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Nm KC LayNm PPK LaNo KA Pst No SJP Kd Ina CB Nm Ina CB Kd Diag Pr

BUKIT TINGRSI IBNU 27760036 0306R0020419V00Z-3-23-0 PROSEDURN939

BUKIT TINGRSI IBNU 27808624 0306R0020119V00M-2-83-0 PROSEDURZ098
BUKIT TINGRSI IBNU 64846967 0306R0020519V00Z-3-23-0 PROSEDURO410
BUKIT TINGRSI IBNU 80661381 0306R0020319V00W-1-20-II PROSEDURO829
BUKIT TINGRSI IBNU 1.04E+08 0306R0020419V00W-1-20-II PROSEDURO441
BUKIT TINGRSI IBNU 2.3E+08 0306R0020519V00Q-5-44-0 PENYAKIT KN47
BUKIT TINGRSI IBNU 2.37E+08 0306R0020319V00Q-5-44-0 PENYAKIT KN47
Nm Diag Primer Diag Sekunder
Abnormal uterine and vaginal bleeding, unspecified O342 - Maternal care due to uteri
Follow-up examination after other treatment for other conditions E115 - Non-insulin-dependent diabe
Delivery by caesarean section, unspecified O998 - Other specified diseases an
Placenta praevia with haemorrhage Z370 - Single live birth; O998 - O
Redundant prepuce, phimosis and paraphimosis
Redundant prepuce, phimosis and paraphimosis R560 - Febrile convulsions
Procedure Tgl Dtg SJP Tgl Plg SJP Bulan Pela
8879 - Other diagnostic ultrasound 4/22/2019 4/22/2019 Apr-19
8401 - Amputation and disarticulation of finger 1/15/2019 1/15/2019 Januari 20
8879 - Other diagnostic ultrasound 5/29/2019 5/29/2019 Mei 2019
6529 - Other local excision or destruction of ovary; 744 - Cesarean sect 3/2/2019 3/5/2019 Maret 201
6829 - Other excision or destruction of lesion of uterus; 744 - Cesarean 4/6/2019 4/9/2019 Apr-19
5/16/2019 5/16/2019 Mei 2019
3/5/2019 3/5/2019 Maret 201
Kls Rawat Nm Jns PulRed Flag Prosedur Biaya VerifUmur
Kelas III Sehat Cek USG Kehamilan 538,400 42
Kelas III Sehat Cek koding prosedur A 408,600 66
Kelas III Sehat Cek USG Kehamilan 538,400 22
Kelas III Sehat Cek Prosedur Sterilisas 6,952,400 25
Kelas II Sehat Cek Prosedur Sterilisas 8,342,800 32
Kelas III Sehat Cek Indikasi Sirkumsisi 186,700 1
Kelas III Sehat Cek Indikasi Sirkumsisi 186,700 5
Nm KC LayNm PPK LaNo KA Pst No SJP Kd Ina CB Nm Ina CB Kd Diag Pr
BUKIT TINGRSI IBNU 27760036 0306R0020419V002009 Z-3-23-0 PROSEDURN939
BUKIT TINGRSI IBNU 64846967 0306R0020519V002647 Z-3-23-0 PROSEDURO410
Nm Diag Primer Diag SekunProcedure Tgl Dtg SJP
Abnormal uterine and vaginal bleeding, unspecified O342 - Mate
8879 - Othe 4/22/2019
Olihydramnios 8879 - Othe 5/29/2019
Tgl Plg SJP Bulan Pela Kls Rawat Nm Jns PulRed Flag Prosedur Biaya VerifUmur verifikasi selisih
4/22/2019 Apr-19 Kelas III Sehat Cek USG Kehamilan 538,400 42 298200 240,200
5/29/2019 Mei 2019 Kelas III Sehat Cek USG Kehamilan 538,400 22 298200 240,200

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