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What are advantages and disadvantages of owning a pet?

For and against essay

Since ancient times people had animals near them, the most popular were dogs, cats,
horses, rabbits, turtles, hamsters. Nowadays dogs and cats are our friends, they protect
people`s houses, help sick people. Owning pets is controversial today, some people
don`t like pets, because they are useless and need so much attention and time.
There are lots of advantages of owning a pet. First of all, they are our friends, for pets it
doesn`t matter how rich or beautiful you are. Secondly, a pet is like a child, it needs
care and it can develop a sense of responsibility. Finally, pets are like doctors, for
instance, there is a science, calls animal therapy – dogs, or other animals help sick
people to overcome the disease, it is scientific experiment.
On the other hand, there are also several arguments against keeping pets. Firstly, they
could be very expensive and need lots of money for food, toys and vaccination. What`s
more, pets can bring some diseases, such as helminth or allergic. Finally, pets could be
bored at home without owners, and they can chew on new pair of shoes.
In conclusion, there are both sides of owning a pet, everybody should be able to
choose, but in my opinion, pets are the best medicine from depression and stress,
because animals can make our mood and life better.
Zadorozhna Sasha
(secondary intermediate)

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