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—Tward to ‘Mocha’ a libel on UST By The Varsitarian January 22, 2013. 11S apyting that while the University is promoting (SHES MIGaMate” (Latin for (TRARURISRSNEP). its own alumni sssociaternas given a newtsngied set of awards, “Thomasian Alumni Awards for Government Service.” and given one te Esther Margaux “Mocha” Uson, the controversial assistant secretary of the Presidential Communications Operations Office Uson is.a member of the saxy dance group Mocha Girls and a social-media “influencer" wilh at toast fue milion Facebook followers, She had campaigned for Presicent Duterte and she has been rewarded by 2 Malacaftang post which. technically. makes her a presidential mouthpicee. From such office has emerged a slew of fake news, distorted views, blatant lias, and Nazi-like propaganda ison ‘aie ei RIS nC MAERG) ara itis to hee credit that she has made that much damage on the truth, And fis to the credit (or discredit?) of the UST alumni Association Ine. (UAAD The UAAI's vicious decision to award her came after t considered only two v ples a pivotal role in the government, and second In a statement, UAAI Presidont Heavy Tenedoeo said awardees RSE Bee IES een” different facultics and colleges and the awards were given by the association as an GS BOAMEBD snent should underscore thet what Lison got Total Awards observe rigid nomination and selection process by alumni committees and experts. Awardees may also be weleed by the Office af the Father Rector (Fr. Herminio Dagohoy, OP), which gives the final clearance on the awards. They were merely invented just for the general alumni homecoming (The Total Awards usually have an awarding ceramtony all to itself and recipients are amounc I did not even mind if the awardee was “controversial er not.” ." he told the Varsitarian, "TWe are] hoping that this award will Inspire you to live [the Thomasian core values] more in your public [service]. Whether you're living it or not is not for vusto say.” How could the awards inspire Thomasians when they weren't really given for “Thomasian sore values” but for fanding a pivotal, high-paying, high-profile government jab whieh, as the continuous pilgrimage to Davao City shows, ‘could be obtained by influence-pestdiing and hucksterism? ‘Whatever happened to US's enshrined values of{GStitiiii—ICGi=tSTCSa REESE BESEISRY natover happened to “truth in charity.” How dare the UAA! tamish the University's name with such useless and baseless award! Certainly, UST has produced outstanding civil servants and government officials and among thom would be Uson's co-awardees: Son. Joe! Villanueva, Health Secistary and former Civil Service Commission Chaieman Francisco Duque Ill, Justice Amy Lazaro-Javier, Akbayan Representative Tom Villarin and 15 others, But now caught amid the Controversy of Uson's dubious selection and the rather shillaw screening «tileria, they may nat feel honored but rather, insulted and even disgraced—sentiments shared by the entire Thomasian community Anti

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