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ISSN 1560-8034, 1605-6582 (On-line), SPQEO, 2019. V. 22, N 2. P. 171-181.

Semiconductor physics

Taking the Сoulomb effects into account

in the reactions of one-electron charge exchange
V.Yu. Lazur*, V.V. Aleksiy, М.І. Karbovanets, M.V. Khoma, S.І. Myhalyna

Uzhhorod National University,

54, Voloshina str., 88000 Uzhgorod, Ukraine

Abstract. Within the framework of a single mathematical approach based on the first
iteration of the Dodd–Greider equations, direct and two-step mechanisms of electron
capture have been described, and their correlation with angular distributions of reaction
products have been ascertained. The purpose of this modification of the Dodd–Greider
integral equations for the quantum mechanical operator of three-particle scattering with
rearrangement is taking into account the Coulomb asymptotic behavior of wave functions
in the problem of inelastic scattering with redistribution. On this basis, the theory of the
reaction of single-electron charge exchange was constructed when collision of the
hydrogen-like atom with a positively charged ion is performed with taking into account the
effects of the multiple Coulomb scattering of electron by ion target residue. In particular,
the amplitude of the reaction is distinguished as the first iterative term for solving the
Dodd–Greider equations for the operator of three bodies, and the short-acting interaction
that causes the electron transitions is taken into account in the distorting potential. It has
shown that in the one-fold scattering approximation, this method leads to the so-called first
Coulomb–Born approximation, where asymptotic behavior of particles in the input and
output channels of the reaction is described by two-particle Coulomb wave functions. A
more detailed study of the reaction of the resonance charge transfer between proton and
hydrogen atom showed that without a correct inclusion of the Coulomb interaction into the
wave function of the final state, to recreate Thomas’ peak in the angular distributions of the
products of this reaction cannot be. The proposed method provides a good agreement with
the experimental data of both complete and differential cross-sections due to advantages of
this method, in particular, rather full consideration of the interaction after the collision and
rapid convergence of the series of the Dodd–Greider perturbation theory.

Keywords: Coulomb interaction, operator of three-particle scattering with rearrangement,

Thomas’ mechanism of charge exchange.
PACS 03.65.-w, 34.50.-s, 34.70.+e, 34.80.Dp

Manuscript received 09.04.19; revised version received 23.04.19; accepted for publication
19.06.19; published online 27.06.19.

1. Introduction Experimental studies of charge exchange between

protons and hydrogen or helium atoms [2, 3] confirmed
The details of the elementary processes in atomic the important role of the two-step electron capture
collisions are necessary for solving many problems of mechanism, which was first considered on the basis of
nuclear physics and astrophysics, physics and chemistry the classical mechanics by Thomas [4] and is called the
of plasma and controlled thermonuclear synthesis, upper Thomas mechanism of charge exchange. According to
atmosphere physics, quantum electronics, and so on. the model [4], the electron capture takes place as if in
Appearance of modern powerful ion accelerators [1] in two stages: first, the flying particle is scattered by
many laboratories in the world allowed to get unique electron of target atom at the angle determined by
experimental material, especially on high-charged ions kinematics of collision of two free particles which is
and multielectron ion-atomic processes, which in totality called Thomas’ angle. In so doing, this flying particle
did stimulating influence on the theory of atomic causes the ionization of the target with the flight of
collisions. electron at the angle 60° to the direction of the initial

© 2019, V. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

SPQEO, 2019. V. 22, N 2. P. 171-181.

