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CAS – Reflection assignment

Leanne Bijl


CAS – reflection assignment

Csw vd Perre
Part 1 – Reflection on big research
1.1 Individual reflection
When we started with the research, I did not really have expectations. I think I did not really think about our
research in a deep way. I just thought, this is the plan and lets work it out. Then after 3 lessons or so, I started to
have expectations for myself. I had expectations on how the research would go, which steps there needed to
be followed and I had some expectations about the end result. One of these expectations was that our
research should be clearly written down in a report, so that we could organise our information in a proper way.
Other expectations were about the group work. I was part of a group with Sem and Esra and I expected this to
work out. Luckily, it did. We worked well together and divided the tasks well. I am really happy with this. The
other expectation, about writing everything down clearly, worked out as well. We wrote all our steps, results,
progressions, down in a report, which can be seen at our Weebly.

When I reflect on our research question, I think it could be a bit stronger. We had chosen the question: “What is
the impact of music on dance and dance performances”. We tried to answer this question with help of sub-
questions. I think that answering our research question would be easier if we had come up with a clearer
research question. If we had chosen a research question that was more “straight to the point”. The answer to
our research question would be more clear and less vague. With the research question we used, we found
difficulties with answering the question in one clear answer. So, this problem could be solved if we had chosen
a better research question.

I think that the method we used for doing our research was quit good. We started with some internet research
on music and dance. This gave us the opportunity to gather some more information for ourselves, and to make
this clear within the research. After reading the necessary information, we could form a social research. We
wanted to do something with the fact that Sem is a good dancer. So we decided to make videos of him
dancing with different types of music. We also did research at Sem’s dance performance. I think it is good that
our research method includes 2 different types of doing research: on the internet, and with people. The social
research was also split up in two to include even more aspects. So, overall, I think it was quit appropriate. As
improvement, we might include some more aspects on a topic, to make it more all-embracing.

As I already mentioned, our research question was a little vague. So we had some difficulties with answering
the main question. With our research, we had no difficulties with answering the sub-questions. I think that this is
important when doing a research. So we were able to formulate clear answers to the sub-questions and we
had some difficulties with answering the main question. Overall, we did make it.

I think that in the future, we might dig some deeper and do some research on different aspects of music and
dance. When we do this, it will be more specific and I think that there would be some interesting results when
we do a more specific research. I think the best thing to do is to pick one aspect from music and one from
dance and than compare them by doing research.

While doing this research, I found out that I enjoyed some parts, but not all. I really liked to go to Sem’s
performance, which was amazing. It is nice that this was part of our research. I really enjoyed this part because
due to this performance, I realised how nice and enjoyable a dance performance can be. I also liked
organizing the results in a report, because everything became more clear from this. I did not enjoy the internet
research, because it was sometimes a bit boring but I do think it was necessary to learn more about music and

1.2 Group reflection

I worked on this big research project with Esra and Sem. I think it really worked out well, and that we worked
well together. I did not experience struggles or difficulties while working with them, which is very good and
important. A top for Esra is that she is very structured and organized, so she was able to manage if there
occurred chaos. Sem has a lot of knowledge on music and dance, which worked out really well with this
research. He was able to make dances, put the right music to it and work it out. We could have planned
better, this is a tip for the group for the next time.

CAS – Reflection PAGINA 2

Part 2 – Reflection CAS 2019/2020

I am not really enthusiastic about this artwork, because it is a bit boring for me. I do not get attracted to it when
I see this. There are no questions popping up in my mind about what I want to know from this artwork. For me.
Its too flat and boring. It does not really bother me.

This “portrait of a gentleman” by Michelangelo Merisi Da Caravaggio does also not really appeal to me. Again,
I find it a bit boring and too flat. This painting does not evoke any questions for me. When I see, it does not really
impress me. I think it does not impress me because of the authentic style and the way the painter used the

This animation of the red turtle really appeals to me. I really like the simplicity and clarity of this animation. There
are no special effects, no drama, no loud music. Just the drawings made into a animation. The usage of colour
and shapes also appeals to me. I really like this one.

Architecture is also a form of art which appeals to me. I like the way things are build, different structures,
shapes, colors, etc. This cube houses in Rotterdam are really an eye-catcher, and I think it appeals to me
because it is different that normal terraced houses. I find the choices of the architect interesting. When I see it, I
wonder why the architecture made this kind of houses.

