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Clin Oral Invest (1998) 2: 3–10 © Springer-Verlag 1998


Reinhilde Jacobs · Charbel Bou Serhal

Daniel van Steenberghe

Oral stereognosis: a review of the literature

Received: 19 September 1997 / Accepted: 2 February 1998

Abstract Stereognosis is the ability to recognise and dis- been rarely performed because these are painful. There-
criminate forms. Oral stereognostic ability has been stud- fore, psychophysical approaches have been used, which
ied in different reports. The experimental design of the test imply that subjects are questioned about their perception
is of primary importance as both the method used and the of the stimulus applied and eventually about how they
material applied may influence the results dramatically. sense it. Psychophysical tests have been developed to as-
The form, size and surface characteristics of the test piece, sess the tactile function of the hand and fingers in partic-
the presentation order, subject-related factors and the ular. When these psychophysical methods are carried out
method of scoring all have their effect on the results. With in a standardised way, the results seem to match the neu-
regard to subject-related factors, ageing has a negative in- rophysiological receptor function [34].
fluence on stereognostic ability; gender is considered of One should make a distinction between proprioceptive
no importance. Another influencing factor is dental status. and exteroceptive receptors responding to mechanical
A healthy natural dentition offers a very good oral stereog- stimuli (mechanoreceptors). Proprioceptors [muscles spin-
nostic ability. Edentulous subjects usually show a de- dles, tempero-mandibular joint (TMJ) receptors] provide
creased oral stereognostic ability, depending on the reha- information about the relative positions and movements of
bilitation form. A number of questions have been ad- the limbs. They are activated by stimuli from inside the
dressed, especially with regard to the perception itself. Re- body. Exteroceptors, located in the periodontal ligament,
ceptors mainly involved in oral stereognostic ability are alveolar mucosa, gingiva and jaw bone, inform the central
located in various oral structures and form perception re- nervous system of external loading. Mucosal mechanore-
sults from an association of more than one group of recep- ceptors serve in a variety of functional capacities includ-
tors. The following review tries to deal with these ques- ing sensation, composite sensory experiences (e.g. oral ki-
tions and attempts to provide clear guidelines for further naesthesia and oral stereognosis), reflex initiation and
research on oral stereognosis. modulation of patterned motor behaviour. In addition,
mechanoreceptors in the periodontal ligament are primar-
Key words Stereognosis · Dental status · Oral sensory ily responsible for the tactile function of teeth [14, 33]. The
function · Periodontal mechanoreceptors latter receptors can also contribute to the coordination of
jaw muscles during biting or chewing.
The oral stereognostic ability test has a special interest
when comparing patients with different dental status.
Introduction Changes in oral sensation occur after the loss of natural
teeth and edentulous patients show difficulties, most of the
Oral tactile information is conveyed through the trigemi- time, in adaptation to their new dentures. Many previous
nal nerve. Neurophysiological investigations of the trigem- studies used the stereognostic ability test to evaluate such
inal system in man are extremely scarce. Indeed, it is dif- problems but also to evaluate differences in oral sensation
ficult to isolate peripheral bundles except, perhaps, for the when changes in the oral cavity take place.
mandibular nerve. Needle recordings of the latter have
R. Jacobs (½) · C. Bou Serhal · D. van Steenberghe 1
Laboratory of Oral Physiology, Department of Periodontology,
Faculty of Medicine, Catholic University of Leuven, Methodological factors
Kapucijnenvoer 7, B-3000 Leuven, Belgium
Fax +32-16332484; e-mail: Stereognostic ability is defined as one’s ability to recog-
Holder of the P-I. Brånemark Chair in Osseointegration nise and discriminate forms presented as a stimulus [6].
Table 1 Test piece characteristics in different studies

Reference Form Size Material

Thickness Length
(mm) (mm)

Berry and Mahood [1] 6 12 Acrylic resin

Shelton et al. [30] ? ? Plastic

Litvak et al. [22] 5 ? Metal alloy

Landt and Fransson [20] 1 ≤10 Acrylic resin

Lundqvist [23]

