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Name : Agung Septeja

Addres : Tebat Agung village , Rambang Dangku kab.Muara Enim Sumatera
Cellphone : 0823789342270
E-Mail :
Date of Birth : 22 september 2000
Nationality : Indonesia
Gender : Male
Martial Status : Single
Religion : Muslim
Interest : game online and traveling
2006 – 2012 state Elemantary School 19 Rambung Dangku
2012 – 2015 state junior high school 1 Rambang dangku
2015 – 2018 state senior high school 1 Rambang dangku
2018 – 2021 state polytehnic of sriwijaya majoring electrical departemen

 Electrician technician
 State polytehnic of Sriwijaya electrical enginering study program GPA = 3,9 (on scale
of 4)
 Advanced level certificate ,computer course certificate
 K2 and k3 certification
 Toefl score = 600 ( ITS, 2020)
 Ms . office certificate , Sriwijaya Universal Palembang 2019
 AutoCAD certificated , Sriwijaya Universal Palembang 2019

Reference :
 Ir Bambang Guntoro MT, a lecture at Electro Department ,Electrical enginering study
 M. Noer S.T ,MT a lecture at Electro Department , Electrical enginering study program

Recruitment team Jl. Melati no 201 Tebat
Po Box 31986 RB.Dangku , Muara enim
Tebat agung South Sumatera
South Sumatera

Dear Sir
I would like to apply for the post human resources departement in
As you can see from my curriculum vitae, I am single and my age is 21 years old. I am fresh
graduate and my GPA is 3.4. I have graduated from State Polytechnic of Sriwijaya majoring
Electrical Departement. I am accustomed to work in team as well as individual in our workshop
( Electrical workshop-State Polytechnic of Sriwijaya). Therefore, it is not hard for me to work in
a team as well as individual later in your company. I can assure you that I am decipline and
hard worker. I always come on time to my campus, and I do all the tasks given by my lectures
well and on time. Sometimes I should complete some tasks at the same time. I can handle them
well because I can work under pressure. My English and computer are very well. My TOEIC is
550 and I can operate computer very well. The certificate from the doctor proves that I am
healthy man and free from drug and alcohol. My height is 170 cm.
I enclose my curriculum vitae and will be available for interview any day. Iam able to take up a
new appointment from 15 september 2021.

I look forward to your reply.

Yours Faihfully
Agung Septeja

Questions 1
Can you describe about your self ?
Thank you for your question, and I want a try to descrip my self
I would like to thank you for giving me an opurtunity to introduce my self.
My name is ageng septeja, you can call me agung.i was born in tebat agung 22 september 2000.
I am 21 years old. I live at melati street number 201 tebat agung south sumatera. My hobby is
playing game online because in game I play I can learn how to work in a team. I ’m the last
child In my familly. I have one brother his name is sepri andara. My father is Hatta Hadison and
my mom is Evi Susili. I’m a fresh graduated in electrical engginering department from state
polytechnic of sriwijaya and I got GPA 3,4 (on the scale 4.0) and I aplly for electrical tecnition
potition in this company. it is not hard to me to work in a team as well as individual. I can assure
you that I’m a decipline responsible, hard worker. I can operate computer verry well and I have
well, developed writen and oral english communication skills, to support all of that I also have
several certificate. I think it’s the main reason why I apply forr this job. Thank you.

Questions 2
What do you know about this company?
This company name is PT. TANJUNGENIM LESTARI and in the industrial world
company known as PT TeL, which is located in south sumatera preasly in tebat agung village
rambang dangku district PT TeL is a forgein investment company and has a pulp and paper
production the company production capacity is 450 ton / year.
And name of presiden directur of PT TeL is Hiroyuki Moriyasu
The company motto is FAIRNESS, INNOVATION, and HARMONY.
I think that’s all what I know about this company
Yhank you

Questions 3
Why do you want to work here in this company ?

because the position offered by the company is in accordance with my scientific

discipline while studying. and I feel PT Tel II is the largest pulp and paper exporter in Southeast
Asia, and also a well-known company.
by working in this company I will get the opportunity to develop my skills well, and
automatically the company will benefit from having skilled employees in its field.
and I'm sure I can make a good contribution to the company with the expertise that I have and
of course I will contribute in advancing the production quality of the company, and also make
the best contribution to the environment around me working
questions 4
What do you know about leadership, responsibility, dan realiable ?
Leadership is how we influence others to do something to achieve a common goals,
Responsibility is the attitude and behaviour of a person to carry out the duties and obligations
that he was supposed to do he did, either againts yourself, the family ,the environment
(natural, social, and cultural) to the company leadership and to god almighty.