beam, and then the emitted electron rescatters by ion- nonrelativistic quantum-mechanical problem of three-
residue in the direction of motion of the fast particle and particle scattering with rearrangement (mathematical
is captured by it in a bound state. Quantum-mechanical fundamentals of the multiparticle scattering theory [9])
analogue of this mechanism of charge exchange is are solved in the Dodd–Greider theory by introducing
electron transitions through a continuous spectrum from into consideration two complementary three-particle
a target atom into the states related with the fast particle. potentials that exclude the appearance of disconnected
With sufficiently large energies of particles, the diagrams in the nucleus of the obtaining equation for the
two-step mechanism of electron capture is manifested in transition operator. Therefore, the iterative series
differential cross-sections at Thomas’ angle in the form obtained on the basis of this equation are manifested as
of maximum – Thomas’ peak that is experimentally the rapidly convergence ones in this problem, which
detected and is theoretically reproducible when the inter- allows us to carry out not only evaluation, but even exact
action is included in the final state, which is equivalent to direct calculations.
taking into account many-time electron charge exchange
by the residual ion. If, however, the charge exchange
2. Application of the Dodd–Greider integral equations
cross-sections are calculated without taking into account
the interaction in the final state or in the one-time The complex problem of the interaction of atom and ion
scattering approximation [5], the Thomas peak does not in the reaction (1) considered here is an idealized
appear, but between theoretical and experimental cross- problem of nonrelativistic interaction of three spinless
sections the qualitative differences arise. particles: α (projectile A Z α ), γ (active electron e − ) and
The problem of describing the angular and energy
dependences of the cross-sections of single-electron β (target ion B + ) with the masses mα , m γ and mβ ,
respectively. The motion of the center of mass is
charge exchange between AZα ions and B atoms:
assumed to be separated. According to the possibility of
+ +
splitting the three-particle system into the fragments
A Z α + B → A ( Z α −1) + B + (1) (β, γ ) + α , (α, γ ) + β , (α, β) + γ , we introduce the
channel Hamiltonians H j = H 0 + V j ( j = α, β, γ ) along
became recently the object of not only experimental [2,
3], but also theoretical [5, 6, 7, 8] study. According to the with the full Hamiltonian H = H 0 + V , where H0 is the
multiparticle scattering theory, we consider a system operator of the kinetic energy of the system of three
consisting of a flying particle, active electrons, and particles in the system of their center of mass,
residual ion. Since the interaction of particles that take V = ∑ j =α,β, γ V j being the full interaction. The lower
part in the reactions is the Coulomb one, the basis for the
index j in Vj defines a particle that does not take part in
theoretical description can be taken as the modified
integral equations by Fadeev–Yakubovsky for systems of this interaction (for example, Vα is the operator of the
several charged particles [9]. However, the practical pair interaction of the particles β and γ ). We shall also
realization of the theoretical apparatus of integral define the channel “interaction” υ j . Let’s assume that it
equations is associated with considerable computational
can be represented in the form of a sum of the Coulomb
difficulties. In the transition to the systems with a large and rapidly descending short-acting parts. Coordinates
number of particles, the theoretical apparatus is sharply used to describe the relative position of particles are
complicated and, accordingly, the ability to carry out a related by the following relationships (the above masses
rigorous quantitative calculation of such systems reduces. are denoted by a and b):
The possibility of analytical solution of the system of
integral equations with potentials close to interatomic r r r r r r r r r
interactions is rather an exception, but not rule.
( ) ( )
s = a mγ x − rα , x = b m γ s + rβ , R = x − s . (2)
Well-developed asymptotic (by large interatomic
distances) methods of the theory of ion-atom collisions in In the terms of the corresponding Jacobian
our case do not work, because here, on the contrary, coordinates of the input and output channels of the
small interatomic distances are important [10, 11]. reaction (1), the operator of the kinetic energy H0 can be
Along with the rigorous formulations of the represented in two equivalent forms:
problem of three bodies in the literature on the theory of
∆ rrα ∆ xr ∆ rr ∆r
scattering, there are some examples of approximate H0 = − − =− β − s , (3)
dynamical equations that are suitable for a number of 2µ α 2a 2µβ 2b
cases and do not need the sophisticated technique to their
solving necessary for finding solutions of exact where ∆ rrα , ∆ xr , ∆ rrβ , ∆ sr are the Laplace operators for
equations. In the role of such equations, we give r r r r
the variables rα , x , rβ , and s , respectively. The values
preference to the Dodd–Greider equations [12] for the
scattering operator with the rearrangement in the system µ α and µ β denote the reduced masses of the
of three particles. The known difficulties of the corresponding groups of particles:

Lazur V.Yu., Aleksiy V.V. et al. Taking the Сoulomb effects into account in the reactions of one-electron
SPQEO, 2019. V. 22, N 2. P. 171-181.

mβ (mα + mγ ) rˆ
mα ( mβ + m γ ) k j ( j = α, β) are the unit vector in the direction of the
µα = , µβ = . (4)
mα + mβ + mγ mβ + mα + mγ r rˆ r
( )
vector k j : k j = k j k −j 1 . The functions Φ iα+ Φ βf − are the
Let us separate the channel potentials υ j ( j = α, β) into products of the wave functions by the bound state of pair
two parts: ( )
(β, γ ) ((α, γ )) and distorted plane wave f α+ fβ− with the
unit amplitude:
υ j = V −Vj = U j +Wj , (5) r r
r r r
Φ iα + = ϕi (x ) f α+ (rα ) ≡ ϕi (x ) exp ikα rα + iσ α ,
r r
) (7)
one of which Wj (it is usually called the “distorting” r r r
( )
Φ βf − = ϕ f (s ) f β− (rβ ) ≡ ϕ f (s )exp ikβ rβ − iσβ . (8)
potential) reveals small by the magnitude of the far-
acting Coulomb background that defines the asymptotic
behavior of wave functions of the scattering problem at The Coulomb phases σ α and σβ , distorting the plane
long distances, and another − Uj − gives the remainder waves, are defined by the equations:
generated by a purely short-acting part of the potential υj
that causes transitions of electron and is considered as r r
σ α = ν α ln(k α ξ α ) , ν α = nα v , v = kα µ α ,
perturbation. r r
From the definition of channel Hamiltonian ( )
σβ = ν β ln kβ ξβ , ν β = nβ v , v = kβ µβ . (9)
( )
H α H β , it follows that it describes the asymptotic
situation, when the particle α(β) does not interact with ( )
The parameter nα nβ that characterizes the value of the
anything, and the other two particles are in the bound effective Coulomb interaction is equal to the product of
( )
state in the potential Vα Vβ . Thus, the proper states the total charge of the pair (β, γ ) ((α, γ )) on the charge of
Φ iα ( Φ ) of the Hamiltonian H (H ) have the form
f α β
the third particle α (β) .
of the products: We will realize the further construction on the basis
of separating the distorting potentials Wα and Wβ into
r r
( )
Φ iα = ϕ i (x )exp ik α rα , two parts:

