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16 Keezia Lustado


MOVIE: Frozen

Elsa grows up terrified of her ice powers and has shunned herself away from to protect the
people. However, when her parents die in a shop wreck, she is to be crowned as the new queen
of Aerendelle. She doubts herself and her abilities. She meets her sister, Anna, after a long time
of keeping her out of her life. But when Anna asks for her blessing to marry a man, Prince Hans,
she just met, Elsa disapproves. They get into an argument which leads Elsa to revealing her
powers to the rest of Aerendelle. The queen runs away to a place far away from their land and
builds herself an ice castle. When Anna goes to find her sister, she meets Kristoff, an ice
vendor, and he helps her look for Elsa. On the way to the ice castle, they meet a snowman
named Olaf, and he, too, helps in the quest of finding Elsa. Soon enough, they find Elsa and ask
her to put a stop to the winter she’d brought upon the land. It ends with Anna, Kristoff, and Olaf
getting thrown out and Anna getting hit in the heart by Elsa’s Ice powers. They find out that the
cure is an act of true love, so Anna runs back to Hans. However, Hans betrays her in order to
take over Aerendelle for himself. In the end, Anna protects Elsa from Hans’ sword that was
about to strike her, and it immediately cures her. Elsa then restores peace in Aerendelle and
rids of the winter.

When Kristoff comes to save Anna from Hans, Olaf lies on his stomach and slides down the
snowy mountain. Through this, we can see how he undergoes acceleration, he is speeding
down the mountain as he changes directions at some point when he turns a corner. He
experiences friction as well because his body making contact against the surface and is rubbing
against it. Friction is also present in the scene wherein Kristoff and Sven are running across the
frozen lake.

Collisions are present in the scene wherein Anna, Kristoff, and Olaf get thrown off a cliff
by the snow monster Elsa had created. Collision is the event in which two or more
bodies exert forces on each other in about a relatively short time. Olaf had fallen off the
cliff first then Anna and Kristoff were thrown off by the monster. Their bodies collided
with one another at the bottom of the cliff, therefore creating collision.

In the scene where Olaf calls for Anna and Kristoff, he yells into the distance and his
voice echoes around him. The sound bounced back towards him because echoes are
sound waves and sound waves can bounce off surfaces. That is why when people
scream in canyons, caves, and mountain ranges, the sound echoes back. However, it
does not happen all of the time. The sound is only absorbed when it reaches a hot area.
In this scene, the entire place is filled with snow so Olaf’s voice is echoed back rather
than absorbed.

When the snow monster comes to attack Anna and Kristoff, they make a makeshift
grappling hook by looping the rope around the snow anchor that Kristoff made. Anna
jumps immediately and Kristoff is pulled down after, making them suspend from the cliff
and dangle. In this scene, the rope experiences what we call ‘tension’. Tension is
described as the pulling force transmitted axially by the means of a connector such as a
cable, rope, etc.

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