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The Importance of Appreciating Each Other

English Vinglish is a film that tells the life of a housewife who studies an English course to
stop her husband and daughter from teasing her about her low English language skills and being
At the beginning of the film's story the setting of one of the places in India where people
around mostly use English, but still use the local language that is Hindi as a mother tongue. The
main character is a housewife named Shashi Godbole, played by Sridevi, she has a daughter and
son. Her daughter is classified as an intelligent child and fluent in English, while her husband
works in an international company that also speaks English fluently. Shashi is relatively low in
speaking English, but Shashi is very clever in the field of cooking and he also likes to make
Ladoo (ladoo is a typical food in India) he developed his talent in the field of cooking and made
it a home-based business.

Shashi is a housewife who is considered by her children to be less sociable because she
always wears Sari, a sari is a typical clothing in India. Being in the middle of an English-
speaking environment, shashi is often ridiculed and looked down on by her husband and
daughter, the sashi disagreement shown especially when she attends a meeting between students'
parents and their children's school teacher, her child feels very embarrassed because her mother
is unable to speak english, while the school is classified as a school that has international stakes.
Shashi's stress is increasingly mounting when her husband, who works as an office worker,
continues to say and treat shashi like a maid, he always looks down on shashi, he prioritizes
office work rather than home activities, even his wife's affairs as a wife and a mother of his
children are considered as trivial thing, that it is indeed the work of a housewife, even though
shashi is depressed inside her but shashi still enjoys her days.

The story flows when his brother Shashi, who lives in New York, America, sends out
invitations to celebrate his son's wedding, they are invited to come to America. Shashi was asked
to come to help with the preparation of his niece's marriage a month before D-day. While her
husband and children could not accompany Shashi because of work and children who had to go
to school, they chose to come on D-day, while because his wife had no work, he was told to
leave one. month before D-day, alone.
This is where the beginning of Shashi's journey, which must enter a completely new
environment while he is constrained in mastering English. You can imagine how scared Shashi
was to the land of Uncle Sam alone with poor English language skills. The cuteness starts
flowing while on the plane, the guest star Amitabbachan really shows his acting acting despite
only appearing for about five minutes in the film, the cuteness also flows up to the airport.

Now, after Sashi Goldbole arrived in America he felt confused not knowing what to do. He
felt strange because he did not understand the language of people around him, until a tragedy
occurred in a coffee shop, a cynical view of a coffee shop keeper to shashi, made shashi sad
because he could not speak English, and made him embarrassed in public.

Long story short in New York, Shashi experienced many things in interacting with people.
Until he saw a short course ad "fluent in four weeks of English". While unpacking her savings,
she finally enrolled in a light English class, and during her studies she was always the best
Student. Many things are outlined in this story, ranging from a little romance with a chef from
France, to the struggle to go to the course itself, and have to play the cats with you and his
nephew for taking the course secretly.

Until finally he enjoyed his new life in New York with his new friends who used to be very
difficult for him to get time in his hometown. And how important the lesson felt that until his son
arrived in New York, he was still looking for an excuse to go to the course, of course, by lying.
All because he had to pass the final English exam.

Conflicts started from her daughter who underestimated her for not understanding English,
until her husband also participated in underestimating shashi. Shashi continued to learn English
by watching television shows and watching films in English without text, Shashi was very
enthusiastic in learning because he wanted to prove to his family that he could also speak
English, not only can make ladoo like her husband said.

Until the end of the story, her husband apologized when it was his wife's turn to give a
speech in front of his niece's wedding invitation, because his wife could not speak English, and
at that very moment shashi confidently showed his abilities gained during these four weeks in the
"smooth" course English in four weeks, "he applied it by reading speeches or remarks at his
niece's wedding, all eyes wide-eyed, his family was shocked and amazed to see shashi, his son
and husband felt uneasy about his treatment so far with shashi, and in that situation there was
support from outside namely his classmates and also his teacher. Finally, Sashsi was successful
in English and everyone respected him, including his husband and children.

The way people speak, different culture has different communication style, and based on the
characteristic of this culture use of communication bowling style.

Different culture use different systems of understanding non verbal cues, and in this culture
use high context culture relatively more emphasis on non verbal cues.

That is the big point of the storyline of this film, there are many things that I can take lessons
from this film. First motivates us to continue learning English, as if to say that learning does not
look at age, as long as you want to try, there will be a way. And indeed the main conflict in this
film is the problem of English in accordance with the title of the film. Second, the family is still
the main thing, in a family sometimes there will be ups and downs but that does not mean having
to run away when there are better things out there. The love of a mother here is also tested by the
reply given by her daughter.

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