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When you think of water maybe you see it on a glass, you might imagine it in a lake,

or you might think of raindrops, but have you thought of where all this water comes

from? We may be surprised to know that our water has been probably around the

block a few times or we might be taking a bath with the same water we used last year

and how is that possible? For how many million years, the earth’s water has been

moving from streams to lakes to oceans flowing underground freezing on

mountaintops and forming the cloud we see in the sky and all this moving and shifting

around of water is one of the largest cycling efforts by mother nature and its called the

hydrologic cycle and it is the driving force behind the weather we experience every

day. When the sun warms the water on the earth’s surface the water turns into

invisible water vapor. This process is called evaporation and every time water

evaporates it leaves behind water for salts, pollutants and other impurities were in it

before becoming pure again. How did all the stuff get in there? When water returns to

the earth as precipitation whether its rain, snow, sleet or hail, it may make several

stops to pick up riders like pesticides chemical, trash and even bacteria from

something dead. All the rest that precipitation becomes either surface water or ground

water. The weather will always impact how we get our water but it will never change

the amount of water we have on earth but we just need to get wiser about natures

water recycling and do our part to to make sure that everyone has enough for life.

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