Φ βf = ϕ f (sr )exp (ik rr )
β β , (6)
Wα = wα + Wαd , Wβ = wβ + Wβd , (10)

where wα and wβ are arbitrary short-acting potentials,

( ) is the wave function of the bound state of
where ϕi ϕ f r r
which depend on the relative coordinates rα and rβ ,
r r
the pair (β, γ ) ((α, γ )) , exp ikα rα ) (exp(ikr rr )) is the plane
β β respectively; it is assumed that these potentials descend
wave describing the relative motion of free particles enough rapidly at r j → ∞ . We also assume that, for
α (β) and (β, γ ) ((α, γ )) in the initial (final) state with the
r r sufficiently large rj , the potentials W jd coincide with
( )
relative momentum kα kβ . Strictly speaking, in the case
the purely Coulomb ones:
of charged particles in (6) plane waves in the initial and
final states should be distorted by phase factors,
nα nβ
logarithmically dependent on the distance between →Wαcd ≡
Wαd r→∞ , Wβd r 
→Wβcd ≡ , (11)
particles [9]. This distortion is caused by the physical fact α rα β rβ
that the asymptotic motion of particles in the Coulomb
field is never free, and the particles weakly interact at
infinitely large distances between them. It follows that in
where Wαcd Wβcd ( ) is the effective Coulomb potential

the case of long-range action, the above definitions of acting between the particle α (β) and the center of mass
channel Hamiltonians require modification. of the system (β, γ ) ((α, γ )) . Denote with H αd Hβd ( ) the
With taking into account the comments made modulated channel Hamiltonian generated by the
above, let us introduce for consideration the modified ( )
potential Wαd Wβd :
channel asymptotic states Φ iα + and Φ βf − , that, in

distinct from Φ αi and Φβf , correctly describe effects H αd = H α + Wαd , H β d = H β + Wβ d (12)

of the far-acting Coulomb field in the processes of charge
exchange. Let’s describe their structure. Let ( )
and will construct Wαd Wβd in such calculation in order
rˆ r rˆ r
ξ α = rα − k α rα  ξ β = rβ − k β rβ 
to satisfy the Schrödinger equations:
are the parabolic
 
coordinates of the particle α (β) before (after) collision; (H αd − E )Φ iα+ = 0 , E = Ei + kα2 2µ α , (13)

Lazur V.Yu., Aleksiy V.V. et al. Taking the Сoulomb effects into account in the reactions of one-electron
SPQEO, 2019. V. 22, N 2. P. 171-181.

(Hβd − E )Φβf− = 0 , E = E f + kβ2 2µβ . (14) −

U αβ = ωβ−* (υα − Wα )ωα+ +
+ ωβ−* ( υβ − Wβ ) Gβ−d U αβ

. (19)
Here, Ei E f ( ) is the energy of the bound state of the pair
(β, γ ) ((α, γ )) , E – total energy of the three-particle In the prior-formalism of this theory, the potential
Wβ is arbitrary, and the potential Wα should not lead to
system. Introduction of the Hamiltonian H αd Hβd ( ) has
rearrangement in the channel β . The first term in the
deep physical reasons. Electron at any point in the space
undergoes the influence of the Coulomb field of each right side of the equation (19) leads to an amplitude in
center – a fact well known from the general quantum- the Born approximation with distorted waves
mechanical problem of scattering by the Coulomb

potential that distorts the phase of the scattered particle Tαβ ( DWB ) = Φ βf − ωβ−* ( υ α − Wα )ωα+ Φ iα + ≡
over the whole area of motion. So, perturbations
Wαd , Wβd , approximating the potential of a distant ≡ χβf − (υα − Wα ) χ iα + . (20)
Coulomb center, must be taken into account in the
channel (i.e., zero) Hamiltonian [13]. Although formally the equation (19) is accurate, its
Let us now define the full Green function solution cannot be obtained as based on the approach
(resolvent) of the system of three particles: associated with the use of standard methods of finding
solutions of integral equations. The fact is that the core of
the integral equation (19) contains disconnected diagrams
G ± (E ) = (E − H ± iε)−1 . (15) that correspond to processes in which one of the particles
does not interact with two other ones. Therefore, the
( )
Let’s denote by Gα+d Gβ−d Green’s function of the model arguments given in [15] raise doubts concerning the
channel Hamiltonian H αd Hβd : ( ) convergence of the Born series of the method of distorted
waves, that is, iterative decomposition of the equation
(19). This circumstance dictates the necessity of a certain
Gα+d = (E − H αd ± iε )−1 , rearrangement of the equation (19), which is similar to
that performed when the equations of the multiple
Gβ−d = E − H β d ± iε )−1 , (16) scattering theory and Faddeev’s equations are derived
[16]. The integral equations obtained as a result of the
rearrangement, in contrast to (19), do not contain
where ε is the infinitely small positive number. Let us
disconnected diagrams in their nuclei and can be solved
introduce in the consideration the wave operator by
by the standard methods. We will not describe here the
( )
Möller ωα+ ωβ− [14], which transforms the channel bulky constructions that correspond to such a
( )
eigenfunction Φ iα+ Φ βf − into a distorted wave χ iα+ χβf −( ) rearrangement of the equation (19), because they were
considered in detail in the paper [12]. Let’s bring only
in the input (output) reaction channel (1): the final result. For this, we introduce the auxiliary
potential υℵ that corresponds to the virtual intermediate
χ iα+ = ωα+ Φ iα+ , χβf − = ωβ− Φβf − . (17) channel “ ℵ ”, as well as the corresponding to it Green’s
operator gℵ+ = (E − H + υℵ + iε )−1 . In these notations, the
Now we introduce the U αβ [15], which possess modified (with taking account the long-range nature of
such a property that their matrix elements between the the Coulomb interactions) Dodd–Greider equation for

