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Watching Movie

Ayu : “ Hi guys, what would we do in this weekend? Do you have any plan?”

Novi : “ What if we go swimming?”

Tika : “ I don’t think it’s a good idea. It is a rainy season.”

Dilla : “ You’re right, Tika. What if we go to the mall? We can go shopping in the

Ayu : “ No. I disaggree with you. It would spend a lot of money.”

Tika : “ What about we going to the movie theater?”

Dilla : “ That sounds great. ”

Novi : “ What if i am not allowed with my parents?”

Ayu : “ Would you we allow to your parents?”

Tika : “ Yes. We can allow you to your parents.”

Novi : “ Thank you guys. You’re so kind to me.”

Tika : “ Nevermind.”

Dilla : “ What movie are we going to see?”

Tika : “ I like action and horror movie. What about we watch horror movie?”

Novi : “ Oh no. Horror is one of the movie that i avoid”

Dilla : “ Me too. I’m a little bit scared to see a horror movie.”

Novi : “ What about fiction? We can watch ‘Aquaman’.”

Ayu : “ I think it’s better than a horror movie.”

Tika : “ Ok. We will watch it. Where will we watch the movie?”

Dilla : “ At the Mandala Cinema XXI. The price is cheaper there.”

Ayu : “ Ok. What time will we go there?”

Tika : “ It is around 2pm. We directly meet there.”

Novi : “ Ok. I have to go now. My mother is waiting to me. See you soon, guys.”

Ayu Tika Dilla : “ See you.”

Nama Anggota Kelompok:

 Dwi Kartika Sari / 05 (Tika)

 Fitri Ayu Faradillah / 08 (Ayu)
 Novita Intan Permatasari / 23 (Novi)
 Pradilla Putri Brilianda / 27 (Dilla)

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