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State islamic university maulana malik ibrahim malang as a world class university.

state islamic
university maulana malik ibrahim malang lately again incessantly making the campus a world class
university. one of the things done by this campus is to apply 3 languages in the learning process.
the languages used are English, Arabic and of course Indonesian. although sometimes students still
have difficulty following it.

  The purpose of poor Malang is to make itself a world class university, of course, to make this
campus more recognized both nationally and internationally. and it is expected that graduates from
State islamic university maulana malik ibrahim malang can compete both nationally and
internationally. this plan is not necessarily just a discourse or bullshit. this has been proven by the
existence of special language programs such as pkpba or ppbi

  New students State islamic university maulana malik ibrahim malang who just entered themselves
are even required to stay in a dormitory for 2 semesters. new students poor Malang are also
required to attend Arabic classes conducted every day from Monday to Friday. not only that in the
morning there is activity called morning language or in Arabic known as subakhul lugho. after
graduating from the boarding program the language program was continued with a program of ppbi
that focused on English which was conducted in semesters 3 to 4

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