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Artha as Manager

Ani as Nursing Unit Manager

Nita as Internship Nurse

Roro as Associate Nurse and Patient’s Family

Benni as Primary Nurse

Manuel as Associate Nurse and Patient

One time, the story of an internship nurse who undertake the internship in the
Gotong Royong Hospital. There is a nurse internship who is doing her trial time
and soon to be appointed as the nurse. Yet, after 2 months, the internship nurse
start making mistakes by coming late to the hospital. She always comes after the
overhand times and this event gets the attention of the head of the ward.

Nita : Good Morning sir (Running in a rush)

Benni : Good Morning. How come you are late again?
Nita : Oh yes sir, I over slept and haven’t got the time to prepare breakfast to my
Benni :Oh okay, prepare yourself then (while laughing)
Nita :Yes sir, thank you.

The Next Day.

Ani : Alright everybody, before the overhand time, let us pray, we all pray
according to The religion that we follow…….. Amin.
Roro : Room 304, Firman’s child needs to be enrolled this afternoon by 12 pm.
Room306, Paijo’s child data from the laboratorium shows unsatisfactory
Ani : But His Haemoglobin is showing progress or still
Roro : it’s still in low conditions.
Benni : What about room number 307?

During the session, suddenly Nita comes in the overhand meeting and everybody is
looking right at her.
Ani : Hey miss, what time is your shift started?
Nita : I am sorry mam; I am late because I caught traffic in Kenjeran.
Ani : Yeah but you should know how to manage your time, and I also got
report from your senior that you always late from the checklock data.
Nita : I am sorry mam; this would never happen again.
Ani : After the handover session, please come and see me at my office, Roro
keep going.
Roro : The last patient in the room 307, Manuel’s son still vomits, the doctor ask to
inject him a 4mg of Ondansentron IV.
Ani : Okay it is done, after this everybody can do their own routine jobs and
for Nita, follow me to my room.

In Nursing Unit Manager’s room.

Ani : Nita, could you please explain to me why you always come late? it would
be better ifyou be honest to me because I feel embarrassed when my senior
raises this matter to me all the time.
Nita : I am sorry mam, I didn’t mean to disappoint you but for the past few
days, I got caught in the traffic and also, I overslept couple times.
Ani : I think that would not be a good reason to explain your situation,
wouldn’t it?
Nita : yes mam, I promise you that this would not happen again.
Ani : I want you to fix this mistake and please don’t come late again,
will you?
Nita : Okay mam.
The next day, there is a meeting that is being attendant by the manager and all
the head of the room.

Artha : Good Morning Everybody, every Thursday of the week we have a

meeting to discuss about the evaluation from the job and also the
internship nurse. Does anybody like to discuss any matter in particular ?

Manuel : On the 4th floor is good so

Artha : Who has been come late?
Manuel : Yes, Suci comes late once and never again.
Artha : What about the child’s room on the 3rd floor? I heard somebody often comes
late?Is that right? Have you handle that?
Ani : I am sorry Sir. I will do my best and the full responsibility if this thing
occurs again near the future.
Artha : I will be held an urgent meeting if some problem has occurred. I hope all
of you will attend the meeting.
Ani : Yes sir, we will come.
Artha : Okay, thank you very much for you time. The meeting is dismissed.

After the luch break on the 3rd floor.

Benni : Nita, this is the injection for room 307. This is Ondansentron, the medicine
for Manuel’s child.
Nita : Yes sir, thank you. I will inject this to him.

An hour after the injection, the emergency bel is on, to call the nurse.
Manuel : (crying in pain)
Roro : Nurse, why my son’s hand is swollen and
almost bruise?!!
Benni : Let me check him first
Roro : His hand was fine before the injection. How come it is swollen like
this now?!
Ani : I am sorry mam, we will do our best to examine him. Benni take off
his infus
Benni : Yes mam, Manuel please inhale a long breath so it would net feel
Roro : Where is the nurse who wear different uniform?! She is the one who
inject him.
Ani : please be patient, I would like to apologise for her behaviour. I will go and
talk to her

After Nita did the mistake again, Ani decided to call Nita to come to her office

Ani : Nita! I really don’t have any idea to your behavior this lately during the
shift!!! Why you do so many mistakes?! I really feel embarrassed.
Nita : Once again I would like to say sorry to you maam, because….
Ani : I’ve heard enough from you and you disappointed me.
Nita : But maam, I really…
Ani : (raises her hand as a signal so Nita can keep quite) For the next full week
you are under my supervision and so the other nurses. Now, make your way
out of my office!!!