CAS – Reflection PAGINA 3

I would like to see a dance performance called “le sacre du printemps”. This is a dance performance which
was innovative in the time it occurred. Igor Stravinsky, a Russian, was innovative by making and composing a
ballet performance which was different. It was not like any ballet performance that time. When I read this story
of Le sacre du printemps, I found it an interesting idea to visit this performance. I think that I would like it
because it is different from any ballet performance and there is really a story to it. I think that it is an interesting
performance and I think that it would be interesting/nice to compare this performance with the classical ballet

When I thought about the question if something I have experienced during CAS 2019/2020 effected me
emotionally, the first thing that came up in my head was no. Then I remembered the day we went to the movie
ANOTE’S ARK. This movie was a movie about the islands of Kiribati. The movie was a documentary about the
people living there and their ongoing fight against the water. The documentary was also about the president
of the Kiribati islands, and his fight to let people realise that something need to change in order to save his
community/islands. I was not really emotional after seeing this movie, but I realised that there are so many
communities who are suffering due to our economy or daily behaviour. This movie gave me more insights in
their lives and struggles. It was al real, no special effects, no actors, just the way it is. This helped me with
realising the problem even more.

This painting was painted by Pablo Picasso and belongs to the dimension beauty and ugliness. In my opinion,
recognition and alienation is also a dimension which belongs to this artwork. The women in the picture are
recognizable as women. Yet, Pablo Picasso made them abstract and not realistic. He alienated the women
into strange looking objects. So they are recognizable as women but they are alienated into weird looking
Another dimension that would fit to this artwork of Picasso is tradition and innovation. Pablo Picasso is famous
for his new way of painting. His abstract shapes, colors and a mingle between realistic and super-weird. So
Pablo Picasso was very innovative in his time, which makes that the dimension traditional & innovative fits wel
to this artwork.

CAS – Reflection PAGINA 4

These designs are made by Iris van Herpen. They belong to the dimension artisan and industrial. Van Herpen’s
working place can be described as a laboratory. She researches new material and techniques. I think that the
dimension tradition and innovation belongs to this artwork as well. Van Herpen started with the Haute couture
like all the other designers. Then slowly, but surely she invented new techniques, materials and innovated
completely new dresses. Another dimension which can be fit to this artwork is entertainment and engagement.
Van Herpen tries to amuse an audience with her designs as well as learn them something. This is why
amusement & engagement fits well to it.

Beyoncé’s music performance at the Superbowl halftime show is linked to the dimension amusement and
engagement. Amusement because the audience gets amused by Beyoncé and the whole performance.
Engagement because Beyoncé tries to give a message with her songs. I think that local and global can also be
a dimension linked to this performance. Beyoncé means a lot to the people in the stadium, they are amused
(Local). Yet, with her performance going around the internet and television shows, people all over the world
are getting involved (global). As well as local and global, individual and cooperative is another dimension
which can be linked to this performance. Beyoncé is the singer but she is working with so many people.
Dancers, other singers, bands, name it. So there is a big connection between an individual and a whole group.
That is why individual and cooperative can also be linked to this “artwork”.

CAS – Reflection PAGINA 5

With/for the subject CAS, we have been undertaking several cultural activities. This is my top three:
1. Architecture trip @Rotterdam —> This is the activity I enjoyed the most. It was a fun day, nice weather and
good atmosphere. We had to prepare a small presentation belonging to a buidling in Rotterdam. We had
to pair up and we walked across the city. I really enjoyed the sight-seeing tour through Rotterdam with my
classmates as tour-guides. They are the same age, so they know when they have to stop if it becomes
boring. Everyone told something different and it was very interesting to see all the different buildings in
Rotterdam. You recognize a lot of them, but you do not realise that there is such a deeper meaning from
the architect. I really enjoyed this day away with the subject CAS.
2. Dance performance @schouwburg —> For our research, I went to the dance performance of my
classmate Sem. It took 3 hours and I really enjoyed it. I realised that no speech is needed for a good dance
performance. I was really impressed by all the kids doing their dance and it was a new experience for me. I
really enjoyed it!
3. Anote’s ark @cinema Vlissingen —> We had to watch the movie Anote’s ark. It was a bit too long, which
made the movie at the end quit boring, but I did like the way the movie was set up. The movie was a
documentary about the president and indigenous people of the Kiribati islands. After seeing the movie, I
realised the impact of our behaviour on such islands. This made me think and I was quit impressed by the
story. This was also an activity I enjoyed.

CAS – Reflection PAGINA 6

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