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(Sung by musicians at the time of Guru Arjan)

Sit in an Easy Pose.

MUDRA: Gyan Mudra. Palms are facing up and the backs of the hands are resting on the knees.

EYE POSITION: Closed and focused at the Third Eye Point.

BREATHING: Inhale very deeply, and then chant the mantra as you exhale very slowly. Inhale deeply and again chant on exhale. Continue.



The mantra is to be chanted in a normal major scale: Do Re Mi Fa So La Si Do. Begin from the lowest pitch possible so you can complete the
twenty components of the mantra without deviating from the scale. The mantra should be chanted very powerfully throughout. One cycle up to
So takes about 15 seconds. The sound Hung is very forceful. Part of this comes from pulling the navel point. The ng-sound in Hung is made
through the nose and is sustained until all the air is expelled. The original yogi tea may be helpful for soothing and conditioning your throat for

TIME: This Kriya may be practiced for any length of time, the longer
the better.

FOCUS: The points of mental focus are very specific. Divide the
spine in 11 parts beginning with the triangle at the base of the spine
for Saa and proceed up the spine in equal increments so that Nee is
chanted at the neck.
Saa is chanted at the back of the head (the memory area which is
damaged by drugs).
Taa is at the solar center (from which can come a smell that attracts
all humans).
Naa is at the soft spot (the point of death from which the soul
leaves the body).
Maa is at the edge of the forehead to the third eye point. (Maa
represents creative destiny and the forehead is the point of
The remaining sounds are beamed from the Third Eye Point out to


The word kaurree means twenty and refers to twenty sounds. The first seven sounds are called sargam. The next five sounds ( s, t, n, m and a)
are the five elevating musical sounds called The Panch Shabad. These twelve sounds together are known as Siri Sargam. The next four sounds
are: Raa, Maa, Daa, Saa, which means respectively: Infinity, Thou, I am, Thou. Last eight sounds are called Siri Gaitri Mantra. The total twenty
sounds are Siri Mantra, Liv Sarang Mantra and Geeann Mantra, as well as Kauri Kriya, Sankh Kriya and Surti Kriya. Kauri Kriya is a good example
of the combination of mantra, concentration, pranayama, rhythm, melody and all other aspects of Naad Yoga. Contained in this Kriya are
mantras of the earth and ether elements.

Sounds Number of sounds Level Element
Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Dha Nee 7 Earth
Saa Taa Naa Maa 5 (4 +1) Structure Ether
Raa Maa Daa Saa 4 Arc Line Ether
Saa Se So Hung 4 Subtle Body Ether
Total 20

This Kriya will balance the Earth and Ether components of your being. Kauri Kriya is of Saraswati who is the goddess of Naad of the world. The
master of Naad is Akaal, the undying Being. This Kriya is the first step towards raising your energy from the lower to the higher centers. It will
take the apana (eliminative energy) into the pranic (generative energy) region, balancing and properly channeling these energies. Eventually
prana and apana will both end up in Saraswati, the lotus of one-thousand petals, the solar center of highest consciousness. This will turn the
chakra upside-down, so the nectar will run out of it. Through it you can attain a completely balanced consciousness that can achieve anything.
Kauri Kriya will tune you into the Unknown. The first twelve sounds, Siri Sargam, are the end of everything. They will bring melody, verbalization
and power. Whatever effect you want will happen on your world. On the physical level, this Kriya will make the glandular system secrete in the
same way that it does on the eleventh day of the new moon and will also aid in weight reduction. Listening to the sounds is an important aspect
of this Kriya. You can experience how vast you are both by listening to your own sounds or by placing your ear near the spine (middle-upper) of
another person so you can hear sounds beyond the twelve sounds. In ancient times, this Kriya was practiced by large groups sitting in concentric
circles under a dome. A single person would sit in the center and lead the chanting.
-Reprinted from A Man Called the Siri Singh Sahib

Yogi Bhajan Quotes

”Sa, Re, Ga, Ma, Pa, Da, Nee, Sa, Ta Na Ma, Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Se Sohung.
This is the totality, this is called, kauri “kodi” kriya. Guru Arjan gave it to the Sikhs; Sikhs became musicians, Sikhs became poets, Sikhs became
knowledgeable. In these twenty words when you breathe in one breath and go to the notes and the tune, the entire harmony of the universe is
come to you as a gift. There is nothing more harmonious, creative tranquilizer, peaceful, objective, sound current. Today sound current is being
sold in the market you know, people come learn from the sound current, they do not know basic sound current. Guru Arjan Partakar gave the Sikh
the sound current when it was challenged, when it was challenged that without our music and without our recitation, you won't have the public,
you won't have the audience, what kind of Guru are you?” -October 8, 1987

