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Solution Files and Apps

Congratulations on making it to the backend section of this course!

This is a quick note to explain where you can find solution code from here on out. Every single bit of
code I type from now until the end of the course is available on this course's publicly visible Cloud9
I recommend that you bookmark that workspace URL
All you have to do is open up the correct folder/files by clicking on the folder tree on the left hand side.
For example, if you wanted to view the solution from the "Our First Express App" lesson, all you need to
do is visit and then open the "IntroToExpress" folder and
then open "FirstExpressApp", and you have access to all the files in the application.
I make a point in every lesson to point out which directory I'm working in, so it's easy for you to follow
along. Let's get going with the rest of backend!!! This is where it gets crazy!

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