Van Aken et al. [35] 1 10–12 Plastic

Garrett et al. [9] 5 – Raw carrot

Müller et al. [28] 1.5–4 9 Acrylic resin

Jacobs et al. [15] 4 ≤10 Acrylic resin

Stereognosis is a more complex process than the simple chophysical sensory testing. Some variables are controlla-
detection of tactile stimuli and involves different compo- ble, others are more difficult to deal with. The influencing
nents. Manual stereognosis is used in neurology, neuropsy- factors are found in the different components of the experi-
chology and hand therapy to evaluate the functional per- mental set-up (Table 2).
formance of the hand [5, 17]. Oral stereognosis can be ap-
plied as a measure of oral functioning. This test can be used
especially to test oral dysfunction or to evaluate the effect Environment
of therapy.
Berry and Mahood [1] introduced the oral stereognosis Background noise is distracting to the patient and the ex-
test and tried to develop a standardised test procedure (e.g. aminer. A test administered in a noisy environment is not
shape, size, number, material). After this pioneering work, reliable. To minimise the effect of noise, all testing should
oral stereognostic ability, also denoted as oral form recog- be done in a quiet, comfortable room and with stable illu-
nition, received further attention in the literature [10, 20, mination. The examiner must be alert for sounds made by
24, 26, 27, 30, 36] and has been performed in different a testing instrument before or during the application of a
ways with a different outcomes. An appropriate psycho- stimulus. These sounds may cue the patient to a change in
physical methodology has often been neglected. Further- stimulus. Such extraneous noises, and other sources of
more, a variety of materials, forms and sizes has been ap- noise, must be carefully eliminated during the psychophys-
plied (Table 1). Oral stereognostic ability has been inves- ical experiment [7].
tigated in relation to other oral functions to measure im-
pairments due to the presence of general or local pathol-
ogy (e.g. speech pathology, blindness, deafness, cleft lip Examiner
and palate, temporary sensory ablations).
Regardless of the tests used, one must keep in mind that Inter-examiner variability is a critical parameter in general
many variables contribute to the subjective nature of psy- psychophysical testing. There is no doubt that a multitude
Table 2 Observations from previous studies (NT natural teeth, FD full denture, FPi fixed prosthesis on implants, ODi overdenture on im-

Reference Dental Number Age Number Number Test conditions Results

status of (years) of of (% correct)
subjects pieces tests

Berry and Mahood [1] NT 15 15–50 10 1 Free manipulation 52.3

15 51–71 Free manipulation, age effect 39.6
FD 12 52–85 Successful denture 36.5
12 40–84 Unsuccessful denture 63.5
Siirilä and Laine [31] NT 20 20–25 10 1 Free manipulation 82.5
Litvak et al. [22] NT 21 20–31 10 2 Using teeth 69.5
Not using teeth 62.9
Wax covering teeth 55.0
NT 21 50–72 Using teeth 55.5
Not using teeth 50.5
Wax covering teeth 42.1
FD 48 50–75 No teeth 37.4
Maxillary denture only 40.0
Mandibular denture only 40.3
Both dentures (teeth not used) 42.3
Both dentures (teeth used) 44.9
Williams and La Pointe [36] NT 15 20–33 10 1 Free manipulation 70.0
Landt and Fransson [20] NT 20 21–26 12 3 Free manipulation 86.4
NT 20 60–70 3 Free manipulation 59.5
Landt [19] 30 Oral: with teeth 90
NT 10 17–18 20 30 Oral: without teeth 79
Van Aken et al. [35] FD 86 31–79 10 1 Dentures removed 57
Lundqvist [23] FD 19 41–66 12 3 (2) FD –
FPi 3 (2) FPi (immediately after placement) –
3 (2) FPi (3–6 months after rehabilitation) –
Garrett et al. [9] NT 71 48–85 10 2 Free manipulation 68.5
FD 64 48–85 1 With dentures 68.5
1 Without dentures 66.0
Müller et al. [28] FD 54 39–87 12 3 Free manipulation 70.5
Jacobs et al. [15] ODi 20 46–76 10 1 Test piece with toothpick to allow 52
FPi 20 40–74 placement of the piece between 56
NT 20 39–71 antagonistic teeth 75