Coulomb asymptotic states Φ iα + and Φ βf − on the quantum mechanical operator U αβ of a three-particle
scattering with rearrangement results in the final form:
mass surface are the physical amplitudes of the transition
Tαβ from the channel α to the channel β in the “post” − −
U αβ = I + KU αβ , (21)
and “prior” formalisms according to:
Tαβ = Φ βf − U αβ
Φ iα + . (18)
[ (
I = ωβ−* 1 + υβ − Wβ gℵ+) ] (υα − Wα )ωα+ ,
For the transition operators U αβ , we may write the
( )
K = ωβ−* υβ − Wβ gℵ+ υℵ Gβ+d . (22)
integral equations obtained and considered for the first
time by Dodd and Greider [15]. Taking into account the The main advantage of Eq. (21) before Eq. (19) is
further qualitative analysis, for an illustration we will that the arbitrariness in the choice of the potentials vκ and

write the equation for U αβ : Wβ can be used in order to obtain the equations with

Lazur V.Yu., Aleksiy V.V. et al. Taking the Сoulomb effects into account in the reactions of one-electron
SPQEO, 2019. V. 22, N 2. P. 171-181.

predefined properties. Using (21), the amplitude of the 3. Amplitude of the charge exchange

transition Tαβ (18) can be represented as follows:
Let us transform the initial expression (24) for the

− amplitude of the reaction Tαβ . For this purpose, we
Tαβ = Φ βf − U αβ

Φ iα+ = Φ βf − I Φ iα+ +
introduce into consideration the scattering state vector
+ Φ βf− −
KU αβ Φ iα+ = Φ βf − I Φ iα+ + MS , (23) Ψ βf − in such a manner:

where MS are the terms that take into account the

multiple rescattering. If assuming that the processes with
[ ]
Ψ βf − = 1 + gℵ+* (υβ − Wβ ) χβf− . (26)
multiple scattering do not affect the shape of the angular
distribution, then the second term in (23) can be omitted. We substitute (17) and (26) into (24), as a result we
In this case, the amplitude of the reaction (1) in the prior- obtain the following representation for the amplitude of
formalism is given by the expression: −
the reaction Tαβ with taking into account the direct and
two-step mechanisms:

Tαβ [
= Φβf− ωβ−* 1 + gℵ+ υβ − Wβ ( )] ×

Tαβ = Ψ βf − (υα − Wα ) χ iα + . (27)
× (υα − Wα ) ωα+ Φiα+ = Tαβ

(DWB) +

[ (
+ Φ βf − ωβ−* gℵ+ υβ − Wβ )] (υα − Wα )ωα+ Φ iα+ . (24) To derive a differential equation for the wave
function Ψ βf − , we multiply both parts of the equation

The comparison of the equations (20) and (24) shows (

(26) left by E − H + υℵ *
− iε and go to the boundary

that the first term Tαβ in the right side of (24) indicates ε → +0 . As a result, we obtain the equation:
the amplitude of the direct one-step charge exchange
mechanism within the Born approach with the distorted (E − H + υ ) Ψ *

= υℵ χβf − . (28)
waves. The second term in (24) directly describes the
two-step mechanism of electron capture through an Since the search for solutions of the
intermediate state that is located in discrete or continuous nonhomogeneous equation (28) with the real local
spectrum. An analogous result takes place also for the
potential υℵ is related with great mathematical
amplitude of the transition Tαβ in the post-formalism:
difficulties, then it is worthwhile to try replacing this
potential with the operator. It is also necessary that the
Tαβ = Φβf − ωβ−* υβ − W β ×( ) solution of the corresponding homogeneous equation
permits the representation in the form:
× 1 + gℵ+ (υα − Wα ) ωα+ Φiα+ . ] (25)
Ψ βf − = ϕ f (s )hβ− . (29)
In conclusion, let us consider again the fundamental
properties of the equation (21). From the formal point of
To separate the only solution from the set of
view, it is difficult to be solved like to the Faddeev-type
solutions of the differential equation (28), we must
equations [9]. However, the equation (21) need not be
supplement this equation with the boundary conditions:
precisely solved. The essence of this method is that there
is only an iterative approximation for the operator that r r
describes its system rearrangement. The Dodd–Greider Ψ βf − r→