Questions 5
What are you greates professional strengths ?
Jawaban :
saya adalah lulusan dari teknik listrik tentunya saya ahli dalam melakukan instalasi
kelistrikan, plc, penyaluran listrik tegangan tinngi maupun tegangan rendah. keahlian saya ini
saya dapat selama saya menempuh pendidikan di politeknik negeri sriwijaya dengan
melakukan praktek dibengkel listrik, laboraturium plc, dan untuk pembelajaran penyaluran
listrik tegangan tinggi kami dilatih oleh instruktur profesional dibidangnya.
Answer :
I am a graduate of electrical engineering, of course I am an expert in electrical
installations, PLC, high voltage and low voltage electrical distribution. I got this expertise as long
as I was educated in Sriwijaya State Polytechnic by conducting practice in electrical repair
shops, laboratory plc, and for learning to supply high voltage electricity we were trained by
professional instructors in their fields.

Questions 6
Apa yang anda anggap sebagai kelemahan anda ?
Kelemahan saya adalah saya sering kehilangan fokus ketika saya mendapati banyak
gangguan,dan saya merasa tidak cukup teliti dalam melakukan pekerjaan dan saya menyadari
itu untuk menghidari kesalahan fatal yang beresiko merugikan perusahaan saya selalu
mengecek pekerjaan saya berulang kali sebelum saya memastikan bahwa pekerjaan tersebut
sudah selesai dikerjakan.
What do you consider to be your weakness ?
My weakness is that I often lose focus when I encounter a lot of distractions, and I feel
I am not careful enough to do my work and I realize that to avoid fatal mistakes that risk
causing harm to my company I always check my work repeatedly before I confirm that the work
has been done

Questions 7
Apa pencapaian terbesar profesional anda ?
selagi saya masih kuliah saya pernah dipercaya menjadi pemborong instalasi listrik dari
gedung perkuliahan yang baru dibangun, saya dan tim saya mengerjakannya dengan sangat
sempurna sehingga saya dan tim saya mendapat pujian dari dosen. dan menurut saya itu
merupakan suatu awal pencapaian yang baik di dunia profesional kelistrikan

what is your greatest profesional achievment ?

while I was in college I was once believed to be a contractor of electrical installations
from the newly built lecture building, my team and I did it so perfectly that my team and I
received praise from lecturers. and in my opinion it is a beginning of good achievement in the
electrical professional world

questions 8
I think, in the next 5 years I can further contribute optimally to this company, in accordance
with the duties and responsibilities that I will carry at the time.

I think in the next 5 years, I can become a team leader that the company can rely on to achieve
the business targets that have been set. I am optimistic, in 5 years I can help double the
company's business turnover, in line with the goals set by top management.

Questions 9
. What type of work environment do you prefer?
I can be a very flexible person for matters of work environment. From your website, you need
an environment for technical development and rapid work development in order to expand
production. I myself quite enjoy working in a fast-growing environment, and I think this
environment is quite conducive to new ideas.

Questions 10
10. What's your management style?
1.Management By Exception accounting system where if I read financial statements unless over-budged
unless it's out of my new habit of checking, the name is management by exeption and this method is
used to read finance or even make money calculations in the future.

2. Management By Objective is that we want our team to understand objectively what we need to
achieve and they achieve what results they have achieved. so according to the three methods I prefer
number three because it is a more effective way for field work. but I also will definitely use the other
two methods because it depends on the situation and conditions.

3. Management by crisis that is managing something during a crisis.

Questions 11
How would your boss and coworkers describe you?

I am a recent graduate and I have not had work experience, but when I was in college I was
liked by many friends because I was easy to get along with new people, and also I was a good
listener so it made people comfortable talking with me.

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