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size LUatene oN Dts CL Pj Fran Sta Faun Free GNU/Linux distributions ‘heap emai the Pos Sofware Fund iznang nd Camplin ab You ca apport our fry making dans the FE. Have qo et nevered ‘ae? Check at some ofr ater lsing sarees or cntcthe Goma ab eainga eo, ‘Table of Contents Introduction. GNU/Linux distros for PCs and workstations Saull GNU/Linux distros ow to get free GNU/Linux distros See something we missed? istorial ‘The Pree Software Foundation isnot responsible for other websites, how up-to-date their information i Introduction “This page lists the GNU/Linux distributions that are entirely fre asin freedom, Non-GNU-based eee system distributions are ised separately. ‘The Free Software Foundation recommends and endorses these GNU/Linux distros, although we do not try to judge or compare them based on any criterion other than freedom, therefore, we ist them in alphabetical oder ‘These dist are readytorse fl systems whose developers have made a commitment to follow the Guidelines for Free Sytem Dsttutions. This means they ‘lint, and propose, exchsivey re aatware. They wil jet nonfes application, none programming patorms, none rivers, notte firmware “Slabs, nonire games, and any other nontre sofware, aswell ae nonfree manuals or documentation. one ofthese distros ever does include or propose anything nonfree, that must have happened by mistake, and the developers are commited to removing i. If you find nontree software or documentation in one ofthese distributions, you can report the problem, and eara GNU Bucks, while we inform the developers so they cna fix the problem Fixing feedom bugs isan ethical requirement fo isting a distro here; therefore, we ist only distros with a development team that hes told weit wil remove ny nonfre software that might be fund in them, Usually the team coi of Volunteer, and they dont ask egaly binding comatment to er, but if we find out dato not propery maintained, we wil elit ‘We hope the other existing GNU/Linux distrbutions will become entirely fre software so thet we can ist them here. fyou wish to improve the state of free distros, helping te develop an existing free distro contributes more hn starting a new one, Please note that not al hardware works inthe free world ezch distros site should say which hardware it supports. We suggest that, after reading the short descriptions below, you consult these ste aswell as other avaiable information, to judge which distro is most convenient for yo, Lats GNU Ditonto GNU/Linux distros for PCs and workstations ‘The distrtbutons that follow are installable tos computer's hard drive and/or ean be run live. Distribution Brief Description Dragora GNU/Linux-Libre, an independent GNU/Linux istbution based on concepts of simplicity dyrebelic CoD gleuSense Dyne:bolic a GNU/Linux distribution with special emphasis on audio and video editing This isa “static” distro, normally rin from alive CD. Since will nol receive security updates, i should be wed offine Linux distribution based on Debian, with sponsorship from the FSF eNewsSense, a! Guix Guis System, an advanced GNU/Linux distro bult on top of GNU Guix (pronounced “gecks"), a purely functional peckage manager for the GNU system, Hypetbola GNU/Linuxcibre, a long-term support simpliity-focused distribution based on Arch GNU/Linux Late aN Dane CL Pt Frat Stata aun Distribution Brief Description Parabola GNU/Linuv-libre, a distribution based on Arch that prioritizes simple package and system management |PureOs PureOS, x GNU distribution based on Debian with a focus on privacy security, and convenience, risque, a GNU/Linux distribution based on Ubuntu that's oriented toward small enterprises, omesti users and educational centers UtutoS, a GNU/Linux 100% free distribution. 1 was the fist fully free GNU/Linux system recognized by the GNU Project ‘Small GNU/Linux distros Below is list of smal system di «rbatons, These distributions are meant for devices with sjstem distbation isnot sehosting, butt must be developable and buildable on top af one ofthe fee complet systems listed above, perhaps with the aid of resoures, like a wireless router for example, A fre small fee tools distributed alongside the small system distribution ite Distribution ef Dest sino Later oN Dts CAL Pj Fra Stas Faun Brief Description ibeeCMC is an embedded GNU/Linux distro for devices with very limited resoures. While primarily targeting routers, it offers support fr a wide range of devices and use eases. In 2015, LibreWRT merged with KibreC MC. ProteanOS® passim How to get free GNU/Linux distros 3 distribution for embedded devices. Its platform configuration feature allows ‘buld-time and run-time for different hardware end uso cases. ‘In adition to their own sites, many ofthese distributions are available from mirror, Fee free to download or mirror the distributions from there, preferably using rayne. Free distribution maintainers ean request a mirror fr thelr project by mailing the FSF sysadmin. Individual GNU packages (most of which are included in the fre distributions here) are described separately ‘We list companies that sll hardware preinstalled witha free GNU/Linux distribution separately. See something we missed? Do you know about a distribution that you expected to find on our ist, but dida't? Firs, cheek our page about why we don't endorse some common Aistribations. That page explains the reasons why several well-known distributions don't mee our guidelines. the distribution isnt sted there ether, and you think qualifies fora listing under our guidelines, then please let the distibution's maintsners know about this page and encourage them to get in touch— tre ike to hear ftom then, Ifyou maintain a disteibution that follows the Free System Disteibution Guidelines and would like tobe listed here, please write to with an introduction and a ink tothe project Web site. When you do, wel explain more about our evaluation proces to You, ad get started on quickly. We Took forward to hearing from you! Historical ‘The distetbutons that follow were previously listed above, but are no longer recommended, Distribution Brief Description Retirement Info Lats aN Dane CPt Frat Stata Faun Distribution Brief Description Retirement Info he blag BLAG Linux and GNU, a GNU/Linux distribution based on Fedora, Removed June 2038, Removed et the request ofthe maintainers, as they bad stopped maintaining it Z | Musix, a GNU=Linux distribution based on Knoppix, with special emphasis on audio production. This sa statie" distro, normally run from a live CD. Since twill nat receive Security updates, it should be used afine Removed March 2079. Removed atthe request of the maintainer, as they had Stopped maintining it TORR Copyright © 2014, 2015, 016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 Free Software Foundation, ne This page is licensed under a Creative Commons Atsbution-NoDerivatives 4.0 Inter tonal License

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