→ Φ βf − = ϕ f (s ) f β− rβ = ( )
theory [12] gives good results in the study of single- and r r
double-electron processes with redistribution of particles
[ (
= ϕ f (s ) exp ikβ rβ − ivβ ln kβ ξβ )] . (30)
[6, 8], since the second and higher orders of the series of
perturbation theory, which are obtained when iterating

Substituting the function (29) into the equation (28), we
the integral equation (21) for the transition operator U αβ ,
obtain the equation with respect to hβ− :
do not contain in disconnected diagrams their nuclei, in
contrast to the usual series of perturbation theory. Thus, r
transformation of the equation (19) to (21) of the type of ( )
ϕ f (s ) E − E f − H 0 − υβ hβ− +
the distorted waves method allows to obtain the iterative r
+ (1 / b )∇ sr ϕ f (s )∇ sr hβ− + υℵ
( r
ϕ f (s ) hβ− = 0 . (31)
series (they are usually called quasi-Born or Coulomb–
Born series) for the transition operator that, as shown in
[6, 17, 18], converge rapidly, that is, the first iterations of To eliminate the disconnected diagrams from the nucleus
the corresponding integral equations allows one to obtain K (22), the operator υℵ must be chosen so that it acts
a result that practically coincides with the exact solution. only on a variable s , which is related to a pair subsystem

Lazur V.Yu., Aleksiy V.V. et al. Taking the Сoulomb effects into account in the reactions of one-electron
SPQEO, 2019. V. 22, N 2. P. 171-181.

(α, γ ) . This operator υℵ is derived, for example, from Summing up, let us write the wave function of the
the formula: finite state Ψ βf − that describes the scattering the charged
r r particle β by a hydrogen-like system (α, γ ) in our
υℵΨ = −(1/ b )∇ sr ϕ f (s )∇ sr Ψ ϕ f ((s ) ) (32)

on the set of elements Ψ ∈ Η , where H is a subspace of r r

states that corresponds to a continuous spectrum of the
' r
( ) r r
Ψ βf − = µβivt ϕ f (s )exp ikβ rβ ℜ( −) (x ) ℑ( −) (rα ) , (38)
energy operator H [6]. Consequently, with the choice of
the operator υℵ in the form (32), the nucleus K of the where
integral equation (21) is determined only by the terms to r rr
which fully disconnected diagrams correspond. This ℜ( −) (x ) = N ( + ) (vt′ ) F (− ivt′ ,1, − iυ′x − iυ′x ) ,
means that the iterative series of the equation (21) must r r
converge faster in the broader energy region than the vt′ = Z β υ′ , v = kβ µβ ,
initial Born series in the three-body problem.
r r
With taking into account the explicit form (32) of
the operator υℵ and expression (3) for the operator of
ℑ( −) (rα ) = N ( −) (v′)F iv′,1, − ikβ rα − ikβ rα , )
the kinetic energy H0, the equation (31) takes the form:
N (+ ) (vt′ ) = Г (1 + vt′ ) exp (πvt′ 2) ,
 ∆r ∆r Z Z Z  −
 E − E f + rα + x + β − α β  hβ = 0 . (33) N (−) (v′) = Г (1 − v′)exp(πv′ 2) .
 2µ α 2a x R 
 

According to the formulas (29) and (30), the asymptotic The function Ψ βf − takes into account interaction of
behavior of the function hβ− for rβ → ∞ has the form of the bound electron γ with the residual target ion β and
a distorted plane wave with the unit amplitude: interaction of heavy particles α and β between
r themselves. The wave function of the initial state χiα + is
hβ− r→ f β− (rβ ) =
→∞ determined from [19]. Using these expressions for wave
functions and transition operator [14], as well as the
 r r iZ β (Z α − 1) r r 
= exp ikβ rβ −
ln kβ rβ + kβ rβ  . ) (34) relations (27) and (38), we can obtain the following
representation for the amplitude of the charge-transfer
 
reaction with account of Coulomb interaction in the final
In the case of the change R → rα , the variables in the
equation (33) are separated, and the corresponding wave r r r r
functions are explicitly expressed in two-part terms:

r r
( r
= N (υ, vα )∫∫ drα dx exp ik α rα − ikβ rβ ϕ*f (s ) ×

r r r r r
hβ− = C ( −) ℜ( −) (x )ℑ( −) (rα ) . (35) × [Z α rα − Z α s ]ϕi (x ) F (ivt′ , 1, iυ′x + iυ′ x ) ×
r r
The two-particle Coulomb wave functions of scattering (
× F − ivα ,1, ik α rα − ik α rα × )
r r
ℜ(−) (x ) and ℑ(−) (rα ) are determined through a confluent r r
hypergeometric function by equalities: × F (− iv′,1, ik rβ α )
− ikβ rα , (39)

