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Alexandru Florentin XI E1

Consumerism today

Society takes the business of making money very seriously indeed. Much of
our education system is geared towards giving people the skills to get a good job
and a steady income. In my opinion, consumerism has good parts, but overall
there are balanced by the bad ones.

To start with, consumerism increase economy which in turn, help to create

new jobs and enriches the population. But this riches goes to consumerism in
majority of cases because people don't know to spend the money.

As opposed to the above ideas, in the developed world, true basics like
shelter and food require only part of an average income. Certain of the more
spiritual voices says: the whole idea of improving our lives via something one can
purchase is fundamentally misguided.

In addition, people want more, it is human nature to want more than what
you have. Consumerism encourages this, it spurs the desire for more, more shoes
and clothes, more money, a better car, a larger house and that’s the way.

In conclusion, consumerism has good and bad parts but we must

understand it and we must control it, not him us.

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