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'use strict'

const functions = require('firebase-functions');

const admin = require('firebase-admin');

exports.sendNotification =
.onWrite((data, context) =>
const receiver_user_id = context.params.receiver_user_id;
const notification_id = context.params.notification_id;

console.log('We have a notification to send to :' , receiver_user_id);

if (!data.after.val())
console.log('A notification has been deleted :' , notification_id);
return null;
const sender_user_id = admin.database().ref(`/Notifications/${receiver_user_id}/$
return sender_user_id.then(result =>
const senderId = result.val();
console.log('notification from:' ,senderId);
const userQuery = admin.database().ref(`/Users/${senderId}/name`).once('value');
return userQuery.then(result =>
const userName = result.val();
console.log('username:' ,userName);
const DeviceToken = admin.database().ref(`/Users/$

return DeviceToken.then(result =>

const token_id = result.val();

const payload =
title: "New Chat Request",
body: `${userName} wants to connect with you.`,
icon: "default"

return admin.messaging().sendToDevice(token_id, payload)

.then(response =>
console.log('This was a notification feature.');

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