“There are twenty words. Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Dha Nee; Sa Ta Na Ma; Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Se So Hung. If you can sing them in the rhythm of all in one
breath you can be what you ought to be, not what you are.” -October 22, 1978

“In this universe, there are twenty words, Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Da Nee Sa Ta Na Ma Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Se So...
Students: Hung.
YB: Five tattvas, five pranas and five apanas and five sushmana, prana and apana, fifteen, five tattvas, twenty.”- February 25, 1986

“So these are nineteen words on surface, there are twenty words in reality. Sa Ta Na Ma, it's five words. Sa aa Ta aa Na aa..., aa is silent, it's a
connected sound. So you chant like this, I'll not be in a position to do it correctly, I just ate and I am on the time bar, so normally when I come to
teach class on the sound and words and mantras, I go back and eat but my medical doctor says I can't do it, so I am in trouble. However, it's like
this. I'll go on a very low tone and let you know, which you can't do, which is not right either. But just for your example. Saa Ree Gaa Maa Paa
Dha Ni Sa Ta Na Ma Raa Maa Daa Saa Saa Say So Hung. I mean I have a long breath, I can do it, that's what I gave you. It will give you nothing,
don't expect anything, it will give you capacity to breathe one breath a minute. So that means you can control your death. That means anything
which comes around to kill you, you can control, you understand what I am telling you? You follow? That's all it is. –July 2,1991

“These are those twenty words, which Guru Arjun gave, so that people became musicians with one breath and they sang. 'Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Da Ne
Sa Ta Na Ma, Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Se Sohong'...”- June 17, 2003

"This kriya will make the glandular system secrete in the same way that it does on the eleventh day of the new moon and will also aid in weight
reduction." -July 2, 1991

“You start chanting with the lowest note you can hit and you chant them all up in a scale till you reach the top one. It's all in one breath and it
is... and somehow it really motivates your Kundalini. Now you do this meditation for seven following days and once you've done that you should
be a remarkable person.” -October 11, 1994

“If you do not know how to control your deadly environments, you shall not survive respectfully, gracefully, nobly, fulfilled. Something like that. I
am not saying you should be negative or positive, all I am saying is, negative language, negative words, negative approach, negative
communication, whatever negative is, it drains from your destiny the positive.” - July 2, 1991

“There are twenty sounds which are creative of the whole thing, sustainer of the whole thing, and destroyer of the whole thing, Sa Re Ga Ma Pa
Da Nee, Sa Ta Na Ma, Ra Ma Da Sa, Sa Se So Hung, that's it, if you count them, they are nineteen, but actually they are twenty the secret is Sa Ta
Na Ma is five sounds, but they look like four.
All mantras and maha mantras are created out of the first seven letters Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Da Nee creates every mantra. Sa Ta Na Ma is the yonder
name, Sa Ta Na Ma, these are four mudras and this is maha mudra, the great seal of the truth, truth Sa-a, Sa-a-Ta-a-Na-a-Ma-a, Sa-Ta-Na-Ma,
five parts of the brain, five parts of the brain eastern hemisphere and western hemisphere are interrelated in hypothalamus and when you chant
Sa-Ta-Na-Ma you look like doing bou, bou, bou, but actually with the tongue you are stimulating the upper palate and the meridian points are
stimulating the hypothalamus, hypothalamus is making the pineal to radiate, moment it radiates, the pituitary pulsates and you feel Brahm,
that's all it does, it's a total mechanical process and this mechanical process is called the science of Jap.” - August 2, 1978

“Let us do it with one breath, inhale (starting as low as possible and going up the diatonic scale) sa re ga ma pa da nee sa ta na ma ra ma da sa
sa se sohung, This is sargam. This is Kauri Kriya, Guru Arjan gave it to us in secret. It gives us the power over all raagas. (…) There is nothing in the
world that you can’t conquer if you perfectly conquer these 20 sounds.” -June 27th 1989

Disclaimer: The information contained in this booklet comes from ancient yogic traditions. Nothing in this booklet should be construed as
medical advice. Any life style suggestions have traditionally been used to support the human body and yogic practice. Always check with your
personal physician or healthcare practitioner before making any significant modifications to your life style or physical practice, to ensure that
these changes are appropriate to your personal health condition and consistent with any medication you may be taking.

Copyright © 2008 Satkirin Kaur Khalsa. ALL RIGHTS ARE RESERVED. Use of this printed booklet is for personal and private use only. Any other use
is strictly prohibited, including reproduction, distribution, transmission, public performance or by any storage and retrieval system except as may
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