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The child is talking to his

a. father b. mother c. sister

2. The child loves to

a. count b. drink c. catch

3. The child wants to know if counting the rain has also been a part time
activity of

a. great man b. old man c. sickly man

4. The rain nestles in the

a. dream b. stream c. street

5. The old man’s countless canes is a

a. riddle b. fiddle c. peddler

6. The water rushes to the team

a. break b. stream c. street

7. in the riddle. the countless canes refer to the

a. little brain b. dropping rain c. stream

8. The rain

a. wither b. pattern c gathers

9. The child loves the

a. faster b. slower c. tumbling

10. The fast falling rain is also like

a. rushing water b. big waver c. stream

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