of examiners leads to a lack of standardisation. In oral ster- straight lines, angles, concave and convex curves and eas-
eognosis, most deviations occur when recording the iden- ily perceived ratios of length and width [1]. Two equally
tification time. In spite of a training programme in stereog- important factors are the intelligibility (ease of recogni-
nostic tasks, inter-examiner agreement remains weak [21]. tion) and confusability (degree of confusion with regard to
One examiner may be faster than another when giving the form similarity) of every individual form. Indeed, an ideal
test pieces or even when recording the results. To solve this form for testing form perception should have both a mod-
problem and to assure the reproducibility of the data, ob- erate intelligibility and confusability value. The difficulty
servations must be carried out by only one examiner. Fur- in identifying a piece can vary widely between pieces and
thermore, instructions to the patient before each test should tests. Of course, an increase in difficulty also implies more
be standardised. Finally, the examiner’s and the subject’s time is required for correct or incorrect identification [18].
level of concentration should be taken into account. As to the shape, pieces with rounded corners are pre-
ferred to sharp corners [1] because they are more comfort-
able during manipulation. When manipulating pieces made
Pieces out of a strange material, it may be perceived as harmful,
provoking an impaired appreciation (e.g. metal instead of
The form of a test piece not only has a great influence on acrylic resin).
the quality of the responses but also on the time needed for It is recommended that different forms and sizes are
a given test. Forms should be of familiar patterns on which used, with a thickness of about 4 mm and a length of max-
there is universal agreement among people [27]. The items imally 10 mm (Fig. 1). Furthermore, a toothpick should be
should sample a wide variety of characteristics such as inserted in each test piece to allow a standardised place-

ered correct if the subject identifies a given piece as pre-

cisely the one presented. In contrast, an incorrect response
is scored when the subject puts forward an object without
any similarity with the piece presented. In between these
two poles, an answer is considered as partially correct when
an object resembling the shape of the proposed piece is
chosen. The correct, partially correct and wrong responses
receive the respective scores of 2, 1 and 0 [31]. A slightly
different point scale consists of counting every correct an-
swer as 1, 2 for a partially correct response and 3 for wrong
identifications [35].

Average identification of errors

Fig. 1 Set of test pieces made in acrylic resin, consisting of five dif- The examiner records the responses as correct or incorrect.
ferent forms and two different sizes for stereognostic ability testing The evaluation is done by calculating the average or the
percentage of correct or incorrect responses [18–20, 22,
28, 36].

Average identification time

The examiner notes down the time required for identify-

ing a test piece, no matter whether it is right or wrong.
An important factor is not only the time consumed for
every piece but also for the whole identification process
[18, 19].


Patient-related variables may be of psychological or phys-

ical orders. Psychological factors include patient attitude,
Fig. 2 Manipulation of a test piece in an oral stereognostic ability level of concentration and, possibly, anxiety level. Each
test by using the hand to hold a toothpick. The toothpick is inserted patient brings his own perceptions to sensory tests; some
in the test piece to allow standardised placement between antagonis- are more motivated than others for the test; some are sug-
tic teeth and to avoid lip or tongue contact
gestible and may imagine a stimulus when there is none;
others admit a sensation only if they are absolutely posi-
tive it was felt.
ment of the test piece between two antagonistic teeth. This
Other patient-related factors are of physical origin, age,
may help to avoid lip as well as tongue contact and to im-
gender, dental status and dexterity.
prove easy handling (Fig. 2). To facilitate the response pro-
cess, a chart can be presented in front of the subjects illus-
trating all test pieces in their normal and proportionally en-
larged size.
In general, motor changes occur with age inducing, among
Scoring others, impairment of balance and unsteadiness of hand
motion. In addition, deterioration of most sensory modal-
Different procedures are followed for recording stereog- ities in the distal extremities appears to occur almost inev-
nostic ability. In general, three types are reported, a three- itably with advanced age in humans [25]. Neurophysiolog-
point scale, average identification of errors or average ically, it is observed that the conduction velocity of the
identification time. nerve impulse in sensory and motor fibres decreases with
age [25]. A slight decline occurs after the age of 80 years
with regard to oral sensory function; the ability to differ-
Three-point scale entiate tactile and vibratory stimuli on the lip decreases,
the two-point discrimination deteriorates on the upper lip,
This consists of classifying responses as one of three kinds, on the cheeks and on the lower lip, but not on the tongue
correct, incorrect and half-correct. A response is consid- or the palate [3].

