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Ines calls fora unique tide whiel: wor Du is that enough? ‘Actually, has tobea gripping teaser to get the t 5". You can easily do this by asking 2 question in 10 address the public directly. Some other wr opinion oF deserbe a prob ply ehoose to give a strong sm which requires an answer. ‘Once you've hooked th 3d established a sort of link between the tile and the frst paragraph, goon tolay out your ideas, always bearing person who's on the other side of the There isn'ta set structure for the body itself; depending on the topic, you would decide paragraphs to develop your ideas, article, there are can try out. You could leave the 0 think about, express a final else summarise the main the target reader and where ifyour article should be sive it a more light-hearted “If you were to what approach would you ‘choose? —— Mearanys mwntllen fy he tea. AY Aaceeks Cont ctat pos porconalty you are bom with, Doyeu agree? Ces Somo people claim they are naturally cheerful, However, in ‘my view, how we lead our lives is the main reason we are ether happy or unhappy Qh 1csane ‘Take money, for example, Money doesn't automatically ‘make us happy. In fact, it makes some people very unhappy ne ‘because they are frightened of losing what they've got. On the other hand, if we're not-greedy and don't spend it Toolishiy, ican reduce stress and give us securily ‘Then consider health. I we eat badly, get too ile sleep and don't exercise, our health will decline and make us piserable. Ealing well and going for lovely long walks inthe oi ide can make us feel better generally. cutlook on life. We should all enioy things lke music and boing with our friends. At the same time, its important to spend time alone andi as simply as possible, which is not ‘easy in the 21st century Allthese make aig difeience to our happiness, despite our ‘natural lomperament ha teacher. Ce bakamerd A pod pave ett ESSAY pap Ip it a good thing that countrion spond a tol of money Most countries spend large sums of money protecting their national heritage. However, there is strong argument that wwe should look ahead and not backwards, spending less ‘money on preserving the past and more on securing our; future. Satata etree vty ‘On the one hang, itis important that we remember our fiefitage. Once itis lost, it is lost forever. Caring for important monuments helps with this. It also attracts tourists, which has an economic benefit for everyone. (On the other hand, governments spend a lot of money on ‘museums and keeping historic sites in good condition when poor people need houses to live in and businesses need beter roads for transporting their goods. ‘Another argument is that by making heritage sites attractive ‘or tourists ~for example, by putting on entertainment - we give a very untrue picture of the past and sometimes damage the local environment. To conclude. while there are strong arguments for not Spending too much on preserving the past, | believe it is important to protect the most famous sites for the future {generations but itis not realistic to try and save everything, We need to invest in the future too. Lscuselen, Cone Pye yl Hi Jean, Good to hear from you again. | hope youre still enjoying _/ your job. tim glad you asked me about the party | plagned for my mother's birthday. Well, | have to say it was a fantastic success. I told my mother we were taking her out for a quiet meal at a local restaurant with just the family, but in fact Id hired a large room in a hotel and invited all her old triendst 2 Compéitine 2 E ‘Anyway, | picked my mother up and told her I'd changed my mind. We were going to have a meal in @ hotel. You should have seen her face when she walked into the room and everyone cheered! She just couldn't believe itand burst into tears. Then the party got going and it didn't finish until four in the morning. We were absolutely exhausted, but my mother had had a wonderful time, Must dash now - I've got to go to college. Hope to hear =< from you. — fodett Sansa odett Dear SirfMadamy>) => Leet 1D) Ayo Ext | would like to apply for one of the scholarships | saw advertised in your prospectus. ‘At present, | am training to be a secondary schoal teacher of English and | finish my course at the end of June. However, | feel | still have @ lot to learn about the language and culture of the English-speaking world and would benefit considerably from a course in an English-speaking country ‘The reason | am applying for a scholarship is that | cannot afford the cost of studying abroad. | have no income except for my student grant, so if | am fortunate enough to be given a scholarship, | would have to work part-time to save'some personal spending money. My parents will pay for my aiffare if | am successful | would appreciate being given the opportunity to study at your college and would be very grateful if you would consider my application. wicana COD ‘The purpose of this report is to consider the advantages and disadvantages of accepting a large group of students from overseas for two weeks. | have discussed the issue with all the senior members of college staf. Advantages 5 Allthose | interviewed believe that for students, this would be an exciting opportunity to explore a foreign culture, both in the Classroom and socially, Overall, they thought the visit would. & be stimulating forthe college at a quiet tie of the year Disadvantages ‘Some members of staff are concerned that there would be insufficient seating in the library at busy times. 2. the visitors might be more interested in enjoying themselves than studying. 3. the restaurant queue would be very slow at lunchtime. Conclusion and recommendation Clearly, the visit might involve some practical difficulties, but ‘on the whole, everyone thought that it should gen. as an ‘opportunity not to be missed. | would therefore suggest that the college accepts the group. Without dou, the Bris rock band Actc Monkeys have ven this year's Best Ive show. As teenagers a fow years agp, they made the f seemed shy and awkward on stage. Now they ha matured and become an amazing ive et Since the front man Alex decided to cut his hair and dress like a skinny rock star of the 1850s, he moves confidently ‘around the stage, waving his arms and encouraging us to shake our hips. The crowd were ecstatic! ‘The set began with their hit ‘Do you wanna know’. The guitar playing was tight, as always, and the rhythm ‘supported by Matt's powerful drumming. The band were ‘on top form throughout, winning fans with a list that ‘combined older with new hits. ‘My only reservation is that although the songs have clever lyrics and great melodies and sound fresh every ime, some lack the emotional and poetic force of their be toremember and all fans should try and catch them while they're on tour. ‘When her cellphone rang in the middle of the exam, Ana felt like vanishing. ‘The day had been long and tiring. “I's the Listening Paper and welll be done with it,” she thought as she entered the exam room. What she couldn’ foretell was that all the time and effort she had put into succeeding in passing her FCE exam, ran the risk of being ruined by the interference of her mobile phone. “Infringements. of the regulations are viewed most seriously and would normally entail disqualification,” "| the Centr Supervisor sentenced. peso tire tlre Needless to say, the matter was brought before the Cambridge ESOL Malpractice Committee in the UK. “They would bein charge of reviewing thecase taking into account the statement from the candidate concemed and the supervisor's report. For this reason, Ana's statement ‘of result could not be issued inde time, asthe situation ‘was pending of revision. < pated ~ Never had she felt so grieved until, eventually, the committee dgelared that, taking all the circumstances into account/na's result could be finally released

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