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Seminar on Management Accounting

Reaction Paper Assignment

M. Gabril Asade (1710532065)

Muhammad Agung Zandra (1710533029)

Maulina Fitriyani (1710532030)

GRI 101 Foundation

As we know, GRI 101 establishes Reporting Principles to determine the content and quality of
sustainability reports. This foundation includes requirements for preparing sustainability reports in
accordance with GRI Standards, and describing how GRI Standards can be used and used as its
references. GRI 101 also includes certain claims that are required for organizations or companies in the
process of preparing sustainability reports in accordance with the Standards, and for those who use certain
selected GRI Standards, are asked to report related specific information. The Reporting Principles for
defining report content will help organizations to decide which report content they will include in the
report. this certainly involves careful consideration of the organization's activities, impacts and
expectations, as well as the interests of the organization's stakeholders. We found that since sustainability
reports are considered designed for organizations to report on their impacts on the economy, the
environment and / or society, whether an organization able to present the actual impacts or their business
completely. As we know that every organization wanted to have good value for their stakeholders,
including community, which made them believe it is important to report all their impacts in positive way.

Even GRI 101 already described all principles needed in reporting sustainability report, is GRI
101 able to guarantee that an organization already reported their impacts at the whole? And if we
referenced to the fact that Sustainability reporting based on GRI Standards must be able to provide a
balanced representation and fair from the positive and negative contributions of an organization to the
goals of sustainable development, how we measure that balance? Is there any possibilities for a company
to report their sustainability reporting inaccurately? Nevertheless,, we find that this Principle is designed
to reflect the fact that information can be conveyed in such variety ways, from qualitative responses to
detailed quantitative measurements. We also realized that these characteristics that determine accuracy
vary depending on the nature of the information and who uses it.

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