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 Sex is defined by a  Gender is described

person’s biological by our behavioral

features such as a characteristics and
penis, vagina, testicles, how they are
or uterus. perceived in a certain
culture at a certain
 Gender can also be
how we interpret
ourselves as
man, woman, transge
nder, or transsexual.
 Gender Identity is what we call ourselves.
 There are many other words for gender
other than “male” and “female.”

***Other Identities can also be described

as Transgender, Transsexual, Female to
Male Transsexual (FTM), Male to Female
Transsexual, and Genderqueer.
 A broad term refering to people whose
gender identity or appearance do not fit
the traditional norm.
 Transgenders challenge the characteristics
that are labeled for men or for women
 Transgenders are often ridiculed for acting
and dressing like the opposite sex.
 Example: A man may take estrogen, wear
make-up, get breast implants, and dress like
a women.
 A transsexual refers to any person who lives
as the opposite sex.
 This can consist of changing
names, clothing, taking hormones, or
undergoing a sex reassignment surgery.
 Some transsexual people feel as if they
were born into the wrong “gendered” body
 Some also call this a “gender identity
disorder,” most transsexual people find this
offensive because it suggests something is
wrong with them.
 Having a strong belief that you were
meant to be a male or meant to be a
female does not conclude something is
wrong with you.
 This should not be considered a disorder.
 Desiring to be the opposite gender is not
wrong, it is an aspiration.
 You have the right to your own body!
 “… we were born in a body that doesn’t
match who we are inside.”

EVEN if it is different from the sexual organs that they possess.

Female to Male Transsexual vs. Male to Female Transsexual

FTM: A person who was MTF: A person who was

biologically born a biologically born a male
female, and identifies and identifies
themselves as a man. themselves as a female.

Also known as a Sometimes referred to as

transmen. transwomen.
What We Call Ourselves

Gender Identity is not the same as Sexual Orientation!

- A lot of people confuse the two.

Sexual Orientation is whom we find attractive.

•Coming out to yourself is when a
person accepts themselves and
affirms their sexual orientation.
To Ourselves: • Usually a person comes out to
To Our Families, Friends: themselves, before introducing their
sexual orientation to others.
The outside world: •Coming out can happen at any
age, and a person can come out
more that once.
•Coming out to the outside - a person may come out as
world, including friends and a lesbian, and then later in
family can be very challenging life come out as transexual.
and life changing.
•Some friends and families are
accepting, and some are not so
•Coming out may mean we lose
friends or even family
members, but also can be a
healing experience at the same
 Some jobs are not accepting to an
“unusual” sexual orientation.
-This may cause someone to not
come out to co-workers.
 In most places in the US it is LEGAL to fire
employees because of their sexual
“Gay Bashing”

 This is the fear or hatred of

bisexual, gay or lesbian individuals.
 This makes people afraid of
harassment, discrimination, violenc
e or rejection from our peers, family
or anyone we interact with during
out everyday life.
 The stereotypes of people in our
society regarding sexual
orientation inflict self-hatred of
those who do have a different
sexual orientation.
 This is the assumption  This is the fear and
that being heterosexual hatred o transgender
is the only acceptable and transsexual people.
orientation.  These gender-based
 Heterosexists prevent discriminations are
others from doing things throughout all societies
that we do in every day in the US
life. Such as, getting  Some transgender
married, filing women are not allowed
taxes, getting certain in “women only” areas
jobs, and partner health because they are not
insurance. “real women.”
 These prejudices
gay, lesbian, and
bisexual people.
Does anyone know
someone, who has been
discriminated against
whether it was for their sexual
orientation or not?

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