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Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology

Technology has changed dramatically our everyday life and people rely on it on a daily basis.
There is no human who is not in contact with technology now at days. Some people think it an
advantage and evolution of society while others believe it to be the worst modern

The ones who defend it say that technology has brought about numerous benefits to our
society, regarding science, education and communication, among others. They argue that in
the past people died from a simple cold and that the advance of technology caused the
discovery of many illnesses’ cure, and the application of a lot of methods to treat them. In
addition, technology helped to create machinery which was useful to exploit our natural
resources, and although these may harm the environment, they helped the industry to grow
and make the manufacture products that we all consume every day.

In the matter of communication, computers and the internet have made it easier for students
to access academic material at any moment of the day. Instead of spending hours on libraries
they can find all the information they want with just a click. Communication helped the world
to become a smaller place, since we can communicate without charge with any person in the
world. Also, the instantaneity of communication has made possible for the parents to know
exactly where their children are just with a call, even when they are a thousand miles away.

However, those who are against technology claim that as it has brought numerous advantages,
it has also brought innumerous disadvantages. They admit that advances in medicine are a
huge benefit in health, but they disagree with the idea that the industry is an advantage
because of the pollution and contamination it produces and which is killing the bear nature of
our world.

They believe technology has made children lazy. They would look for information on the
internet although some of it is inaccurate. Some children have been penalized because of the
use of this type of data, however, the idea of going to a library never crossed their minds and
probably never will.

Together with laziness comes children’s lack of creativity. They went from going outdoors to
hang out with friends to communicating by what’s up or any other social media. Children do
not invent games anymore but just play with the ones who are already in the market, most of
them including the use a TV, computer or any other electronic devise. The instantaneity of
technology does not allow them to get bored and break their imagination free. Yet the most
worrying disadvantage is that people now at days are more interest in sending a text that in
face-to-face communication with their friends or family.

One thing is for sure, technology will forever be a part of our lives. The positive and negative
influences will always impact our social interactions, what we must try to do is to find the
perfect balance between technology and our life. We cannot let our child spend six hours
locked in his room all alone playing with the computer or the Play Station. We have to realize
the importance of face-to-face interactions, of seeing the face and gestures of the other
person. The problem is not technology itself but our addiction to it.

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