r  iaZ β   πaZ β  where

ℜ ( − ) ( x ) = Г 1 +  exp  ×
 q   2q  ′
rr rr N (υ, vα ) = µ β− vt Г(1 + ivα )Г(1 − ivt′ )(1 + iv ′) ×
× exp (iqx ) F − iaZ β q,1, iqx − iqx , ) (36)
× exp [− π (vα + v′ − vt′ ) 2] . (40)
r  iµ α Z α Z β   πµ α Z α Z β 
ℑ( − ) ( x ) = Г 1 −  exp  −  × Calculation of the amplitude (39) in the general case,
 q α   2q 
r r r r
when Z β ≠ 1 , is complicated by the presence of three
× exp(iqα xα ) F − iµ α Z α Z β q,1, iqα xα − iqα xα . ) (37) confluent hypergeometric functions under the integral
sign. However, there is an important special case when
r r
The coefficient C ( −) and variables q and qα , calculating the matrix element in (39) can be reduced to
one-dimensional numerical integration. The above is
which appear when separating the variables, can be
related to the charge exchange reaction at the collision of
determined by stitching hβ− with the eikonal asymptotic proton (or some other charged particle: positron, nucleus
limit (34) at rβ → ∞. etc.) with hydrogen atom ( Z β = 1) . In this case, the

Lazur V.Yu., Aleksiy V.V. et al. Taking the Сoulomb effects into account in the reactions of one-electron
SPQEO, 2019. V. 22, N 2. P. 171-181.

Coulomb parameter vα = 0
the confluent and r r 2
r r c11 = q1 − q 2 + (ρ1 + ρ 2 )2 ,
hypergeometric function F − ivα ,1, ikα rα − ik α rα in the )
formula (39) is equal to unity. We note that in our [ ][
c22 = q12 + (ρ1 + λ α )2 q22 + (ρ 2 + λ α )2 , ]
consideration the effects of multiple Coulomb
rescattering of captured electron by the ion-residue of the
r r 2
c12 = λ α q1 − q2 + ( ρ1 + ρ 2 )2 + ]
target are already approximately summed up in the
distorting factor ℜ(−) (x ) .
[ ] [
+ ρ 2 λ2α + q12 + ρ 22 + ρ1 = λ2α + q12 + q22 . ]
For further calculations, we will use the expressions
Let us transform the formula (45) by separating the
for wave functions of bound states [6, 14] and the
dependence of t1 and t2 in the explicit form in the
integral representation for the confluent hypergeometric denominator of the subintegral expression. After
function [20]: completing this transformation, the obtained expressions
can be combined in the following representation for the
F (a, c, z ) = × amplitude of charge exchange
B (a, c − a )
16π 2
1 −
Tαβ = N (υ, vα = 0) N 2 Z α ×
× ∫ dt t ( a −1) (1 − t ) c − a −1
exp( zt ) , (41) a2
0  ∂2 ∂ 2 

× lim ε → 0 
 ∂λ α ∂λ β ∂λ β ∂ε  ∫
− ∏( x)dx , (46)
where B( x, y ) is the Euler beta-function [20] that simply  0
expresses through the Г -function
(B( x, y) = Г( x)Г( y) Г( x + y)) , and the integration must
be carried out in the complex plane z, choosing the ∏( x) = (B (ivt′ ,1 − ivt′ ) B (− iv′,1 + iv′))−1 ×
correct contour (dependent on a ) that bypasses the

points 0 and 1. Changing the order of integration for
t1iv t −1dt1
(1 − t 2 )iv ′ dt 2
(1 − t1 )iv ′ ∫0 t 2iv +1 ( A + Bt1 + Dt 2 + Ct1t 2 )
. (47)
integrals included in (40) (the integral function possesses t
properties sufficient for such a transposition of integrals),

we obtain the representation for Tαβ : Explicit expressions for the coefficients A, B, C, and D
are given in Appendix. After integrating by t1 and t2 [20],
− N (υ, vα = 0) N 2 the final expression for ∏(x) has the form:
Tαβ = ×
B (ivt′ ,1 − ivt′ ) B (− iv′,1 + iv′)
′ ′
∏( x) = A−1 (1 + D A)−iv (1 + B A)ivt ×
′ ′
dt1t1ivt −1 dt 2 (1 − t 2 )iv I (t1 , t 2 )
1 1
×∫  BD − AC 
∫ , (42) × F  ivt′ , − iv,1; . (48)
( A + D )( A + B ) 
0 (1 − t1 )
t 2iv′+1
0 

 ∂2 ∂2  We compare the proposed approach with the

I (t1 , t 2 ) = limε→0 Z α  −  J, (43) method of continuum distorted wave (CDW)
 ∂ λ α ∂ λβ ∂ λβ ∂ε  approximation. For the first time, the CDW approach was
used by Cheshire [21] for calculations of the cross-
r r exp (− λ s ) sections of resonance charge exchange of fast protons on
r r
J = ∫∫ dxdrα exp − kβ r β
× ) hydrogen atoms. Later in his work [22] Gayet showed
that the amplitude of the transition in the CDW approach
r r r exp (− δ1rα ) exp (− δ 2 x )
× exp ikα rα + ikβt 2

) x
exp(it1vx ) (44)
can be obtained as the first quasi-Born term of series of
the perturbation theory by Dodd–Greider [15] for the
operator of three-particle scattering with rearrangement.
It is worthwhile to emphasize that, in the standard CDW
with δ1 = ε − ik β t 2 , δ 2 = λ β − iv ′t1 , λ α = Z α , λ β = Z β .
approximation, only the interaction before and after
Using the results of our previous works [6, 14] for collisions of active electron with far removed core is
the matrix element J, we obtain: taken into account. At large scattering angles, as it
follows from the calculations of differential cross-
∞ sections of charge exchange in the eikonal
16 π 2 m γ dx
a 2 ∫c x 2
+ 2 c12 x + c22
, (45) approximation, an important role is played by interaction
of the heavy particles α and β between themselves,
0 11
which, however, is not taken into account in the CDW
where approximation.