2 days after, there is a new patient in VIP room, that is 302 room. That patient
with the diarrhea with vomiting along and the infuse will be paired to this
patient by the nurse.
Nita : (Prepare the equipments in rush and go to the 302 room)
Ani : Nita, what are you doing?
Nita : I want to set up this infusion for the new patient maam.
Ani : Who asked you to do this? What did I say to you? Don’t do any action
without my permission (take the infusion roughly from Nita) Benni, please set
this infusion to the new patient now.
Benni : Yes maam (go away from Ani and go straight to 302 room)

4 days passed without any mistakes happen. Yet, on the 5rd days Nita does the
mistake again.

Manuel : Nita could you please to check the blood sugar of David in room 309 at 8pm
Nita : Ok i will do it
Manuel : Dont forget it okay? Must be on time to check it.

At 10pm, at the nurse station every nurses are writing down their implementation in the
medical report.

Manuel :Nita, could you give me the results of what i asked you before? From David?
Nita : David?
Roro : Yes new patient in 309 room
Nita : Oh my godness, i would like to apologise because i forgot it
Ani : What time is it should be to be measured?
Manuel : It should be at 8pm maam
Benni : Dr. Robert said that we are not pleased to be late to measure the blood
pressure of David maam
Ani : Anita! What is this?I thought that you will prove all of your words to me. I
think this all enough!!! Come to my office now!!!
Nita : Ok maam

In the nursing unit manager room

Ani : I really dont have any idea what is your burden you are holding up so you be
this neglectful Anita!!
Nita : I’m so sorry maam with all of my heart i dont mean anything from all of
these situations. I was doing something, I forgot what it was but i forgot to
check the blood pressure.
Ani : Are you here Nitha? Why your mind being so messy?
Nita : I really feel sorry maam.
Ani : Enough for you Nita. I dont want to give any toleration for you anymore. It
counts from tomorrow you must to be mutated to the general poli.
Nita : But maam..
Ani : Make your way out of my office now!!!

Yesteeday at the general poli, Nita comes at the time but her presence makes every
nurses at the room confused.
Roro : Why are you here?
Nita : Yes, I have been mutated here for 1 month.
Roro : Who's mutating you? We didnt get any information about it.
Nita : Mrs. Ani who is mutating me here
Manuel : A moment, I will cal Mr. Artha about this

…………………… tutttttttttt tuttttttttttttttttt

Manuel : Good Morning Mr. Artha, sorry for interrupting you. Im Manuel from
general poli.
Artha : Yes, is there something I can help you with?
Manuel : Ok Sir, We just got an arrival from an internship nurse from pediatry room,
her name is Anita.
Artha : Who gave the permission for this thing?
Manuel : She said that Mrs.Ani as her nursing unit manager asked her to be mutated
here sir.
(Appearently, Artha hang up the phone and makes a call to Ani directly and ask
her to come to her room)

At Ani’s room
Artha : (Enter the Ani’s room without a knock and close the door loudly)
Ani could you explain to me about the internship nurse that you mutated to the
general poli this afternoon?
Ani : I just want her to consider all the mistakes that she has been doing all this
time and I couldn’t take it anymore.
Artha : What is your due to mutate her without my permission?
Ani : I’m her nursing unit manager here so it is clear that I have my due and my
responsibility to her
Artha : How about you? You are definitely under my supervision and what if at this
time, I fired you without any reasons?
Ani : Yeah Sir, you have your due to do that to me yet you don’t have any prove of
it for what I did is a mistaken.
Artha : Abusing your position and take the random decision without any discussion
does it right? This is your 1st warning from me, now call that internship nurse
and take her back to this room.
Ani : What if she do her mistake again? Sir, she always doing many mistakes
previously, and I think Sir wouldn’t have the responsibility against her.
Artha : Take her back, I will prove all your words is wrong. And you have to always
keep an eye on her, me also.
Ani : Alright Sir, I will hold up all your words in my mind.
Artha : I think I’m leaving now. Thank you
Ani : You’re welcome Sir.

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