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Name: Carungay, Mary Joy C. P.

E 3 9:30-11:30( F)

1.How long have people played volleyball?

C. for over a century
2. Where was modern game invented?
C. United States
3. Which of the following describes the Basic idea of volleyball?
B. Hitting a ball over a net
4. Which of the following words are volleyball terms?
B. setting, spiking, net
5. Who can play the volleyball?
D. Anyone
6. How did the game volleyball came to be?

The year was 1895 and physical director William G. Morgan had a problem. The newly
created game of basketball, while popular with the kids, was proving to be too strenuous for
the local businessmen. He needed an alternative - something these older gentlemen could play
- something without too much "bumping" or "jolting".

It had to be physical - playing a game, after work and at lunch time, should provide exercise, but
it also had to relax the participants - it couldn't be too aggressive. It had to be a sport, Morgan
said, "with a strong athletic impulse, but no physical contact. “So, he borrowed. From
basketball, he took the ball. From tennis the net. The use of hands and the ability to play off the
walls and over hangs, he borrowed from handball. And, from baseball, he took the concept of

He termed this new game "Mintonette". And though admittedly incomplete, it proved
successful enough to win an audience at the YMCA Physical Director's Conference held in
Springfield, Massachusetts the next year. It was at this conference that Dr. Alfred Halstead, a
professor at Springfield College, suggested a two-word version of its present name. "Volley

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