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lagna was in 9" 30 Gemini on€ can takc the same, !s thc lagna
at which one will take charge of hls duty.
When wc work out, we will fiod that it will be 12-10 P.M.
on 9-3-t970.

Business will be either paints or pctrol or pumpsets.

You will bc aa ag€nt or raler roprcscntativc sub lord of
Meridian. Moon suggebts liquids. Saturn danotcs miae produ-
crs. Kethu aspected by cxaltcd Vcnus conjolned with Jupitcr
shows parnts. Saturn in Mars sign and Moon the eub-lord of
Meridian indicates pumPsots.
If Saturn is not in Aries, it
indicates boilers: Saturn denotcs
under the \arth; Moon, the liquid ; otbcrwise, sub lord Moon
liquid ; lord of thc sigo, Mars being a fiery planct, boiling:
Hence one should th€n pr€dict boilers.

If one predicts pumpsets or paints or petrol, ho will

correctly and clearly guide the coosultan .
(Pumpaet needs paioting and pctrol or sil to run it.)\

ecCen I a Politicirn ?"


"When can I be a famous Person ?"

"Good. Give me a number withis 249." /'

"OB€. want to become sumbor one. So, I give tblr

number. Also tell oe please, what I rhould do;" asksi a boy
aged 15 in shose horoscope, he Eays that many plancts afe

"You should study law, if you want to be a lawyer;

Chemirtry, if you desire to be a cheoist medicine, if you havc
to become a doctor ; but for politics, as Max O'Rell says 'fyou
need only to study your own interest' Also you should kuow
what Wendell Philips had said, "Two kinds of meo generally
best succeed in poittical lrfe; men of no principle, but ol great
talent; and ren ofno talent, but.of one principle thet o

obedlence to their superiors. Do you want to serve for the

prosperity of your oountry or what ?" -\
"Charity begins at home, is what all say: But I want to
do good so that my children and grandchildren wiU lead a
pleasant and peaceful life. There should be disciplinc, sccurity
for life, security of property, ctc, I do not warlt to bc t
minister but I want to serve and satisfy the mass."

"Then say that you want to become a statesmas."

"What is the diffcrence between a politician. and a

politician acts in such a way always bearing in his or
her mind the next elecrion. But a stat€sman cares more for the
welfare of the next generarioo. A politician wiu form a party
and join such a iarty which comc out successful whereas s
statesihan miq$ only the progress and prosperity of his country;
so, a statesmen will guide and direct his course of action,
whereas'a politiciao will yield, adjust to circumstances and be
satisfied to drift."

"Thanks, Sir ;I want to be a statcsman. Can I become a

femous slatesman."

''So, just like a coachman follows his horoes but he holds

on the reign and at appropriate time guides rhem, you should
conduct yourself. You shpuld remember what Coleridgc has
advised. ''The thrce great ends for a statesman are, security to
.possessors, facility to acquirers and liberry and hope to the
"You can become a famous stdtesman, by doing nothing
yourself but causing everything to bc done. Leave^.nothing to
chance : be attcntive night and day : sec into failul.e: do not
regard the present: then only you can change a nation from
what it is to what it ought td bb."
"Yes ! What does my number one ndicate?,'
.'First It shows that you need advice for success. So I did.
Now I shall predict."

Whenever Saturn is in lagna one should have prtience and

pers€vcrance. Don't you know that people who want lo do

!ood, never get discouragcd ifthey are defeatcd once, twice and
to on. What is persevcraace? Do;s it not clearly show that
a fcw altempts fail and again an altempt is made.

Nothing is impossible. Can I go rouod tho world. I havc

oo conveyaocf, etc. Johnson said, "He that shall work, with
vigour, threc hours a day, will pass in seven years, a space
cgeal to the circumstances of the globe. So you be making
attempts. When once yoa start tbis noble cnterprise, do not
leave it: go aheed.

The h,"roscope is as f ollows :

Fifth house rhows L,--..- I Asc.go I Ir z-sr

I i;i:"

'onc's decircs to become a t.,r.*oo w zr,sr

I ",.iito
potrricien or a statesma!. c'zs ,dh- | uf i6:sl
There is no planet in the i-
| | I

5th Bbeva. But rhe II xtI ts-sll

owner of tire sign ca Moon I
v lc53
where the 5th
",,;':: l-1-l
Moon: sub-lord and the I I N l-
"To-tyir[f.'. 28o-'1ry I

lord of thc consrellalollxr rc53 | I ntt,

arc both Mcrcury. lt i! I I
in tho sccond house. It I - -


li;; h{Jl;lr'"lffi | *,,-,, i nm

vll 2-53 I
n,, o'
fore Mcrcury promises l-_l I

ltand success and succcss after succesg as it is Mcrcury.

"Slhen; Sir ?"

As Moon ls in 17' 19; io Aquarius Rahu Dasa balancc will
bo 3 years 7 months 14 days. Mercury sub period is to comp.
Now you havc to judge the followiog Dasas. Saturn, in direft
motioo as lord of t I in the constellation of Kethu in 6 shonlc
success and reslisation of ambition. But, notc in which sub it
F is: who tbe sub lord is : it is Jupitor who is rctrogradcl Therc-
forcin thc poriod of Saturn, Satur,r will tempt but cannot fulfil
you deoire.

. 2sr.
But Mercury is in the constc[ation of pranet !n t r and cub,
of planct in I owning r r : Hericc Mercury Dasa arono witl kccp aa.\
you at the top, make you popular and satisfy you by
"You did not diseuss about lupiter Dasa."
. "Yes, it is retrograde: As it is in Seturn cub, I prcdict
that you will be fricnd p:liticians aod slowly oj. But
your query is about your gaEe in politics: So it"o."
will bc oaly in
Mercury Dasa.'

"So, it will take 38 ycars from to-day."

"Oh God ! I will be then nearly 53,'.
"Yes. That is your tuck."
Promotion end Oyerscrs-Srme Nnmber :

Number glven is 125 withiu 24s.

Sun Dasa balance I l-
yeat 4 months 25 days. vrr or I rooo
'e53- lryozs
upt gfv
l*Jil,ri11, sat. 14-071
u trt 2s _E v*-.
Promotion: Judr"
r-cr-r elso

houses 2,6,10 and t t.

I u o'
ll-00 A.M. I.S.T.
S:cond house is occu- l--- 1.,-,

pied by Mars No planet I
2t 33'.N
Hora-ry Chart
is in Mars constellation. I tv 3_2s
6th house is unoccupied. I

Owner is fupiter, Sun l--

and Rahu are in Jupiter's Kcthu
codstellarion. lothiouse i
IrI 0'25 ,*, r-rlff:-3t

rcmains vacant. Ruler i

is Moon. Venus is in Moon star
I lth is tenanted by gcthu UV S-ol" No planct lr
in Kethu star. Moon, Kethu and 1wn1d
Jupiter are inlSun st;;
Ruling planers arc Sun, Vcnus, Jupiter aod Mcrcurlr.ldrd
of lagna, now rcpresentcd by Kethu.

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