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Blogging Possible Post Questions

Remember to answer posts in the first person (as the character you were assigned)

1. What are your thoughts on the community in general? Do you think that there are some rules
that you would like to see changed? What are some of the community’s good qualities? What
are some of the things you don’t understand?
2. What are your own thoughts on the value of life in the community?
3. The Giver presents a community in which every person and his or her experience is precisely the
same. The climate is controlled and competition has been eliminated in favor of a community in
which everyone works for the common good. What advantages might "sameness" have for a
community? Is this loss of diversity worthwhile? Explain.
4. Why do you think a community would find it necessary to create a family?
5. List some authorities to whom you must answer. Do you find it difficult to obey these
authorities? If so, explain which ones and why you find it difficult. If not, why not?
6. The creators of community were trying to make a “perfect” place to live. What about the
community was not perfect? What would be the three most important things to change about the
community if you were in charge?
7. What do you think is the purpose of a family? Is it important that families be biologically related
in order to function? Why or why not?
8. Should the collective good outweigh the rights of the individual?
9. What advantages are there for sameness?
10. What do you think the role of the receiver for the community is? Why is this significant
position? Why is this placement considered very challenging compared to other job placements?
11. Is the pursuit of perfection a reasonable quest?

*** Any other reactions to questions that you have come up with can replace these topics, do not limit
yourself to just these questions- your character’s point of view is unique and can always look at the
community from their own perspective***

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