Older (60–70 years) subjects need over 80% more time rienced a lot of problems after inserting their new denture
than younger (21–26 years) ones to identify test pieces and those who show the lowest level of satisfaction dem-
[20]. Identification errors are about three times more fre- onstrate higher levels of oral perception than those sub-
quent among older than among younger individuals. In jects having few or no problems. Müller et al. [28] could
younger subjects, there is also a higher learning effect, not detect a clear relationship between satisfaction and ad-
which is expressed by the reduction in time and errors aptation to full denture and oral stereognosis.
between the first and the third trial. Time is reduced by Lundqvist [23] was the first to investigate longitudi-
22% in younger but only 5% in older subjects, and errors nally stereognostic ability before and after rehabilitation
by 54% and 16% for younger and the older subjects, re- with oral implants. Both the identification time and the er-
spectively [20]. A similar deterioration with age is also ror score decreased significantly after rehabilitation with
noted for oral motor ability [20]. Other authors also re- implant-supported fixed prostheses, offering a better ster-
ported a decline with age [1, 19, 26, 28, 36]. eognosis than full dentures. Jacobs et al. [15] compared
When investigating the influence of age, one needs to different prosthetic superstructures and noted no signifi-
compare younger and older subjects with a healthy natu- cantly different stereognostic ability with implant-sup-
ral dentition. Conversely, when studying the influence of ported fixed or removable prostheses, even when eliminat-
dental status, the influence of age should be minimised. ing the involvement of tongue and lip receptors.
Age- and gender-matched groups should be adopted or sta- When selecting only subjects with full dentures, one
tistical age correction performed. The latter solution might may compare the stereognostic ability for different condi-
be needed because it is often difficult to select for compar- tions (e.g. adaptation to dentures) [9, 28, 35]. The best way
ison a group of edentulous patients (usually being older) to investigate the influence of dental status is to consider
and a group of subjects of the same age with a healthy nat- a patient group which will change its dental status and to
ural dentition. observe patients longitudinally before and after treatment.
Unfortunately, only one study applied this longitudinal de-
sign [23].

Few authors consider this factor important. Gender, indeed, Dexterity

does not show any significant influence on stereognostic
ability [31]. Gender also does not affect lingual vibrotac- Although there is some relationship between masticatory
tile function. The tactile sensory systems of men and performance and hand dexterity [12], this is not the case
women operate similarly at both threshold and suprathres- for stereognosis [27].
hold levels of stimulation [8]. However, females seem to
have a greater ability to discern subtle changes in lip, cheek
and chin position than males [4]. Oral versus manual stereognosis

In manual stereognosis, identification times are generally

Dental status shorter and identification errors lower than in oral ster-
eognosis. The correlation between identification errors
A change in the oral cavity by means of partial or complete and identification times is moderate in oral and absent in
loss of dentition certainly creates certain changes in oral manual tests. In general, there is no clear relationship
function. To evaluate the influence of dental status on oral between manual and oral stereognosis [19]. An oral ster-
stereognostic ability, a number of cross-sectional studies eognostic ability test cannot be regarded as a measure of
have been carried out (Table 2). In such studies, patients stereognostic ability in general. A learning effect is obvi-
with a full natural dentition are most often used as a con- ous for most test pieces regarding identification time and
trol [1, 22]. Other cross-sectional studies only consider one for about half of the test pieces regarding identification
type of dental status. errors.
When comparing teeth with full dentures, a far better
stereognostic ability is noted for natural teeth when freely
manipulating the test pieces [22]. However, significant Oral motor ability
differences were no longer noted after the age of 60 years,
which may be due to a decrease in sensory abilities in gen- An oral stereognostic test is frequently performed in con-
eral [25]. junction with an oral motor ability test in order to corre-
Essential in dentate subjects seems the role of periodon- late the outcome of both tests [1, 31]. The reason is prob-
tal neural receptors and of the tongue. After bilateral man- ably the similarity between both tests with regard to the
dibular block, stereognostic ability decreases by about 20% use of pieces in the mouth, one to identify (oral stereog-
[24]. nostic ability) and the other to fit two pieces complemen-
When removing the denture(s) in complete denture tary in form together (oral motor ability). Combining these
wearers, a considerable reduction in stereognostic ability tests provides an expression of the oral sensorimotor func-
is noted [22]. Furthermore, edentulous subjects who expe- tion of an individual [23].

