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What is purple? What is orange?

By Mary O’Neill

By Mary O' Neill White is a Dove

By Mary O’Neill
And lily of the valley
Time is purple Orange is a tiger lily, And a puddle of milk
Just before night A carrot, Spilled in an alley---
When most people A feather from A ship's sail
Turn on the light -- A parrot, A kite's tail
But if you don't it's A flame, A wedding veil
A beautiful sight. The wildest color you can name. Hailstones and
Asters are purple, Saying good-bye Halibut bones
There's purple ink. In a sunset that And some people's
Purple's more popular Shocks the sky . Telephones.
Than you think.... Orange is brave The hottest and most blinding light
It's sort of a great Orange is bold
Grandmother to pink. It's bittersweet Is white.
There are purple shadows And marigold. And breath is white
And purple veils, Orange is zip When you blow it out on a frosty
Some ladies purple Orange is dash night.
Their fingernails. The brightest stripe White is the shining absence of all
There's purple jam In a Roman sash. color
And purple jell Orange is an orange Then absence is white
And a bruise Also a mango. Out of touch
Next day will tell Orange is the music Out of sight.
Where you landed Of the tango.
When you fell. Orange is the fur White is marshmallow
The purple feeling Of the fiery fox, And vanilla ice cream
Is rather put-out The brightest crayon And the part you can't remember
The purple look is a In the box. In a dream.
Definite pout. And in the fall White is the sound
But the purple sound When the leaves are turning Of a light foot walking
Is the loveliest thing Orange is the smell White is a pair of
It's a violet opening Of a bonfire burning. Whispers talking.
In the spring. White is the beautiful
Broken lace
Read the poems by Mary O’Neill Of snowflakes falling
On your face.
Choose a color to focus on You can smell white
In a country room
Write a poem with at least 15 lines describing your color Toward the end of May
In the cherry bloom.
Use sensory details, figurative language, and memories to
describe your color

Create a poster describing the color (glogster)

What is white?

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