Lazur V.Yu., Aleksiy V.V. et al. Taking the Сoulomb effects into account in the reactions of one-electron
SPQEO, 2019. V. 22, N 2. P. 171-181.

4. Results of calculations The demands for the improvement of theoretical

representations have led to the fact that main emphasis of
We consider the application of the foregoing formalism theoretical and experimental works shifted from the
to the calculation of angular and energy dependences of study of integral values, which characterize different
the cross-sections of the reaction of charge exchange of processes, to the study of the differential values that give
proton on hydrogen atom: more detailed information about the role of different
mechanisms of the reaction and is more rigid test for
H + + H(1s) → H(1s) + H + . (49) theoretical models. In differential cross-sections of
charge exchange, the two-step mechanism of electron
capture is manifested in the form of a characteristic sharp
This reaction represents a special interest and serves as a
maximum at the angle of scattering by Thomas Θ T –
standard for checking different theories of processes with
rearrangement, since in this case potentials of interaction Thomas’ peak. Experimentally, the Thomas peak was
in the channels and the wave functions of bound states first observed in the angular distributions of hydrogen
are precisely known. atoms formed during the charge exchange of protons on
First, before proceeding to discuss the results of the helium [23] at an energy of several Mega-electron-Volts
investigating the reaction (49), let us note the following at the angle 0.5 milliradian.
− The results of calculating the differential cross-
things. For the process (1), the scattering amplitude Tαβ
sections of electron capture by protons in hydrogen with
has a distinct maximum (in fact, there are two ones) the amplitudes from the work [13] and equation (46) for
within the region of small angles Θ ≤ mγ µ << 1 , two energy values are compared with the experimental
( )
µ = mα mβ mα + mβ . It is this area of the angles of
scattering that is considered below. In the case of the
reaction (49), when the particles α and β are protons,
the exchange part of the scattering amplitude is
negligibly small.
Results of calculations of total cross-sections with
amplitudes from [19] (dashed curve) and equation (46)
(solid curve) in comparison with the results of the CDW
method (dashed-point curve) and the smoothed results of
experiments [17] (dots) are presented in Fig. 1. With
decreasing the velocity of colliding particles, the CDW
approximation becomes incorrect [17] and, as seen from
Fig. 1, leads to overestimated values of the cross-
sections, but the proposed in this work model of
approximation of distorted waves with accounting the
Coulomb interaction in the final state is better agreed
(Fig. 1, solid curve) with the experimental data.

Fig. 2. Differential cross-sections of charge exchange of

protons on hydrogen in dependence on the scattering angle in
Fig. 1. Total cross-sections of the charge exchange process at the coordinates of the center of mass system. The energy of
the collision of proton with hydrogen atom. protons is 125 keV (a) and 500 keV (b).

Lazur V.Yu., Aleksiy V.V. et al. Taking the Сoulomb effects into account in the reactions of one-electron
SPQEO, 2019. V. 22, N 2. P. 171-181.

data [24], the results of the CDW method [17] and 5. Conclusion
Oppenheimer–Brinkman–Kramer (OBK) approximation
in Fig. 2. The greatest interest for methodical As can be seen from the above discussion, the universal
comparisons is calculations of angular distributions with mathematical basis for construction of approximated
the amplitude of simple one-step charge exchange charge exchange theory can be based on equations of the
mechanism [19] and calculations by formula (46), when quantum scattering theory in systems of several particles,
into the analysis of the reaction (49), except for the one- and the iterations of these equations form representation
step one, the two-step (Thomas’) electron capture for the amplitudes in the form of the series (23), and the
mechanism is also included. It is seen that taking into number of terms taken into account defines the order of
account two-step effects leads to appearance of the rescattering.
pronounced maximum (Thomas’ peak) at the site of the Summing up the results of the theoretical studies of
Jackson–Schiff “laydown”, which is obtained within the Thomas’ peak in differential cross-sections, first of all, it
framework of the simple one-step mechanism. should be noted that the Coulomb rescattering of electron
At large scattering angles, the interaction of heavy by the ion-residue of the target in the final state affects
particles plays an important role, which, however, is not stronger than all the others on the form of the angular
accounted in the CDW approximation. In our distributions, which is equivalent to rather total
consideration, accounting of this interaction in the wave accounting the interaction after the collision. If so charge
r exchange cross-sections are calculated without
function of the finite state Ψ βf − (multiplier ℑ(−) (rα ) in accounting the Coulomb interaction in the final state or
the formula (39)) leads to a more smooth decrease of the in the one-step approximation, then the Thomas peak
cross-sections with the growth of the scattering angle, does not occur in the angular distributions, and there are
which corresponds to the observed experimental behavior qualitative differences between the theoretical and
of the cross-sections. experimental cross-sections. Fig. 2 shows the example of
In conclusion, it should be emphasized that, when such a “direct” analysis of the experimental cross-section
using the Coulomb–Born approximation, we neglect the for the reaction (49) on the base of the formulae of the
effects of rescattering, that is, we do not take into account OBK approximation, which leads to increasing the cross-
the possible multi-step mechanisms of the reaction. With sections at small scattering angles and very fast their
increasing incident particles energy, we observe increase descending at large scattering angles.
of the role of two-step transitions through the In general, the obtained correlations of theoretical
intermediate state that is located in a discrete or and experimental data allows one to conclude about the
continuous spectrum. Quantitative description of these adequacy of the method of calculating differential cross-
transitions becomes possible only with the total inclusion sections of charge exchange in the wide area of energies
of the interaction after collision into the wave function of and proton scattering angles, which is based on the use in
the final state, which is equivalent to accounting the calculations of the amplitude of the first quasi-Born term
effects of the multiple rescattering of electron by the ion- of the iterative series the Dodd–Greider equation,
residue of target. modified for the Coulomb interaction.