It should be mentioned that there is also a clear rela- pieces; between the tongue and the hard palate, between
tionship between stereognostic ability and interdental the tongue and the teeth or between the tongue and the lips.
weight discrimination [36]. Subjects who are able to de- During normal test conditions, the anatomical areas in-
tect very small differences in weight interdentally also per- volved are lingual – palatal and lingual – dental manipula-
form very well when recognising forms in the mouth. tions. With unilateral anaesthesia, subjects continue to ro-
tate the objects on the anterior two-thirds and tip of the
tongue. With bilateral anaesthesia, manipulations are not
Masticatory performance only lingual – palatal and lingual – dental, but also lingual –
labial [24]. When investigating the outcome of the oral ster-
There is no relationship between stereognostic ability and eognostic ability test with or without using teeth, confu-
masticatory performance, either in dentate persons or in sion between test pieces rises from 10 to 21% and the mean
denture wearers [9]. On the other hand, when comparing identification time increases from 17 to 26 s [19]. From
stereognostic ability among denture wearers, significantly these findings, one may assume that a major role is played
higher scores were noted in subjects with high masticatory by three groups of receptors, the tongue mucosa, the
performance [9]. palate and, to a lesser extent, by the teeth with their perio-
dontal ligament.
The role of the TMJ receptors is less clear since most
Speech of the studies mentioned the role of different intra-oral re-
ceptors. In fact, in studies on tactile function, an interoc-
A test for oral stereognosis may help the speech patholo- clusal thickness of 5 mm and more seems able to activate
gist in the treatment of an individual patient. Knowledge receptors in the TMJ and the jaw muscles [14]. In stereog-
of kinaesthetic feedback in speech behaviour could indeed nostic ability tests, pieces are mostly manipulated inside
contribute to a better understanding of speech production the mouth and seldom kept between two antagonistic teeth,
and perception [2, 30]. Stutterers and speakers with artic- which frequently excludes the need for a mouth opening
ulation problems have an impaired stereognostic ability in of 5 mm or even more. When excluding other receptors,
comparison to normal speakers [27, 32], requiring more osseous mechanoreceptors come into play but not to a large
time for the test than normal speakers. extent [16].

Other factors
General discussion
Hemiplegic subjects make approximately three times as
many errors as normal subjects in oral stereognosis tests. The majority of methods designed for neurophysiological
Other pathological conditions in the perioral area have no and psychophysical sensory testing are unable to identify
direct influence on stereognostic ability [29, 32]. Cleft lip the specific receptor groups involved in the mechanisms
and palate is not accompanied by a sensory deficit of the of oral sensation or perception. It is obvious that differ-
oral area. There is also no overall sensory impairment fol- ences and even some contradictions are noted when com-
lowing tissue manipulation in cleft lip and palate surgery paring the results of numerous studies. This is partially
[24]. The stereognostic ability of patients with burning caused by the multiplicity of receptor types involved in
mouth syndrome is not significantly different from normal many oral structures due to free manipulation of the pieces,
subjects [11]. Cerebrally palsied speakers have an impaired but also by the lack of direct recording from sensory affer-
stereognostic ability [27]. A surgical reduction of the ents, which is not common in psychophysical testing.
tongue in cases of macroglossia has a minor influence on Stereognostic ability testing is indeed not designed to
the subject’s performance in the test for oral stereognosis detect specific receptor groups, rather, it reflects an over-
[13]. all sensory ability. A good result in a stereognosis test
should indicate that the subject receives full and accurate
information about what is going on in the mouth. Even if
some manipulation is allowed to identify the test piece, the
Receptors involved in oral stereognosis identification itself is a sensory rather than a motor accom-
plishment [1]. It has been established that this kind of sen-
To assess stereognostic ability, test pieces are inserted in sory testing is an indicator of functional sensibility, includ-
the oral cavity and in most experimental set-ups free ma- ing the synthesis of numerous sensory inputs in higher
nipulation of the test pieces is allowed. The latter implies brain centres [31]. Some authors tried to limit the involve-
activation of a large number of receptor groups (periodon- ment of certain structures in order to localise other recep-
tal, mucosal, muscular, articular). Since the tip of the tor groups involved, e.g. by covering the palate or the upper
tongue is one of the most densely innervated areas of the or lower teeth with wax [22], or by simply not allowing the
human body, it plays an important role in stereognosis of teeth to be used for manipulation [18, 19].
objects inserted in the mouth [31]. Oral stereognosis tests Oral stereognosis, or recognition of forms, necessitates
give different results according to the location of the test perfect reception of the impulses set up by the stimuli. The

sensations produced are synthesised in the cortex and com- Continuous efforts should be made to use an appropriate
pared with previous sensory memories. Presumably, oral experimental design to allow comparisons. Prospective
stereognosis involves a certain amount of motor activity, studies are needed to evaluate how changes in dental status
manipulating the test piece within the mouth and feeling may alter oral stereognostic ability.
its surface with lips, tongue, teeth and palate. The infor-
mation obtained must be associated with sensory memo- Acknowledgements This research was supported by the Fund for
ries derived from visual and tactile (finger-tip) experience Scientific Research, Flanders, Belgium (FWO-Flanders-Belgium).
R. Jacobs is a postdoctoral research fellow of the FWO.
when available. It can thus be stated that abilities other than
the purely oral sensory function influence the identifica-
tion of test pieces in the mouth.
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