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When I was a child…

When I was a child I lived a part with my grandmother and a part with my
parents, my childhood was so good, I studied in a private school and in a public high
school. I could see the difference between the public learn to the private, because the
private school had best installations and the classes were better, for example in my old
private school I had swimming class while in public school not. In my childhood I spent
the more part of my time watching cartoon and playing video games, my favorite
cartoons were Dragon Ball and Naruto, and my favorite video games were mmoRPG
online games.
I remember when I lived with my grandmother I always waited for my parents in
window in Fridays, because in weekends I stayed with my parents. Several times my
mother took me in Fridays, and some times my father took me by car, and I felt very sad
when my parents took me in Saturday.

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