Here are the expressions for the coefficients A, B, C, and D from (47):
 4bx 2mγ x 2 2b 2b  r r
A = −
 mγ


mγ a − b mγ 2 kα2 − −

) 
λ α + mγ λ β a 2  k α kβ + ) ( )
 
+ 2 k α2 + ε 2 + λ2α + b m γ ( )2 k α2 ) x + (k α2 + ε 2 + 2m γ ελ β a + (m γ a )2 (k β2 + λ2β )) x 2 +
+ (k α2 + (b m γ )2 k β2 + (ε + λ α )2 ) ((b m γ − m γ a )2 k β2 + (λ α + m γ λ β a )2 ) .

B = 2 b a − (m γ a )2 (k α2 + (b m γ )2 k β2 − 2b(krα krβ ) m γ + (ε + λ α )2 )− (m γ a )2 x 2 ) (krβ vr ′) + maγ ×
r r
( ) ) (
r r
× ((k α v ′) −i ε + m γ λ β a υ′ x 2 − i (b a )2 k β2 − 2m γ k α k β b + m γ b ) ( )2 (k α2 + (ε + λ α )2 )) (aλ α ) ]
m γ + λ β υ′ .

[( ( r r
) (( )
C =2mγ a x 2 + 2 b mγ − mγ a kα kβ − i (ε + λα ) kβ − bkβ2 mγ )) (kr υr′) − (x k
β (
+ 2 λα + mγ λβ a × )
( r r
(( ) ))) ]
× (ε + λα ) kβ + i kα kβ − bkβ2 mγ υ′ .

D =2 2 x + x 2 + ((b m − m a ) k + (λ
γ γ
2 2
β α ) ))(
r r
) ( ( )
+ mγ λβ a 2 kαkβ − i 2εx + ε + mγ λβ a x 2 + (ε + λα )×

× λ α + mγ λβ a ) )k − i (ε + λ ) (b m
2 2
β α γ − mγ a )2 k β3 − (b m γ )(b m γ − m γ a )2 k β4 ] .

Lazur V.Yu., Aleksiy V.V. et al. Taking the Сoulomb effects into account in the reactions of one-electron
SPQEO, 2019. V. 22, N 2. P. 171-181.

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Lazur V.Yu., Aleksiy V.V. et al. Taking the Сoulomb effects into account in the reactions of one-electron
SPQEO, 2019. V. 22, N 2. P. 171-181.

Authors and CV Authors and CV

Volodymyr Yu. Lazur. Doctor of Mykhaylo V. Khoma. Candidate of

Physics and Mathematics Sciences, Physics and Mathematics Sciences,
Leading Researcher, Professor of the Docent of the Department of
Department of Theoretical Physics at Theoretical Physics at the Uzhhorod
the Uzhhorod National University, National University, Ukraine. He is
Ukraine. He is the author of more the author of about 30 scientific
than 290 scientific publications. His publications. The area of his scientific
main research interests include interests includes theoretical physics,
theoretical physics, theory of ion- theory of ion-atom collisions, non-
atom and ion-molecular collisions. adiabatic processes in ion-atom
E-mail: collisions. E-mail:
Vitaliy V. Aleksiy. Head of
Laboratories of the Department of
Theoretical Physics at the Uzhhorod Svitlana I. Myhalyna. Senior
National University, Ukraine. He is Lecturer of the Department of
the author of about 20 scientific Computer Systems and Networks at
publications. The central research the Uzhhorod National University,
focus on theory of ion-atom and ion- Ukraine. She is the author of about 30
molecular collisions. scientific publications. Her research
E-mail: areas are the theoretical physics and
theory of ion-atom collisions.
Myroslav I. Karbovanets. Candidate E-mail:
of Physics and Mathematics Sciences,
Head of the Department of
Theoretical Physics at the Uzhhorod
National University, Ukraine. He is
the author of more than 80 scientific
publications. His main research
interests are the theory of ion-atom
collisions, ion-molecular collisions
and theoretical physics.

Lazur V.Yu., Aleksiy V.V. et al. Taking the Сoulomb effects into account in the reactions of one-electron
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