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Department Chair Meeting Agenda

Monday, February 24, 2020

The purpose of department chair meetings is to disseminate information that is

essential to the effective and efficient operation of our school.

- Welcome/Concerns/Praise
- Intervention Information - Lumsden
- All core teachers have an account. ​Username​: email Password​: welcome
- Will be used for third quarter failureszV
- SHS Staff Site- Intervention tab- Gradpoint recovery Student Enrollment
- Core classes only (not available for electives)
- School/District Updates:
● SWRL (speaking, writing, reading, and listening) ​Does not always mean “read a
book”- any form of “reading”, ex: analyzing a text or image
● Honors vs. Academic​: Think about what the differences look like (PLT), how
would you explain to a parent, grading practices. (level up/down before quarter
● This is Language​ - Web based program (comprehension/vocabulary) Purchase by
district for World Languages department (and ESL), offered German, Spanish,
French, adding Italian and Manarin
● AP Training- ​If you have a teacher who needs training, email Ms. Kelly by
Wednesday 2/26
● Department Needs

- PD information
- PD 2020
- Jumpstart Aug 14
- AAT Aug 19
- PD Learning Days: 9/28, 10/23, 2/15, 3/12, 5/13 (9/28- SHS day)

2/26 PD Day: MTSS

7:45 - First Period, Room 106
9:15 - Second Period, Room 230
10:45 - Group 1 for Third Period, Room 212
11:45 - Group 2 for Third Period, Room 212
1:00 - Fourth Period, Room 111

- Department information
What does your department need? Send Ms. Kelly a list (email by March 6)

Meeting Dates:
Mar. 23
Apr. 27
May 18

Media- ​No date for distribution of laptops. Distribution is afterschool, there will be a video and
training. Also bring your ID to get your laptop.
PLEASE update damage reports as laptops are damaged, NOT at the last minute when testing
occurs. Verifly they all work, once a month is suggested.
VOTE FOR DUNN!!! QR Codes will be posted around the school
Sunshine Committee- Any donations to Ms. Kelly due to Abby J by Wednesday 2/26
Any other needs for faculty members in need, please let Sunshine know!

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