination on the recycled target material and neW poWder in sequence into a
target material is scraped till the surface reaches a predeter vacuum thermal-pressure furnace to perform a thermal
mined roughness. Then, in step 502, using a Water-Washing pressure sintering process to form a neW poWder
method, the oil sludge on the roughened surface of the metallurgy sputtering target.
recycled target material is cleaned off. Next, in step 503, 2. The method according to claim 1, Wherein step (b)
using a dry treatment, the recycled target material is placed
in a vacuum oven at 120° C. for 2~3 hours.
heats the target material at 200~300° C. for 10~30 minutes.
3. The method according to claim 1, Wherein step (d)
After completing the above-mentioned steps of recycling 1O
and regenerating, in step 60 of a thermal-pressure sintering
process is ?nally performed to form the recycled target (d1) machining the surface of the target material to
material or poWders, the recycled backing plate and an eXtra remove contamination therefrom and bring the surface
adhesion material as a neW sputtering target by controlling of the target material to a predetermined roughness;
process parameters, such as sintering temperature, pressure, 15 (d2) cleaning the surface of the target material; and
sintering atmosphere, sintering time, mold design and pres (d3) drying the surface of the target material.
suriZed rout. The neW phase-change sputtering target obtains 4. The method according to claim 3, Wherein step (d2)
great density approximately close to theoretical density. In a uses a Water-Washing method to remove oil sludge from the
vacuum thermal-pressure furnace, the backing plate is roughened surface of the target material.
placed in a mold of the same siZe, a piece of adhesion
5. The method according to claim 3, Wherein step (d3)
material (such as In) is placed on the backing plate, the
bakes the target material in a vacuum oven.
recycled target material is placed on the adhesion material,
and neW phase-change poWders or recycled target poWders 6. The method according to claim 1, further comprising,
are added on the adhesion material. Before the thermal after completing step (b), a step using a poWder treat
pressure sintering, the furnace is at a high-vacuum status 25 ment to form the target material as recycled poWders.
about 10_5~1O_7 torr to rid it of residual moisture and 7. The method according to claim 6, Wherein step (e) adds
atmosphere. Then, hydrogen (content of H2 more than 10%) the recycled poWders to the target material in the vacuum
is provided at 350~450° C. for 1~3 hours. Thereafter, a thermal-pressure furnace.
pressure of 500 Kg/cm2 is provided. This shapes a neW 8. The method according to claim 6, Wherein the recycled
phase-change sputtering target, Whose density is about 6.368 poWders can replace the neW poWders used in step (e).
g/cm3 more than 99% of the theoretical density. comprises:
9. The method according to claim 6, Wherein step
The present invention can add neW poWders to the
recycled target materials or use recycled target poWders to (f1) smashing the target material;
regenerate a phase-change sputtering target, thus the utility (f2) grinding the target material to form the recycled
rate of the backing plate is increased. Also, the additive poWders; and
quantity of the neW poWder assists in compensating for the
loss of the target material. This can decrease material costs. (f3) performing a high-temperature reduction on the
It is to be understood that the present invention is not
recycled poWders.
10. The method according to claim 1, Wherein the used
limited to the embodiments described above, but encom
passes any and all embodiments Within the scope of the poWder-metallurgy sputtering target is a phase-change sput
folloWing claims. tering target.
What is claimed is: 11. The method according to claim 1, Wherein the target
1. A method of regenerating a poWder-metallurgy sput material is of phase-change materials.
tering target, comprising steps of: 12. The method according to claim 1, Wherein the backing
45 plate is copper alloy.
(a) recycling a used poWder-metallurgy sputtering target 13. The method according to claim 1, Wherein the adhe
Which comprises a target material made by poWder sion material is indium (In).
metallurgy, an adhesion material and a backing plate of 14. The method according to claim 1, Wherein the neW
alloy; poWders used in step (e) and the target material are the same
(b) separating the target material from the backing plate poWder-metallurgy material.
(c) scraping the adhesion material from the target mate
rial; * * * * *

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