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Figured Bass 1. Figured bass (Thorough Bass) is an efficient method of abbreviating chords by using number to represent specific interval above the written bass note. These figured bass’ numbers also indicates both chords and melodic motion over the lowest part. 2. The numbers in figured bass always refer to the intervals above the bass. wo . The complete figuration for triad is 5 (root position), 6 (first inversion), and 6 (second inversion. 3 3 4 In using these figurations, root-position chords normally do not require any figures at all. First-inversion chords are usually express by the figure 6. Second-inversion chords are usually express by the figure 6. 4 4, If the triads consist of accidental note(s), it needs to indicate the accidental by using some other sign. i, Triad in root position: An altered 3rd or Sth note (sharp, flat, or natural) above the bass will shows by an accidental. For sharpen note, sometimes it can shows the accidental with a slash. ii. Triad in first inversion: ‘A slash or a sharp sign will indicates that 6th has been raised a half step. A flat sign writes beside the figure indicates the 6th above the bass has been down a half step. |. Triad in Second inversion: Accidentals in second inversion will express in the way of first inversion. RO 6 & 6 6 w& 6 16 4 (46) M aa iv. Since these signs (slash) or accidentals refer only to the intervals above the bass, any accidental that affects the bass does not occur in the figures. . Figure in a stationary bass. Sometimes the figured bass shows the motion of the melodic line placed next to each horizontally above a stationary bass note, The melodic motions will keep in the same voice or different voice parts. 6. Figured bass symbols for seventh chord i. The complete figures for a seventh chord and inversions are: root position- 7 Ist inversion- 6 2ndinversion- 6 3rdinversion- 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 3 2 ii, Usually these figures are abbreviated to: root pos. - 7 (sometimes 7 or 7) Ist inver.-6 2nd inver.-4 3rd inver. - 4 (or 2) 53 5 3 d CREE deteeens Jesstoctas 7 hal 6) Tat 3 5 2 5 C:1 v4 6 V6 v4 ii7 16 IV V7 vi7 V6 | 3 5 2 5 iii. For the accidentals in the seventh chords, it has to indicate with the figures. This is always happened in the minor keys. 7. Dissonants in Figured bass. i. Suspensions are identifed by numbers representing the intervals formed by the suspension and the resolution. The following examples show the numerical symbols for the most important dissonant suspensions as they would occur in a two-voice texture. ii. With more than two voices, suspensions in any of the upper voices are counted from the bass. It is necessary to indicate a more complete set of intervals above the bass. Horizontal lines following the figures indicate that the upper-voice tones are sustained through the bass resolution. seen 4-3 4-3 9- 10 9- 10 4-5 iii, Somtimes the figured bass does not indicate the tones of the remaining two voices. In addition, even with the more fully figured bass suspensions, doublings are not indicated. iv, Passing notes and auxiliary notes can also be indicated with the figured bass. 8-7-6 s— 7— 8

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